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Last active March 9, 2024 05:18
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  • Save tehshane/8765405 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tehshane/8765405 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotKey script that remaps the F1-F12 function keys on the Microsoft Sculpt Mobile keyboard to be pressed without having to use the Fn key. Disables some of the Windows 8 shortcuts, but leaves media keys intact.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; OPTIONAL: For those who use Home/End more than PgUp/PgDown, this flips their use with the Fn key.
; If you want the buttons to function as they are, add a semicolon (;) to the beginning of each line below.
; F1 key by default, Fn+F1 is now Play/Pause
; F2 key by default, Fn+F2 is now Mute/Unmute
; F3 key by default, Fn+F3 is now Volume Down
; F4 key by default, Fn+F4 is now Volume Up
; F5 key by default, Fn+F5 does nothing
SendInput {F5}
; F6 key by default, Fn+F6 does nothing
SendInput {F6}
; F7 key by default, Fn+F7 does nothing
SendInput {F7}
; F8 key by default, Fn+F8 does nothing
SendInput {F8}
; F9 key by default, Fn+F9 does nothing
SendInput {F9}
; F10 key by default, Fn+F10 does nothing
SendInput {F10}
; F11 key by default, Fn+F11 does nothing
SendInput {F11}
; F12 key by default, Fn+F12 does nothing
SendInput {F12}
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lbleon commented Sep 1, 2014

Hi @tehshane,
This script is working fine on Windows 8, but in Windows 7 there are something wrong with F5-F12.
I'm trying to fix it.
How do you get the value like "^#F21" ? I think may be the value is different on Windows 8 and Windows 7.

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There's a typo in the F5 key section, the commands are swapped in order.
Correct one should be this:

; F5 key by default, Fn+F5 does nothing
SendInput {F5}

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Also as a remark, if anyone wants to hide the tray icon of the script or compiled EXE,
add this line to the file:


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sasha14 commented Nov 14, 2014

Tell me how to run this script? I made an extension file for the Microsoft Sculpt Mobile Keyboard Remap.cmd and ran it as administrator. But it did not help. I have windows 8.1 64
Tell me how that should be done?

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thanks a lot!

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ekache commented Jan 13, 2015


try adding the script to the default autohotkeys.ahk file instead of creating one; worked for me.

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I have an older revision of the same keyboard (called MS 6000 mobile), where fn + Del fires Insert key. I'd like to swap this combination, i.e. pressing Del to fire Ins, and vice versa.
I have tried:
but this didn't work.
Can please someone share his/her experience, how to obtain a secret code of a key? Like +#F21 for F5.

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linzuyi commented Oct 20, 2015

; F5 key by default, Fn+F5 does nothing
SendInput {F5}

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vcx commented Nov 4, 2015

@vbauerster Have you found a way to work around the ins-del thing on this keyboard? I'm also looking for a solution to the same problem...

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Is there any way I can run this on Ubuntu 14.04? I got the keyboard as a present and I like it, but it is really sad how the functions keys are working.

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So how to run it on Windows7 ?

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ok, found answer myself

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GlynRD commented Feb 26, 2016

I have lost the plot! All I want to do is to map F2 to rename and F3 to next (i suspect that these are Windows functions)
The script above doesn't do this and anything I try does not work.
What syntax do I need to use to make this work, please?

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Does not work for CodeGear C++ Builder

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Good job, I solved my issue refer to your share. thanks a lot.

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Many, many thanks, very happy fingers over here not having to stretch so much this distance Fn and Function keys, just to control volume and play/stop button. Can the function keys also be used for rewind, fast forward, screen brightness, keyboard brightness and next or previous song?, which would be right word usage to insert in the autohotkey script?

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Cool, just found next media track or previous to add to the script:

; F2 key by default, Fn+F2 is now prev

; F3 key by default, Fn+F3 is now next

now only to remap F4 and F5 to screen brightness and F10 and F11 to rewind and fast forward,
who can help me with the right script words?

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Adrianrff commented Feb 27, 2018

This is awesome, I have a question though, what do the+#F21::, ^#BS::, etc mean after each assignment? Also, when testing a keyboard tester, pressing keys from F5 through F12 also show the ctrl (both), shift, and Lwin keys being pressed. However, using the fn button and an F key shows only the F key being pressed. Is the script not working for me? Thanks

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g048406 commented Jul 26, 2018

@DawnSaviors: Just add this to the script (remember to delete lines 25-37 as this will replace the F4, F5 and F6 keys). PS: are you sure you want F4 to adjust the brightness? the F4 in the above script increases the volume):

F4:: AdjustBrightness(-1) ; decrease gamma value by 1 (-1)
F6:: DisplaySetBrightness(128) ; set gamma to standard value (128)
F5:: AdjustBrightness(+1) ; increase gamma value by 1 (+1)

; ===============================================================================================================================

AdjustBrightness(V = 0)
SB := (SB := DisplayGetBrightness() + V) > 255 ? 255 : SB < 0 ? 0 : SB

DisplaySetBrightness(SB := 128)
loop % VarSetCapacity(GB, 1536) / 6
NumPut((N := (SB + 128) * (A_Index - 1)) > 65535 ? 65535 : N, GB, 2 * (A_Index - 1), "UShort")
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", &GB + 512, "Ptr", &GB, "Ptr", 512)
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", &GB + 1024, "Ptr", &GB, "Ptr", 512)
return DllCall("gdi32.dll\SetDeviceGammaRamp", "Ptr", hDC := DllCall("user32.dll\GetDC", "Ptr", 0), "Ptr", &GB), DllCall("user32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hDC)

DisplayGetBrightness(ByRef GB := "")
VarSetCapacity(GB, 1536, 0)
DllCall("gdi32.dll\GetDeviceGammaRamp", "Ptr", hDC := DllCall("user32.dll\GetDC", "Ptr", 0), "Ptr", &GB)
return NumGet(GB, 2, "UShort") - 128, DllCall("user32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hDC)

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0xJes commented Nov 27, 2018

Is there a workaround like this but for linux/X11 ?

xmodmap can only remap from F1 to F4...

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ghost commented Nov 14, 2019

Is there a workaround like this but for linux/X11 ?

xmodmap can only remap from F1 to F4...

Why so. If I remember correctly, you can use xev to find keycode and manually unbind and rebind them

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D2Joy commented Feb 22, 2020

really help with my anti-human microsoft keyborad, F1-F4 definitely work, just cannot customize F5-F12. Seems Fn does't have a scan code according to web discussions.

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gfrk commented Oct 8, 2020

For those who don`t know how to code: download this program:
Then follow this tutorial to se how to use it:
Then, copy-paste the code above in the new fahkscript file, save the file, run it and wallahh...
It works and it´s solve in less than 5 minutes!!
Thank you very much!

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