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Created August 17, 2015 20:37
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function [ copter ] = make_copter
%MAKE_COPTER Create a numerical quadcopter model
copter = struct;
% Simulate some disturbance in the angular velocity.
% The magnitude of the deviation is in radians / second.
%deviation = 20; thetadot = deg2rad(2 * deviation * rand(3, 1) - deviation);
thetadot = [0;0;0];
copter.m = 0.27;
copter.g = 9.81;
copter.k = 1e-4;
copter.kd = 0.25;
copter.I = diag([5e-3, 5e-3, 10e-3]);
copter.L = 0.0485;
copter.b= 1e-7;
copter.thetadot = thetadot;
copter.xdot = zeros(3,1);
function [data] = sim_copter(copter, N, dt)
% From A. Gibiansky's code:
% Simulation times, in seconds.
if nargin < 3
dt = 0.05;
if nargin < 2
N = 50;% 1;
times = (1:N)*dt;
%times = (0:dt:N);
h = figure('KeyPressFcn',@stop_keypress);
%figure; plots = [subplot(3, 2, 1:4), subplot(3, 2, 5), subplot(3, 2, 6)];
% subplot(plots(1));
plots = subplot(1,1,1);
% Create the drawn quadcopter object. Returns a handle to
% the quadcopter itself as well as the thrust-display cylinders.
[q, thrusts] = quadcopter;
copter.drawing = struct;
copter.drawing.model = q;
copter.drawing.thrusts = thrusts;
% Initial simulation state.
theta = [0;0;0];
% save simulation values
data = struct;
data.t = times';
data.x = zeros(N, 3);
data.angvel = zeros(N, 3);
% Set axis scale and labels.
axis([-10 30 -20 20 5 15]);
title('Quadcopter Flight Simulation');
keepLooping = true;
function stop_keypress(hObject,eventData)
if strcmp(eventData.Key,'q') %# If q key is pressed, set
keepLooping = false %# keepLooping to false
for t = 1:N,
% Take input from our controller.
%i = input('Input: ');
%i = [ 6620 6620 6620 6620];
i = [ 6600 6620 6620 6800];
omega = thetadot2omega(copter.thetadot, theta);
% Compute linear and angular accelerations.
a = acceleration(i, theta, copter.xdot, copter.m, copter.g, copter.k, copter.kd);
omegadot = angular_acceleration(i, omega, copter.I, copter.L, copter.b, copter.k);
omega = omega + dt * omegadot;
copter.thetadot = omega2thetadot(omega, theta);
theta = theta + dt * copter.thetadot;
copter.xdot=copter.xdot+dt* a;
data.x(t, :) = x';
data.angvel(t, :) = omegadot';
displaycopter(i, x, theta, copter.drawing, plots);
if ~keepLooping
function T = thrust(inputs, k)
% Inputs are values for ?i2
T = [0; 0; k * sum(inputs)];
% Compute torques, given current inputs, length, drag coefficient, and thrust coe
function tau = torques(inputs, L, b, k)
% Inputs are values for ?i2
tau = [
L * k * (inputs(1) - inputs(3))
L * k * (inputs(2) - inputs(4))
b * (inputs(1) - inputs(2) + inputs(3) - inputs(4))
function a = acceleration(inputs, angles, xdot, m, g, k, kd)
gravity = [0; 0; -g];
R = rotation(angles);
T = R * thrust(inputs, k);
Fd = -kd * xdot;
a = gravity + 1 / m * T + Fd;
function omegadot = angular_acceleration(inputs, omega, I, L, b, k)
tau = torques(inputs, L, b, k);
omegadot = I \ (tau - cross(omega, I * omega));
function omega = thetadot2omega(thetadot, theta)
M = [ 1 0 -sin(theta(2));
0 cos(theta(1)) cos(theta(2))*sin(theta(1));
0 -sin(theta(1)) cos(theta(2))*cos(theta(1))];
omega = M * thetadot;
function td = omega2thetadot(omega, theta)
% the relation is omega = M * thetadot
% so we need thetadot = inv(M)*omega
M = [ 1 0 -sin(theta(2));
0 cos(theta(1)) cos(theta(2))*sin(theta(1));
0 -sin(theta(1)) cos(theta(2))*cos(theta(1))];
td = M \ omega;
function Mr = rotation(theta)
Mr = zeros(3);
r = theta(1); p = theta(2); y = theta(3);
Mr(1,1) = cos(r)*cos(y)-cos(p)*sin(r)*sin(y);
Mr(1,2) = -cos(p)*sin(r)-cos(r)*cos(p)*sin(y);
Mr(1,3) = sin(p)*sin(y);
Mr(2,1) = cos(p)*cos(y)*sin(r) + cos(r)*sin(y);
Mr(2,2) = cos(r)*cos(p)*cos(y) - sin(r)*sin(y);
Mr(2,3) = -cos(y)*sin(p);
Mr(3,1) = sin(r)*sin(p);
Mr(3,2) = cos(r)*sin(p);
Mr(3,3) = cos(p);
function displaycopter(thrustin, x, theta, drawing, plots)
hold off;
% Compute translation to correct linear position coordinates.
