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##### Challenge Number 1
For this challenge, I created three div boxes that all shared the samed style and all displayed as "inline-block."
I assigned a class to each. I then used float to take the third box to the right of the screen. I then added to
the "margin-left" of the second box until I pushed it to its final position.
[Challenge 1] (
##### Challenge Number 2
thatPamIAm / gist:07baa90d8c9725c858acaa0364e074f8
Created January 23, 2017 18:46
Accessibility commitments
Utilize tabindex attribute.
Make parent objects clickable.
Be sure to contrast text and colors for those who are visually impaired.
Only hiring people who are like you leaves with you no diversity of thought.
I think that diversity quotas are necessary in places like tech because of how unbalanced things are in terms of race, sex, gender, etc. I think quotas are definitely misunderstood by most people but are necessary to make change happen.
I think the best strategy in counteracting bias is to be aware of that bias andd have discussions around it. We all have unconscious biases that are unavoidable. It's only when you're aware of your biasees that you can take actionable steps to correct them.
I think that the best thing that Turing can do is to continue to hold open discussions and trainings that are tackling these kinds of issues. I think it is especially important that a space is created where all members of the community can take part in a productive discussion.
I think that PotP does a good job of illustrating how people tend to self-segregate when they are unaware of their own biases. The visual aspects of the game are a nice
thatPamIAm / gist:de599f4ea2748d05c93611d80d9b9270
Created June 4, 2017 17:05
Interview Reflection - Final Portfolio
Although I have yet to participate in a mock interview through a Turing mentor, I have participated in a mock white-boarding/interview session during (Mod4) with Robbie Jaegar. This was a great learning experience which I know will come in handy with future interviews.
I also watched the mock interview session with Emily Freeman and Ian Douglas. The largest take-aways that I've taken from both experiences is the fact that 1) I know a lot more than I think and 2) I need to be sure that I'm able to articulate that well to future employers. As I continue to practice for interviews, I realize that I need to continue to refine the story of what brought me into programming in the first place. I'm also going to to continue to practice verbalizing the fundamentals of what I know so that I'm not so nervous when speaking with others - as this is definitely an area where I know I can improve.
## #1: Job Search Plan/Schedule:
1. Design a 40-hour "work week" that provides time for:
* Workout daily - alternating between running and lifting weights
* Be in Denver at 8:45 to work. Code for 3 hours
* Spend no more than 20 mins reviewing new job postings prior to lunch hour
* Spend 45 mins researching companies found in job postings


Challenge 5

I used these elements and specified these styles to make this thing happen. I chose to use white text color because you can't see it if it's black. (duh). (When you write this make your actual description more meaningful...)

Challenge 5

## Example!
##### Challenge 5
I used these elements and specified these styles to make this thing happen. I chose to use white text color because you can't see it if it's black. (duh). (When you write this make your actual description more meaningful...)
[Challenge 5](
thatPamIAm /
Last active April 6, 2018 14:41
Practice with array prototypes

Missing Sheep

Consider an array of sheep where some sheep may be missing from their place. We need a function that returns the number of sheep present in the array (true means that this sheep is present).

var sheepArray = [true,  true,  true,  false,
                  true,  true,  true,  true,
                  true,  false, true,  false,
                  true,  false, false, true,
 true, true, true, true,
thatPamIAm /
Last active March 13, 2018 02:47
Problem Solving Strategies

Problem Solving Strategies

Session Description:

A small group exercise in problem-solving. And classroom design.

Session Outcomes:

Students should be able to do the following:

  • Identify and implement different strategies for solving problems
  • Identify common roadblocks to effective problem-solving

Beer Song

Produce the lyrics to that beloved classic, that field-trip favorite: 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

Note that not all verses are identical.

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.