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Last active January 19, 2017 14:13
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// Element.prototype.classList polyfill
// developed by thednp
// license MIT
if( !('classList' in Element.prototype) ) {
var className = 'className', add = 'add', classList = 'classList', remove = 'remove', contains = 'contains',
prototype = 'prototype', element = 'element';
// classList definition
function ClassLIST(elem){
this[element] = elem;
this[classList] = elem[classList] = [];
var classesLIST = elem[className].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').split(/\s+/);
for (var i = 0; i < classesLIST.length; i++) {
// methods
ClassLIST[prototype][add] = function(classNAME){
if (this[classList].indexOf(classNAME)<0) {
this[element][className] = this[classList].join(' ');
ClassLIST[prototype][remove] = function(classNAME){
var classINDEX = this[classList].indexOf(classNAME);
if (classINDEX>-1) {
this[element][className] = this[classList].join(' ');
ClassLIST[prototype][contains] = function(classNAME){
return this[classList].indexOf(classNAME) > -1;
Object.defineProperty(Element[prototype], classList, { get: function () { return new ClassLIST(this); } });
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