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Last active July 25, 2020 02:08
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Crowd sourcing Translation for D&I Workflow

Crowd sourcing Translation for D&I Workflow


Deliverable 1 : Identify and localize contents for translation written in the markdown format in a single repository on Github.This model will give the maintainers, reviewers and applicants a way to discuss which contents, documentation needs to be translated

Deliverable 2: Integrate the workflow using Crowdin, Crowdin is a translation and localization management platform that will integrate the processes of badging from the repository into deployable translations on github.

Note: The automation keeps the source content up to date for translating,

Deliverable 3: scale more repositories that will have multilingual documentation for a seamless user experience.

Result Expected

  • Translation status and project activity

  • Comments and Issues

  • Multilingual source texts


  • Testing and experimenting features on platform really challenging, user has to read the docs

  • Before creating a project, you have to subscribe to any of the paid plans.

  • Criteria for Opensource project wasn't achievable.

  • Steep prices

Copy link

Crowdin is completely free of charge for open-source projects

  • Crowdin Open-source project setup request form

  • Criteria to be met before submitting the form :

  1. You have created a translation project in Crowdin.
  2. The project is licensed under an approved license from an open-source initiative.
  3. Your project's source code is publicly available for download.
  4. You do not have any commercial products related to the open-source project you are requesting a license for.
  5. You are the project lead.
  6. You have been working on your open-source project for at least three months.
  7. You have an active community of collaborators.
  8. You keep the "News" section of your website up to date.
  9. You release updated builds on a regular basis.

Source :

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