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Created March 21, 2014 09:17
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Caclucate Nautical = Cardan angles.
* @brief Returns Cardan = roll/pitch/yaw angles for the given
* rotation.
* @param q_ an ofQuaternion (unit quaternion) denoting a rotation.
* @details Cardan Angles == Tail-Bryan-A. == Nautical-A. == Euler
* Angle Sequence 1,2,3.
* The angle sequence is relative to the object's current
* reference frame and to be applied in sequence. That is:
* roatation first around the object's x-axis, then its new
* y'-axis, then its new z''-axis. This is equivalent to the
* angle notation you'd expect for a plane or for a ship,
* thus the name 'Nautical Angles'.
* Math implemented based on: Diebel, James: Representing
* Attitude: Euler Angles, Unit Quaternions, and Rotation
* Vectors, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 2006,
* p. 12.
* @warning This method returns undefined results when approaching
* pitch PI/2 or -PI/2
* @author tig
static ofVec3f getCardanAngles(const ofQuaternion& q_){
// tig: ok, so in math textbooks a quaternion is defined as:
// q = a + ib + jc + kd
// whereas openFrameworks stores quaternions as in:
// q = ix + jy + kz + w
// therefore, when textbooks uses quaternion indices, these will *NOT*
// correspond to ofQuaternion's indices, but need to be shifted
// by 1 to the left, which is what we do in the next step.
q0(q_[3]), // w -> a
q1(q_[0]), // x -> b
q2(q_[1]), // y -> c
q3(q_[2]); // z -> d
float sq0 = q0*q0;
float sq1 = q1*q1;
float sq2 = q2*q2;
float sq3 = q3*q3;
// we can now use the same terms as in the textbook.
float roll = atan2f(2.0f * q2 * q3 + 2.0f * q0 * q1, sq3 - sq2 - sq1 + sq0);
float pitch = -asin(2.0f * q1 * q3 - 2.0f * q0 * q2);
float yaw = atan2f(2.0f * q1 * q2 + 2.0f * q0 * q3, sq1 + sq0 - sq3 - sq2);
return (ofVec3f(roll,pitch,yaw) * RAD_TO_DEG);
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