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Last active July 30, 2024 19:09
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Generate SMT2 from Verus
verus --log smt
# output is in .verus-log/root.smt2
# alternately, consider --log-all (the VIR and AIR may be useful)
use vstd::prelude::*;
verus! {
proof fn AddCommutes(x: int, y: int)
ensures x + y == y + x
fn main() {}
(set-option :auto_config false)
(set-option :smt.mbqi false)
(set-option :smt.case_split 3)
(set-option :smt.qi.eager_threshold 100.0)
(set-option :smt.delay_units true)
(set-option :smt.arith.solver 2)
(set-option false)
;; Prelude
;; AIR prelude
(declare-sort %%Function%% 0)
(declare-sort FuelId 0)
(declare-sort Fuel 0)
(declare-const zero Fuel)
(declare-fun succ (Fuel) Fuel)
(declare-fun fuel_bool (FuelId) Bool)
(declare-fun fuel_bool_default (FuelId) Bool)
(declare-const fuel_defaults Bool)
(forall ((id FuelId)) (!
(= (fuel_bool id) (fuel_bool_default id))
:pattern ((fuel_bool id))
:qid prelude_fuel_defaults
:skolemid skolem_prelude_fuel_defaults
(declare-sort Char 0)
(declare-fun char%from_unicode (Int) Char)
(declare-fun char%to_unicode (Char) Int)
(declare-sort StrSlice 0)
(declare-fun str%strslice_is_ascii (StrSlice) Bool)
(declare-fun str%strslice_len (StrSlice) Int)
(declare-fun str%strslice_get_char (StrSlice Int) Char)
(declare-fun str%new_strlit (Int) StrSlice)
(declare-fun str%from_strlit (StrSlice) Int)
(declare-sort Poly 0)
(declare-sort Height 0)
(declare-fun I (Int) Poly)
(declare-fun B (Bool) Poly)
(declare-fun %I (Poly) Int)
(declare-fun %B (Poly) Bool)
(declare-fun S (StrSlice) Poly)
(declare-fun %S (Poly) StrSlice)
(declare-fun C (Char) Poly)
(declare-fun %C (Poly) Char)
(declare-sort Type 0)
(declare-const BOOL Type)
(declare-const INT Type)
(declare-const NAT Type)
(declare-const STRSLICE Type)
(declare-const CHAR Type)
(declare-fun UINT (Int) Type)
(declare-fun SINT (Int) Type)
(declare-fun CONST_INT (Int) Type)
(declare-sort Dcr 0)
(declare-const $ Dcr)
(declare-fun REF (Dcr) Dcr)
(declare-fun MUT_REF (Dcr) Dcr)
(declare-fun BOX (Dcr) Dcr)
(declare-fun RC (Dcr) Dcr)
(declare-fun ARC (Dcr) Dcr)
(declare-fun GHOST (Dcr) Dcr)
(declare-fun TRACKED (Dcr) Dcr)
(declare-fun NEVER (Dcr) Dcr)
(declare-fun ARRAY (Dcr Type Dcr Type) Type)
(declare-fun SLICE (Dcr Type) Type)
(declare-fun has_type (Poly Type) Bool)
(declare-fun as_type (Poly Type) Poly)
(declare-fun mk_fun (%%Function%%) %%Function%%)
(declare-fun const_int (Type) Int)
(forall ((i Int)) (!
(= i (const_int (CONST_INT i)))
:pattern ((CONST_INT i))
:qid prelude_type_id_const_int
:skolemid skolem_prelude_type_id_const_int
(forall ((b Bool)) (!
(has_type (B b) BOOL)
:pattern ((has_type (B b) BOOL))
:qid prelude_has_type_bool
:skolemid skolem_prelude_has_type_bool
(forall ((x Poly) (t Type)) (!
(has_type (as_type x t) t)
(has_type x t)
(= x (as_type x t))
:pattern ((as_type x t))
:qid prelude_as_type
:skolemid skolem_prelude_as_type
(forall ((x %%Function%%)) (!
(= (mk_fun x) x)
:pattern ((mk_fun x))
:qid prelude_mk_fun
:skolemid skolem_prelude_mk_fun
(forall ((x Bool)) (!
(= x (%B (B x)))
:pattern ((B x))
:qid prelude_unbox_box_bool
:skolemid skolem_prelude_unbox_box_bool
(forall ((x Int)) (!
