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Created October 12, 2021 16:20
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A basic Jenkinsfile for Unity projects
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'windows'
environment {
VERSION = readFile(file: "game/Assets/StreamingAssets/version.txt").trim()
stages {
stage('Initialize Unity Project') {
steps {
buildName "${VERSION}+${GIT_COMMIT}"
writeFile(file: "game/Assets/StreamingAssets/version.txt", text: "${VERSION}+${BUILD_NUMBER}")
writeFile(file: "game/Assets/StreamingAssets/ActiveEnvironment.txt", text: "Main")
stage('Build Windows') {
environment {
BUILD_PROFILE = "WindowsMain"
UNITY_VERSION = "2020.3.14f1"
steps {
bat '"C:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Hub\\Editor\\%UNITY_VERSION%\\Editor\\Unity.exe" -quit -accept-apiupdate -batchmode -EnableCacheServer -cacheServerEndpoint -cacheServerNamespacePrefix GameName -cacheServerEnableDownload true -cacheServerEnableUpload true -logFile - -username %UNITY_USERNAME% -password %UNITY_PASSWORD% -projectPath "%WORKSPACE%/game" -executeMethod Scripts.Utils.BuildMaker.Editor.BuildCLI.Build -buildProfile "Assets/Settings/BuildProfiles/%BUILD_PROFILE%.asset"'
script {
// Verify that the build was created
// We do this because there are certain cases where Unity is not returning the correct exit code
if (!fileExists('game/Builds/Main/Windows/UnityPlayer.dll')) {
error('Unity build failed but returned a successful exit code. Scroll up in the logs a bit to find the error message. Try searching for "Error CS" if you\'re having trouble finding it.')
stage('Compressing Artifacts') {
steps {
script {
bat 'rmdir /S /Q game\\Builds\\Main\\Windows\\GameName_BackUpThisFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame'
bat '"C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z" a game/Builds\\Main\\Windows\\ .\\game\\Builds\\Main\\Windows\\* || exit /b 1'
stage('Archiving Artifacts') {
steps {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'game/Builds/Main/Windows/', onlyIfSuccessful: true
// Delete the zip file because it has been archived and moved to Jenkins and because when we deploy to steam we dont want to include the zip
bat 'del /Q game\\Builds\\Main\\Windows\\'
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