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Created July 23, 2018 16:50
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Portfolio Assets
Headline: Appears at top of page:
Hi, I’m Tyler. I’m a full stack developer based in St. Petersburg.
I am a web developer and recent graduate of the Full Stack Web Development Career Path bootcamp at Thinkful. I found my love of technology after building (and frying) my first pc when I was 12. Since then, technology has just been a lifelong hobby until recently deciding to make a switch in my career path to become a web developer.
The thrill of seeing my ideas and code come to life is very satisfying. Even more satisfying, is finally fixing that busted code that’s had me banging my head on my desk for the last five hours. Once I experienced those moments, I was hooked. Now, other hobbies have taken the backseat as I spend majority of my time learning new libraries or frameworks, while simultaneously trying to reach that expert status on the basics.
<img />
Share Images/Gifs/MP4s/YouTube Videos by posting Links.
HTML5/CSS/Javascript/React/React-Redux/Redux-Form/Express/Node/Enzyme/TravisCI/Passport/Mongoose /chai
<github icon, link to repo> <link to live site>
GameBro Reviews
<img />
Write a review over a movie, game, tv show, etc... and give it a score.
HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery/Express/Node/TravisCI/Passport/Mongoose /chai
<github icon, link to repo> <link to live site>
Giantbomb Gamefinder
<img />
Utilizes Ajax with GiantBombs api to search for a game title.
<github icon, link to repo> <link to live site>
Quiz App
<img />
Static site utilizing jquery transitions for a fun little quiz.
<github icon, link to repo> <link to live site>
Heroes of the Storm Guide
<img />
Game Guide utilizing jquery bootstrap for modal popups.
HTML/CSS/bootstrap jQuery
<github icon, link to repo> <link to live site>
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