(= x (%I (I x)))
:pattern ((I x))
:qid prelude_unbox_box_int
:skolemid skolem_prelude_unbox_box_int
(forall ((x Poly)) (!
(has_type x BOOL)
(= x (B (%B x)))
:pattern ((has_type x BOOL))
:qid prelude_box_unbox_bool
:skolemid skolem_prelude_box_unbox_bool
(forall ((x Poly)) (!
(has_type x INT)
(= x (I (%I x)))
:pattern ((has_type x INT))
:qid prelude_box_unbox_int
:skolemid skolem_prelude_box_unbox_int
(forall ((x Poly)) (!
(has_type x NAT)
(= x (I (%I x)))
:pattern ((has_type x NAT))
:qid prelude_box_unbox_nat
:skolemid skolem_prelude_box_unbox_nat
(forall ((bits Int) (x Poly)) (!
(has_type x (UINT bits))
(= x (I (%I x)))
:pattern ((has_type x (UINT bits)))
:qid prelude_box_unbox_uint
:skolemid skolem_prelude_box_unbox_uint
(forall ((bits Int) (x Poly)) (!
(has_type x (SINT bits))
(= x (I (%I x)))
:pattern ((has_type x (SINT bits)))
:qid prelude_box_unbox_sint
:skolemid skolem_prelude_box_unbox_sint
(forall ((x Int)) (!
(= (str%from_strlit (str%new_strlit x)) x)
:pattern ((str%new_strlit x))
:qid prelude_strlit_injective
:skolemid skolem_prelude_strlit_injective
(forall ((x Poly)) (!
(has_type x STRSLICE)
(= x (S (%S x)))
:pattern ((has_type x STRSLICE))
:qid prelude_box_unbox_strslice
:skolemid skolem_prelude_box_unbox_strslice
(forall ((x StrSlice)) (!
(= x (%S (S x)))
:pattern ((S x))
:qid prelude_unbox_box_strslice
:skolemid skolem_prelude_unbox_box_strslice
(forall ((x StrSlice)) (!
(has_type (S x) STRSLICE)
:pattern ((has_type (S x) STRSLICE))
:qid prelude_has_type_strslice
:skolemid skolem_prelude_has_type_strslice
(declare-fun ext_eq (Bool Type Poly Poly) Bool)
(forall ((deep Bool) (t Type) (x Poly) (y Poly)) (!
(= (= x y) (ext_eq deep t x y))
:pattern ((ext_eq deep t x y))
:qid prelude_ext_eq
:skolemid skolem_prelude_ext_eq
(declare-const SZ Int)
(= SZ 32)
(= SZ 64)
(declare-fun uHi (Int) Int)
(declare-fun iLo (Int) Int)
(declare-fun iHi (Int) Int)
(= (uHi 8) 256)
(= (uHi 16) 65536)
(= (uHi 32) 4294967296)
(= (uHi 64) 18446744073709551616)
(= (uHi 128) (+ 1 340282366920938463463374607431768211455))
(= (iLo 8) (- 128))
(= (iLo 16) (- 32768))
(= (iLo 32) (- 2147483648))
(= (iLo 64) (- 9223372036854775808))
(= (iLo 128) (- 170141183460469231731687303715884105728))
(= (iHi 8) 128)
(= (iHi 16) 32768)
(= (iHi 32) 2147483648)
(= (iHi 64) 9223372036854775808)
(= (iHi 128) 170141183460469231731687303715884105728)
(declare-fun nClip (Int) Int)
(declare-fun uClip (Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun iClip (Int Int) Int)
(forall ((i Int)) (!
(<= 0 (nClip i))
(<= 0 i)
(= i (nClip i))
:pattern ((nClip i))
:qid prelude_nat_clip
:skolemid skolem_prelude_nat_clip
(forall ((bits Int) (i Int)) (!
(<= 0 (uClip bits i))
(< (uClip bits i) (uHi bits))
(<= 0 i)
(< i (uHi bits))
(= i (uClip bits i))
:pattern ((uClip bits i))
:qid prelude_u_clip
:skolemid skolem_prelude_u_clip
(forall ((bits Int) (i Int)) (!
(<= (iLo bits) (iClip bits i))
(< (iClip bits i) (iHi bits))
(<= (iLo bits) i)
(< i (iHi bits))
(= i (iClip bits i))
:pattern ((iClip bits i))
:qid prelude_i_clip
:skolemid skolem_prelude_i_clip
(declare-fun uInv (Int Int) Bool)
(declare-fun iInv (Int Int) Bool)
(forall ((bits Int) (i Int)) (!
