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Created July 20, 2011 23:05
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Save tbeseda/1096141 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cakefile to watch and recursively concat and compile CoffeeScript automatically.
fs = require 'fs'
{exec} = require 'child_process'
util = require 'util'
growl = require 'growl'
appFiles = [
'src/' # put your files that must be loaded in first into the array
task 'coffeeFiles', 'how much coffee you got?!', ->
traverseFileSystem = (currentPath) ->
files = fs.readdirSync currentPath
for file in files
do (file) ->
currentFile = currentPath + '/' + file
stats = fs.statSync(currentFile)
if stats.isFile() and currentFile.indexOf('.coffee') > 1 and appFiles.join('=').indexOf("#{currentFile}=") < 0
appFiles.push currentFile
else if stats.isDirectory()
traverseFileSystem currentFile
traverseFileSystem 'src'
util.log "#{appFiles.length} coffee files found."
return appFiles
task 'watch', 'Watch prod source files and build changes', ->
invoke 'build'
util.log "Watching for changes in src"
for file in appFiles then do (file) ->
fs.watchFile file, (curr, prev) ->
if +curr.mtime isnt +prev.mtime
util.log "Saw change in #{file}"
grrrr 'Whoa. Saw a change. Building. Hold plz.'
invoke 'build'
task 'build', 'Build single application file from source files', ->
invoke 'coffeeFiles'
appContents = new Array remaining = appFiles.length
for file, index in appFiles then do (file, index) ->
fs.readFile file, 'utf8', (err, fileContents) ->
throw err if err
appContents[index] = fileContents
process() if --remaining is 0
process = ->
fs.writeFile 'public/', appContents.join('\n\n'), 'utf8', (err) ->
throw err if err
exec 'coffee --compile public/', (err, stdout, stderr) ->
if err
util.log 'Error compiling coffee file.'
grrrr 'Uh, your coffee is bad.'
fs.unlink 'public/', (err) ->
if err
util.log 'Couldn\'t delete the file/'
util.log 'Done building coffee file.'
grrrr 'Okay, coffee is ready.'
grrrr = (message = '') ->
options =
title: 'CoffeeScript'
growl.notify message, options
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tbeseda commented Jul 20, 2011

Borrowing a lot from CoffeeScript wiki, but instead of manually specifying an array of files, this script automatically looks for .coffee files. Don't worry, there is a list of files that can be used to prioritize files.

This looks at your src directory recursively for .coffee files, combines them, compiles them to a single app.js file in public/.

Includes (growlnotify)[](Grow CLI) hook.
Also, credit to (Hovhannes Avoyan)[] for the file traversal method.

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Could you license this under some license :) id be grateful

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enyo commented Feb 28, 2013

This gist is pretty outdated. It uses the deprecated watchFile API and an outdated growl.notify call.

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