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-- Like Ratio but not broken.
module Quotient
( Quotient
, quotient
, unsafeQuotient
, (%)
, numerator
, denominator
, fromRatio
, toRatio
60,974,182,000 bytes allocated in the heap
263,226,596,160 bytes copied during GC
652,502,280 bytes maximum residency (815 sample(s))
3,177,208 bytes maximum slop
622 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
Tot time (elapsed) Avg pause Max pause
Gen 0 57804 colls, 0 par 2.359s 2.372s 0.0000s 0.0006s
Gen 1 815 colls, 0 par 245.031s 246.321s 0.3022s 0.6341s
tfausak / haskell-weekly-in-2018.hs
Created February 3, 2019 16:33
Haskell Weekly in 2018
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-13.0 script
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Weverything -Wno-implicit-prelude -Wno-unsafe #-}
module Main ( main ) where
import qualified Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.Ord
tfausak / buoy.hs
Last active August 19, 2020 13:10
keywords: Haskell applicative lift liftA liftA2 liftAN ap hoist raise boost
-- This whole thing is shamelessly stolen from:
-- <>.
-- Without flexible instances, GHC complains about the `HasApply` instances:
-- > Illegal instance declaration for `HasApply a Z`. All instance types must
-- > be of the form `(T a1 ... an)` where `a1 ... an` are *distinct type
-- > variables*, and each type variable appears at most once in the instance
-- > head.
tfausak / ratel-happstack.hs
Created December 7, 2018 03:18
Sends Happstack exceptions to Honeybadger.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-12.10 script
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Weverything -Wno-unsafe -Wno-implicit-prelude #-}
module Main ( main ) where
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Catch
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
tfausak / Main.hs
Last active November 18, 2018 21:25
Analyzes 2018 state of Haskell survey responses.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-10.0 script
module Main
( main
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
replays/0ad2.replay Offline
replays/000b.replay Private
replays/1a12.replay Offline
replays/1ae4.replay Offline
replays/1bc2.replay Offline
replays/1d1d.replay Offline
replays/1ef9.replay Private
replays/1f37.replay Offline
replays/2cfe.replay Online
replays/3abd.replay LAN
tfausak / edit-replay.hs
Last active July 8, 2018 21:34
Changes every car in a Rocket League replay to be Octane with the striped decal. Uses Rattletrap:
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver nightly-2018-06-01 script --compile
-- To run this, first install Stack: <>.
-- Then run this from the command line: `stack edit-replay.hs input.replay output.replay`
module Main ( main ) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
tfausak / packages.json
Last active January 23, 2018 19:09
SLURP packages from Hackage as of 2018-01-23.
"packages": [
"location": "",
"name": "3d-graphics-examples"
"location": "",
"name": "3dmodels"