(= (uInv bits i) (and
(<= 0 i)
(< i (uHi bits))
:pattern ((uInv bits i))
:qid prelude_u_inv
:skolemid skolem_prelude_u_inv
(forall ((bits Int) (i Int)) (!
(= (iInv bits i) (and
(<= (iLo bits) i)
(< i (iHi bits))
:pattern ((iInv bits i))
:qid prelude_i_inv
:skolemid skolem_prelude_i_inv
(forall ((x Int)) (!
(has_type (I x) INT)
:pattern ((has_type (I x) INT))
:qid prelude_has_type_int
:skolemid skolem_prelude_has_type_int
(forall ((x Int)) (!
(<= 0 x)
(has_type (I x) NAT)
:pattern ((has_type (I x) NAT))
:qid prelude_has_type_nat
:skolemid skolem_prelude_has_type_nat
(forall ((bits Int) (x Int)) (!
(uInv bits x)
(has_type (I x) (UINT bits))
:pattern ((has_type (I x) (UINT bits)))
:qid prelude_has_type_uint
:skolemid skolem_prelude_has_type_uint
(forall ((bits Int) (x Int)) (!
(iInv bits x)
(has_type (I x) (SINT bits))
:pattern ((has_type (I x) (SINT bits)))
:qid prelude_has_type_sint
:skolemid skolem_prelude_has_type_sint
(forall ((x Poly)) (!
(has_type x NAT)
(<= 0 (%I x))
:pattern ((has_type x NAT))
:qid prelude_unbox_int
:skolemid skolem_prelude_unbox_int
(forall ((bits Int) (x Poly)) (!
(has_type x (UINT bits))
(uInv bits (%I x))
:pattern ((has_type x (UINT bits)))
:qid prelude_unbox_uint
:skolemid skolem_prelude_unbox_uint
(forall ((bits Int) (x Poly)) (!
(has_type x (SINT bits))
(iInv bits (%I x))
:pattern ((has_type x (SINT bits)))
:qid prelude_unbox_sint
:skolemid skolem_prelude_unbox_sint
(declare-fun Add (Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun Sub (Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun Mul (Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun EucDiv (Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun EucMod (Int Int) Int)
(forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (!
(= (Add x y) (+ x y))
:pattern ((Add x y))
:qid prelude_add
:skolemid skolem_prelude_add
(forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (!
(= (Sub x y) (- x y))
:pattern ((Sub x y))
:qid prelude_sub
:skolemid skolem_prelude_sub
(forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (!
(= (Mul x y) (* x y))
:pattern ((Mul x y))
:qid prelude_mul
:skolemid skolem_prelude_mul
(forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (!
(= (EucDiv x y) (div x y))
:pattern ((EucDiv x y))
:qid prelude_eucdiv
:skolemid skolem_prelude_eucdiv
(forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (!
(= (EucMod x y) (mod x y))
:pattern ((EucMod x y))
:qid prelude_eucmod
:skolemid skolem_prelude_eucmod
(forall ((x Poly)) (!
(has_type x CHAR)
(= x (C (%C x)))
:pattern ((has_type x CHAR))
:qid prelude_box_unbox_char
:skolemid skolem_prelude_box_unbox_char
(forall ((x Char)) (!
(= x (%C (C x)))
:pattern ((C x))
:qid prelude_unbox_box_char
:skolemid skolem_prelude_unbox_box_char
(forall ((x Char)) (!
(has_type (C x) CHAR)
:pattern ((has_type (C x) CHAR))
:qid prelude_has_type_char
:skolemid skolem_prelude_has_type_char
(forall ((x Int)) (!
(<= 0 x)
(< x (uHi 32))
(= x (char%to_unicode (char%from_unicode x)))
:pattern ((char%from_unicode x))
:qid prelude_char_injective
:skolemid skolem_prelude_char_injective
(forall ((c Char)) (!
(<= 0 (char%to_unicode c))
(< (char%to_unicode c) (uHi 32))
:pattern ((char%to_unicode c))
:qid prelude_to_unicode_bounds
:skolemid skolem_prelude_to_unicode_bounds
(declare-fun height (Poly) Height)
(declare-fun height_lt (Height Height) Bool)
(forall ((x Height) (y Height)) (!