move = makehgtform('translate', x);
% Compute rotation to correct angles. Then, turn this rotation
% into a 4x4 matrix represting this affine transformation.
rotate = rotation(theta);
rotate = [rotate zeros(3, 1); zeros(1, 3) 1];
% Move the quadcopter to the right place, after putting it in the correct orientation.
set(drawing.model,'Matrix', move * rotate);
scales = exp(thrustin / min(abs(thrustin)) + 5) - exp(6) + 1.5;
for i = 1:4
% Scale each cylinder. For negative scales, we need to flip the cylinder
% using a rotation, because makehgtform does not understand negative scaling.
s = scales(i);
if s < 0
scalez = makehgtform('yrotate', pi) * makehgtform('scale', [1, 1, abs(s)]);
elseif s > 0
scalez = makehgtform('scale', [1, 1, s]);
% Scale the cylinder as appropriate, then move it to
% be at the same place as the quadcopter propeller.
set(drawing.thrusts(i), 'Matrix', move * rotate * scalez);
% Draw a quadcopter. Return a handle to the quadcopter object
% and an array of handles to the thrust display cylinders.
% These will be transformed during the animation to display
% relative thrust forces.
function [h, thrusts] = quadcopter()
% Draw arms.
h(1) = prism(-5, -0.25, -0.25, 10, 0.5, 0.5);
h(2) = prism(-0.25, -5, -0.25, 0.5, 10, 0.5);
% Draw bulbs representing propellers at the end of each arm.
[x, y, z] = sphere;
x = 0.5 * x;
y = 0.5 * y;
z = 0.5 * z;
h(3) = surf(x - 5, y, z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'b');
h(4) = surf(x + 5, y, z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'b');
h(5) = surf(x, y - 5, z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'b');
h(6) = surf(x, y + 5, z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'b');
% Draw thrust cylinders.
[x, y, z] = cylinder(0.1, 7);
thrusts(1) = surf(x, y + 5, z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'm');
thrusts(2) = surf(x + 5, y, z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'y');
thrusts(3) = surf(x, y - 5, z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'm');
thrusts(4) = surf(x - 5, y, z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'y');
% Create handles for each of the thrust cylinders.
for i = 1:4
x = hgtransform;
set(thrusts(i), 'Parent', x);
thrusts(i) = x;
% Conjoin all quadcopter parts into one object.
t = hgtransform;
set(h, 'Parent', t);
h = t;
% Draw a 3D prism at (x, y, z) with width w,
% length l, and height h. Return a handle to
% the prism object.
function h = prism(x, y, z, w, l, h)
[X, Y, Z] = prism_faces(x, y, z, w, l, h);
faces(1, :) = [4 2 1 3];
faces(2, :) = [4 2 1 3] + 4;
faces(3, :) = [4 2 6 8];
faces(4, :) = [4 2 6 8] - 1;
faces(5, :) = [1 2 6 5];
faces(6, :) = [1 2 6 5] + 2;
for i = 1:size(faces, 1)
h(i) = fill3(X(faces(i, :)), Y(faces(i, :)), Z(faces(i, :)), 'r'); hold on;
% Conjoin all prism faces into one object.
t = hgtransform;
set(h, 'Parent', t);
h = t;
% Compute the points on the edge of a prism at
% location (x, y, z) with width w, length l, and height h.
function [X, Y, Z] = prism_faces(x, y, z, w, l, h)
X = [x x x x x+w x+w x+w x+w];
Y = [y y y+l y+l y y y+l y+l];
Z = [z z+h z z+h z z+h z z+h];
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