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Last active July 23, 2018 19:53
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Small library for creating record updaters in Coq
Definition Reader E T := E -> T.
Definition get {E} : Reader E E := fun e => e.
Definition pure {E T} (x:T) : Reader E T := fun _ => x.
Definition ap {E A B} (f: Reader E (A -> B)) : Reader E A -> Reader E B :=
fun x => fun e => f e (x e).
Infix "<*>" := (ap) (at level 11, left associativity).
Definition bind {E T T'} (x: Reader E T) (f: T -> Reader E T') : Reader E T' :=
fun e => f (x e) e.
Notation "f =<< x" := (bind x f) (at level 0).
Ltac prove_updater_ok :=
match goal with
| |- forall x, _ = _ =>
solve [ destruct x; cbv; f_equal ]
end || fail "updater appears to change record".
Ltac updater t proj :=
let set :=
(match eval pattern proj in t with
| ?updater ?getter => constr:(fun x => updater (pure x))
end) in
let set := (eval cbv [pure ap] in set) in
let updater_ok := constr:(forall x, set =<< proj x = get x) in
let _ := constr:(ltac:(prove_updater_ok) : updater_ok) in
exact set.
Tactic Notation "_updater" constr(t) constr(proj) := updater t proj.
Notation mkUpdater x proj := ltac:(_updater x proj).
Module Example.
Record X := mkX { A : nat;
B: nat;
C: unit; }.
Notation etaX := (pure mkX <*> A <*> B <*> C).
(* oops, mixed up A and B *)
Fail Definition setA := mkUpdater (pure mkX <*> B <*> A <*> C) A.
Definition setA := mkUpdater etaX A.
Definition setB := mkUpdater etaX B.
Definition setC := mkUpdater etaX C.
Print setA.
End Example.
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