(= (height_lt x y) (and
((_ partial-order 0) x y)
(not (= x y))
:pattern ((height_lt x y))
:qid prelude_height_lt
:skolemid skolem_prelude_height_lt
(declare-fun fun_from_recursive_field (Poly) Poly)
(declare-fun check_decrease_int (Int Int Bool) Bool)
(forall ((cur Int) (prev Int) (otherwise Bool)) (!
(= (check_decrease_int cur prev otherwise) (or
(<= 0 cur)
(< cur prev)
(= cur prev)
:pattern ((check_decrease_int cur prev otherwise))
:qid prelude_check_decrease_int
:skolemid skolem_prelude_check_decrease_int
(declare-fun check_decrease_height (Poly Poly Bool) Bool)
(forall ((cur Poly) (prev Poly) (otherwise Bool)) (!
(= (check_decrease_height cur prev otherwise) (or
(height_lt (height cur) (height prev))
(= (height cur) (height prev))
:pattern ((check_decrease_height cur prev otherwise))
:qid prelude_check_decrease_height
:skolemid skolem_prelude_check_decrease_height
(declare-fun uintxor (Int Poly Poly) Int)
(declare-fun uintand (Int Poly Poly) Int)
(declare-fun uintor (Int Poly Poly) Int)
(declare-fun uintshr (Int Poly Poly) Int)
(declare-fun uintshl (Int Poly Poly) Int)
(declare-fun uintnot (Int Poly) Int)
(declare-fun singular_mod (Int Int) Int)
(forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (!
(not (= y 0))
(= (EucMod x y) (singular_mod x y))
:pattern ((singular_mod x y))
:qid prelude_singularmod
:skolemid skolem_prelude_singularmod
(declare-fun closure_req (Type Dcr Type Poly Poly) Bool)
(declare-fun closure_ens (Type Dcr Type Poly Poly Poly) Bool)
;; MODULE 'root module'
;; Fuel
;; Datatypes
(declare-datatypes ((tuple%0. 0)) (((tuple%0./tuple%0))))
(declare-const TYPE%tuple%0. Type)
(declare-fun Poly%tuple%0. (tuple%0.) Poly)
(declare-fun %Poly%tuple%0. (Poly) tuple%0.)
(forall ((x@ tuple%0.)) (!
(= x@ (%Poly%tuple%0. (Poly%tuple%0. x@)))
:pattern ((Poly%tuple%0. x@))
:qid internal_crate__tuple__0_box_axiom_definition
:skolemid skolem_internal_crate__tuple__0_box_axiom_definition
(forall ((x@ Poly)) (!
(has_type x@ TYPE%tuple%0.)
(= x@ (Poly%tuple%0. (%Poly%tuple%0. x@)))
:pattern ((has_type x@ TYPE%tuple%0.))
:qid internal_crate__tuple__0_unbox_axiom_definition
:skolemid skolem_internal_crate__tuple__0_unbox_axiom_definition
(forall ((x@ tuple%0.)) (!
(has_type (Poly%tuple%0. x@) TYPE%tuple%0.)
:pattern ((has_type (Poly%tuple%0. x@) TYPE%tuple%0.))
:qid internal_crate__tuple__0_has_type_always_definition
:skolemid skolem_internal_crate__tuple__0_has_type_always_definition
;; Function-Specs wp::AddCommutes
(declare-fun ens%wp!AddCommutes. (Int Int) Bool)
(forall ((x~2@ Int) (y~4@ Int)) (!
(= (ens%wp!AddCommutes. x~2@ y~4@) (= (Add x~2@ y~4@) (Add y~4@ x~2@)))
:pattern ((ens%wp!AddCommutes. x~2@ y~4@))
:qid internal_ens__wp!AddCommutes._definition
:skolemid skolem_internal_ens__wp!AddCommutes._definition
;; Function-Def wp::AddCommutes
;; 4:41 (#0)
(declare-const x~2@ Int)
(declare-const y~4@ Int)
;; postcondition not satisfied
(declare-const %%location_label%%0 Bool)
(declare-const %%query%% Bool)
(not (=>
(= (Add x~2@ y~4@) (Add y~4@ x~2@))
(get-info :version)
(set-option :rlimit 30000000)
(set-option :rlimit 0)
;; Function-Def wp::main
;; 8:14 (#0)
(declare-const no%param@ Int)
(declare-const %%query%% Bool)
(not true)
(get-info :version)
(set-option :rlimit 30000000)
(set-option :rlimit 0)
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