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"buildConfig": {
"digestMapping": {
"sha256:05f5db4d5137571883007fb3dd7e1db8e6ca2551e269362a6e9deedeae3575c6": "step10",
"sha256:332df41719184adafe9da21bfa655b4c7556b048bd9a4dffee4703cedc0e751c": "step7",
"sha256:381cfad8d3fbd76c0a81e3307556da732ebb30c9c82379ba053bbeadd4a1a6bc": "step9",
"sha256:43945835bdc3566fd473a6cb467d1ea658746bbd21a71eecb3252dbaf273272b": "step6",
"sha256:45236ab0499a9523a4425a24f9e4a2ccffa69f79f2a0c1ea74dac01f51b6f364": "step8",
"sha256:62143aa7e7057a99293cf2e556f82b871c00f2833972205eef882d0a4bdcfde7": "step0",
"sha256:677e9d2cc5af6462f862276ed3e72b1049cbc33801be19b5b454a4b78d93ee0c": "step5",
{"level":"info","msg":"Storing image for indexing","time":"2024-05-19T18:07:27-04:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Image stored for indexing","time":"2024-05-19T18:07:28-04:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Indexed 48 packages\n","time":"2024-05-19T18:07:29-04:00"}
"source": {
"type": "image",
"image": {
"name": "milla_distroless_vendored",
"digest": "sha256:c14fe2db26933cac768834b1fcac78f8b03e1128784577a84e43ebb1f80e04ee",
{"level":"info","msg":"SBOM of image already cached, 60 packages indexed\n","time":"2024-05-19T18:05:25-04:00"}
"source": {
"type": "image",
"image": {
"name": "milla",
"digest": "sha256:5ccec46e14fa676af1db21cb0b4e0f915cba98e09b572f860f3b5c20ee6703c8",
"tags": [
# sudo -u ntpsec ntpd -n -d 5
2024-03-05T13:05:47 ntpd[2589793]: INIT: ntpd ntpsec-1.2.1: Starting
2024-03-05T13:05:47 ntpd[2589793]: INIT: Command line: ntpd -n -d 5
2024-03-05T13:05:47 ntpd[2589793]: INIT: must be run as root, not uid 116
2024-03-05T03:56:34 ntpd[1707129]: INIT: ntpd ntpsec-1.2.1: Starting
2024-03-05T03:56:34 ntpd[1707129]: INIT: Command line: ntpd -n -d 5
2024-03-05T03:56:34 ntpd[1707129]: INIT: precision = 0.094 usec (-23)
2024-03-05T03:56:34 ntpd[1707129]: INIT: successfully locked into RAM
2024-03-05T03:56:34 ntpd[1707129]: CONFIG: readconfig: parsing file: /etc/ntpsec/ntp.conf
Finished Parsing!!
2024-03-05T03:56:34 ntpd[1707129]: CONFIG: restrict nopeer ignored
restrict: op 1 addr mask mflags 00000000 flags 000004e0
restrict: op 1 addr :: mask :: mflags 00000000 flags 000004e0
restrict: op 1 addr mask mflags 00000000 flags 00000000
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 systemd[1]: ntpsec.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: INIT: Running with OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022, 30000020
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: NTSs: starting NTS-KE server listening on port 4460
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: NTSs: OpenSSL security level is 2
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: NTSs: starting NTS-KE server listening on port 4460
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: NTSs: listen4 worked
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: NTSs: listen6 worked
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: NTSc: Using system default root certificates. Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: NTSs: can't stat certificate (chain) from /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ Permission denied
Mar 05 03:47:10 devi-2 ntpd[1691916]: NTS: troubles during init2. Bailing.
# /etc/ntpsec/ntp.conf, configuration for ntpd; see ntp.conf(5) for help
driftfile /var/lib/ntpsec/ntp.drift
leapfile /usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list
# To enable Network Time Security support as a server, obtain a certificate
# (e.g. with Let's Encrypt), configure the paths below, and uncomment:
nts cert /etc/letsencrypt/archive/
nts key /etc/letsencrypt/archive/
nts enable
cgroup.controllers cgroup.procs cpu.pressure dev-hugepages.mount io.cost.qos memory.pressure proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount system.slice
cgroup.max.depth cgroup.stat cpu.stat dev-mqueue.mount io.pressure memory.reclaim sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount user.slice
cgroup.max.descendants cgroup.subtree_control cpuset.cpus.effective init.scope io.stat memory.stat sys-kernel-config.mount
cgroup.pressure cgroup.threads cpuset.mems.effective io.cost.model memory.numa_stat misc.capacity sys-kernel-tracing.mount
/ /dev/sda3 btrfs rw,relatime,discard=async,space_cache,subvolid=5,subvol=/
├─/proc proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
│ └─/proc/fs/nfsd nfsd nfsd rw,relatime
├─/sys sysfs sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
│ ├─/sys/kernel/security
error: Failed to retrieve CPU statistics for domain 'ubuntu22.04'
error: Unable to read from '/mnt/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/machine/qemu-4-zubuntu22.04.libvirt-qemu/cpuacct.usage_percpu': No such file or directory