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Last active July 6, 2021 13:49
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1bit quantizer with 1st and 2nd order noiseshaper: time/frequency domain plot by python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# 1st and 2nd order noise shaper time/frequency domain plot by python
# Tedd OKANO, Tsukimidai Communications Syndicate 2021
# Version 1.1 06-July-2021
# code converted from
# about "noiseshaper":
# Copyright (c) 2021 Tedd OKANO
# Released under the MIT license
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy import signal
from scipy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
import functools
print = functools.partial( print, flush = True )
N = 2**20 # number of samples
FS = 44100 # Hz
OSR = 256 # oversampling rate
SIG_FREQ = 997 # Hz
ATTENUATION = 2 # dB (0dB = Fullscale)
WINDOW = "blackmanharris"
COLOR_IN = { "color": [ 0, 1, 0 ], "alpha": 0.5, "label": "input {}Hz -{}dBFS".format( SIG_FREQ, ATTENUATION ) }
COLOR_FS1 = { "color": [ 0, 1, 1 ], "alpha": 0.5, "label": "1st order NS" }
COLOR_FS2 = { "color": [ 0, 0, 1 ], "alpha": 0.5, "label": "2nd order NS" }
def noise_shaper_1st_order( s ):
pulse = []
noise = 0
for i in range( len( s ) ):
qin = s[ i ] - noise
if 0 < qin:
out = 1
out = -1
noise = out - qin
pulse.append( out )
return pulse
def noise_shaper_2nd_order( s ):
pulse = []
noise = 0
d1 = 0
d2 = 0
for i in range( len( s ) ):
if 0 < d2:
out = 1
out = -1
noise = out - d2
d2 = d1 - noise * 2
d1 = s[ i ] + noise
pulse.append( out )
return pulse
def power_spectrum( dat ):
dat = np.abs( dat ) ** 2
dat /= ( len( dat ) ** 2 )
dat *= wc
dat[ 1 : -1 ] *= 2
return dat
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = np.linspace( 0, 2 * np.pi, N )
s = np.sin( x * CYCLE )
p1 = noise_shaper_1st_order( s )
p2 = noise_shaper_2nd_order( s )
w = signal.get_window( WINDOW, len( s ) )
wc = len( s ) / sum( w )
ps0 = rfft( s * w )
ps1 = rfft( p1 * w )
ps2 = rfft( p2 * w )
rfft_freq = rfftfreq( len( s ), d = 1.0 / OSRFS )
ps0 = power_spectrum( ps0 )
ps1 = power_spectrum( ps1 )
ps2 = power_spectrum( ps2 )
ps0 = [ 10 * np.log10( x ) for x in ps0 ]
ps1 = [ 10 * np.log10( x ) for x in ps1 ]
ps2 = [ 10 * np.log10( x ) for x in ps2 ]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
bx = fig.add_subplot(212)
bx.set_ylim( [ -150, 0 ] )
one_cycle = N // int( CYCLE )
print( "plotting.. ", end = "" )
for i in range( one_cycle ):
ax.plot( [ x[ i ], x[ i ] ], [ 0, p1[ i ]], **COLOR_FS1 )
for i in range( one_cycle ):
ax.plot( [ x[ i ], x[ i ] ], [ 0, p2[ i ]], **COLOR_FS2 )
ax.plot( x[ 0 : one_cycle ], s[ 0 : one_cycle ], **COLOR_IN )
bx.semilogx( rfft_freq, ps1, **COLOR_FS1 )
bx.semilogx( rfft_freq, ps2, **COLOR_FS2 )
bx.semilogx( rfft_freq, ps0 , **COLOR_IN )
bx.legend( loc='lower right', borderaxespad=1, fontsize=9 )
one_cycle_time = one_cycle * 2 * np.pi / N
ax.set_xlim( [0, one_cycle_time] )
ax.set_xticks( [0, one_cycle_time / 2, one_cycle_time] )
ax.set_xticklabels( [ 0, 1e6 * (1.0 / SIG_FREQ) / 2.0, 1e6 * 1.0 / SIG_FREQ] )
ax.set_xlabel( "time [micro seconds]" )
ax.set_ylabel( "Amplitude [ratio to fullscale]" )
bx.set_xlabel( "frequency [Hz]" )
bx.set_ylabel( "power [dBFS]" )
print( "done" )
print( "saving file.. ", end = "" )
plt.savefig( "noiseshaper.png", dpi=300 )
print( "done" )
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