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Last active May 1, 2023 21:09
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Getting your Tinder access token and facebook id
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Does anyone have already try to code this process ? Request with right headers and cookies return the facebook popup correctly but when i try to access at "/v5.0/dialog/oauth/confirm/" (equivalent to click on "ok") i got a facebook auth page.

Maybe anyone have a solution ?

Just use my extension, this is way more simpler

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Does anyone have already try to code this process ? Request with right headers and cookies return the facebook popup correctly but when i try to access at "/v5.0/dialog/oauth/confirm/" (equivalent to click on "ok") i got a facebook auth page.
Maybe anyone have a solution ?

Just use my extension, this is way more simpler

Thanks for reply but my ask is about a part of code that can click on "ok" button. It should look like a request with : "" but I don't know rights data to send.

Your Firefox extension don't manage this task, it's only get the response of "" post request

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I am having this issue when i click confirm

Failed to launch 'fb464891386855067://authorize/#signed_request=vUAF5OYhFGY11GPEBNN-JD2MF3ynVhStt1wl145mpPU.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&access_token=EAAGm0PX4ZCpsBANpVo9nLEkAU6T4nhmiuNk14xtMjUIHKx1SfgrP7ljwmUbMZAPzAplc6waZCHfBi7EeRGvgZAmktr2aorJK08lHhZBH624vaUEjMVZBgD8ABcGZCScN8RejyZBGub1XHDUHk1IRG6ZAPPSPLoWh35JEkbrFXZAInZCJYcOCRMD8ShR3TRupgcFJ5AZBYGqESMZCaigZDZD&data_access_expiration_time=1690751303&expires_in=6697&long_lived_token=EAAGm0PX4ZCpsBAH8ZCHJYa6gfN4NXSnf4nZCx9jDvLucekHdOO0FkLJZAPM7nZCbTztfygLvZCZARcTErrJ62Cj0a989V1LwsvTt4jTesUtOz49J4FfP7eUHuDSWqiZAhy7md8JPSNsnZCVijZCSPit5ZBej6ls8ElH15Qaf3cR7sCzEZAFofSXp5FnZB' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.

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