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Last active May 1, 2023 21:09
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Getting your Tinder access token and facebook id
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how to collect token?

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romeosr commented Oct 5, 2017

how to collect tinder token

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Does not seem to work anymore..

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It works, open dev tools and look at the responce for auth API

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The link for getting the access token doesn't seem to work anymore. Does anybody know where to find a new link?

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The link doesn't work anymore :-(

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@FavyTeam cold you describe the process in a more detailed way? For example in which tab of the developer tools and if we have to click ok on the prompt or not. It's ambiguous as it is written now, thanks.

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@NotoriousBUG here it goes :)


  1. Open developer tools by pressing F12 (keep the developer tools opened during the whole process)
  2. Go to "Network" tab and mark "Preserve Log"
  3. Then, navigate to the new link mentioned by @FavyTeam (btw, thank you for updating it) link to get the access_token
  4. Click "Ok" on the Facebook popup.
  5. You may see a POST request to /confirm (
  6. Click on the request made for /confirm, then copy the response to your notepad or any editor.
  7. Press CTRL+F and search for "access_token", there it's!!

I hope it's clear

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taseppa commented Jul 17, 2019

Good to see people helping each other. I haven't worked with this for a while, I updated the instructions with correct url now.

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dhharris commented Aug 5, 2019

Kind of unrelated, but does anyone have an updated Tinder API spec? I built a Tinder desktop client a few years ago. I don't use Tinder anymore, but someone reached out to me recently expressing interest in using the client so I'd like to fix it if possible. I fixed the auth problem using the URL @FavyTeam suggested, but the api library I used seems to have an out of date Tinder API.

See dhharris/pinder#3

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I think, the Link doesn't work correctly.

Please check this link.

and Open developer tool in browser, you can find "access_token" there.

I hope it will works for everyone.

is this link still working? I clicked 'OK' but no response was recorded. There was no such thing named 'access_token'

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taseppa commented Apr 15, 2020

Yes I verified it still works

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I created a Firefox extension that does the job for you (and put the token in clipboard):

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Thomas-DaxBrin commented Nov 20, 2021


Does anyone have already try to code this process ? Request with right headers and cookies return the facebook popup correctly but when i try to access at "/v5.0/dialog/oauth/confirm/" (equivalent to click on "ok") i got a facebook auth page.

Maybe anyone have a solution ?

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Does anyone have already try to code this process ? Request with right headers and cookies return the facebook popup correctly but when i try to access at "/v5.0/dialog/oauth/confirm/" (equivalent to click on "ok") i got a facebook auth page.

Maybe anyone have a solution ?

Just use my extension, this is way more simpler

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Does anyone have already try to code this process ? Request with right headers and cookies return the facebook popup correctly but when i try to access at "/v5.0/dialog/oauth/confirm/" (equivalent to click on "ok") i got a facebook auth page.
Maybe anyone have a solution ?

Just use my extension, this is way more simpler

Thanks for reply but my ask is about a part of code that can click on "ok" button. It should look like a request with : "" but I don't know rights data to send.

Your Firefox extension don't manage this task, it's only get the response of "" post request

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I am having this issue when i click confirm

Failed to launch 'fb464891386855067://authorize/#signed_request=vUAF5OYhFGY11GPEBNN-JD2MF3ynVhStt1wl145mpPU.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&access_token=EAAGm0PX4ZCpsBANpVo9nLEkAU6T4nhmiuNk14xtMjUIHKx1SfgrP7ljwmUbMZAPzAplc6waZCHfBi7EeRGvgZAmktr2aorJK08lHhZBH624vaUEjMVZBgD8ABcGZCScN8RejyZBGub1XHDUHk1IRG6ZAPPSPLoWh35JEkbrFXZAInZCJYcOCRMD8ShR3TRupgcFJ5AZBYGqESMZCaigZDZD&data_access_expiration_time=1690751303&expires_in=6697&long_lived_token=EAAGm0PX4ZCpsBAH8ZCHJYa6gfN4NXSnf4nZCx9jDvLucekHdOO0FkLJZAPM7nZCbTztfygLvZCZARcTErrJ62Cj0a989V1LwsvTt4jTesUtOz49J4FfP7eUHuDSWqiZAhy7md8JPSNsnZCVijZCSPit5ZBej6ls8ElH15Qaf3cR7sCzEZAFofSXp5FnZB' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.

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