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Yan Cui theburningmonk

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open System
let letters = "acdegilmnoprstuw"
let hash : string -> int64 = Seq.fold (fun acc ch -> acc * 37L + int64 (Seq.findIndex ((=) ch) letters)) 7L
let unhash : int64 -> string =
Seq.unfold (function
| n when n <= 7L -> None
| n -> let idx = n % 37L |> int
(letters.[idx], n / 37L) |> Some)
>> (fun chars -> new String(chars |> Seq.toArray |> Array.rev))
## Functional Track talks from NDC London 2014
### Wednesday 2014-12-3
* [F-Words - Functional Programming Terms With More Than Four Letters - Calvin Bottoms](
* [Reactive Game Development For The Discerning Hipster - Bodil Stokke](
* [Erlang Patterns Matching Business Needs -- Torben Hoffman](
* [Equivalence Classes,, FsCheck, Property-Based Testing -- Mark Seemann](
* [Functional programming design patterns -- Scott Wlaschin](
* [Write Your Own Compiler in 24 Hours -- Phillip Trelford](