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Created February 15, 2013 17:37
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Standalone Django SSL Redirection Middleware, stolen from Satchmo. Put USE_SSL = True/ False in your settings and then add {'SSL': settings.USE_SSL} to relevant definitions.
SSL Middleware
Stephen Zabel
This middleware answers the problem of redirecting to (and from) a SSL secured path
by stating what paths should be secured in file. To secure a path, add the
additional view_kwarg 'SSL':True to the view_kwargs.
For example
urlpatterns = patterns('some_site.some_app.views',
All paths where 'SSL':False or where the kwarg of 'SSL' is not specified are routed
to an unsecure path.
For example
urlpatterns = patterns('some_site.some_app.views',
Gotcha's : Redirects should only occur during GETs; this is due to the fact that
POST data will get lost in the redirect.
A major benefit of this approach is that it allows you to secure django.contrib views
and generic views without having to modify the base code or wrapping the view.
This method is also better than the two alternative approaches of adding to the
settings file or using a decorator.
It is better than the tactic of creating a list of paths to secure in the settings
file, because you DRY. You are also not forced to consider all paths in a single
location. Instead you can address the security of a path in the urls file that it
is resolved in.
It is better than the tactic of using a @secure or @unsecure decorator, because
it prevents decorator build up on your view methods. Having a bunch of decorators
makes views cumbersome to read and looks pretty redundant. Also because the all
views pass through the middleware you can specify the only secure paths and the
remaining paths can be assumed to be unsecure and handled by the middleware.
This package is inspired by Antonio Cavedoni's SSL Middleware
Satchmo notes:
This package has also merged the main concepts of Antonio Cavedoni's SSL Middleware,
to allow for better integration with other sites, and to easily allow admin pages to
be secured.
Lastly, we've added an optional "SSL_PORT" to be specified in the settings, for
unusual server configurations. If specified, the port will be sent with the
SSL redirect.
__license__ = "Python"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2007, Stephen Zabel"
__author__ = "Stephen Zabel"
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, get_host
def request_is_secure(request):
if request.is_secure():
return True
# Handle forwarded SSL (used at Webfaction)
if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL' in request.META:
return request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] == 'on'
# Handle an additional case of proxying SSL requests. This is useful for Media Temple's
# Django container
if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in request.META and request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'].endswith('443'):
return True
return False
HTTPS_PATHS = getattr(settings, "HTTPS_PATHS", [])
SSLPORT=getattr(settings, 'SSL_PORT', None)
class SSLRedirect:
def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
if SSL in view_kwargs:
secure = view_kwargs[SSL]
del view_kwargs[SSL]
secure = False
if not secure:
for path in HTTPS_PATHS:
if request.path.startswith("/%s" % path):
secure = True
if not secure == request_is_secure(request):
return self._redirect(request, secure)
def process_response(self, request, response):
if response.status_code == 404 and request.is_secure():
return self._redirect(request, False)
return response
def _redirect(self, request, secure):
if settings.DEBUG and request.method == 'POST':
raise RuntimeError(
"""Django can't perform a SSL redirect while maintaining POST data.
Please structure your views so that redirects only occur during GETs.""")
protocol = secure and "https" or "http"
host = "%s://%s" % (protocol, get_host(request))
# In certain proxying situations, we need to strip out the 443 port
# in order to prevent inifinite redirects
if not secure:
host = host.replace(':443','')
if secure and SSLPORT:
host = "%s:%s" % (host, SSLPORT)
newurl = "%s%s" % (host, request.get_full_path())
return HttpResponseRedirect(newurl)
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