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Forked from mbostock/.block
Last active December 11, 2015 10:48
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Save thedod/4589092 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Force-layout of Cable2Graph

Update: This prototype has turned into a bigger project:

Here's a small gallery of Cable2Graph cable reference culsters (the graphs are named after countries, but they don't "represent" the entire body of cables related to them. It's just a handy naming convention). Each node (circle) represents a cable. Each link (line) represents reference between 2 cables.


  • Hover over a node to see details of the cable it represents.
  • Click on a node to open the related cable in a new tab.
  • Shift+click on the node to toggle between manual placement and auto placement modes (see below). Default is auto placement.
  • When you drag a node, all nodes in auto placement mode rearrange themselves as if the links were "rubber bands".
  • When you release a node that is in auto placement mode, it snaps into place according to the "rubber bands" attached to it. This is why it is usually best to switch a node to manual placement before dragging it.

Reaching a readable layout (where all arrows are visible and distinguishable) can take up to 20 minutes depending on the graph (Syria and Jordan are the most complex, Iran is easy). Here's a screenshot gallery of all graphs after tidying them up a bit.


  • Node's fill color represents sending Embassy.
  • Border is dashed if cable is missing, otherwise the color represents classification (UNCLASSIFIED, CONFIDENTIAL, and SECRET).
  • Border is darker when node is in manual placement mode.
  • Border width represents node's HITS authority (how "strongly" it is involved in [in]direct reference).
  • Link arrowhead points to the referenced (i.e. earlier) cable.
  • Link width represents [betweenness centrality](The color represents the embassy send:// of the reference (in how many shortest-paths between pairs of cables it appears).

Under the hood

  • This is a proof of concept: trying to use d3 force-layout to render WikiLeaks Cable2Graph clusters. Hopefully, this will become a public web service with a server-side component generating the graphs on demand.
  • If you fork this, bear in mind that the json file contains additional information you may wish to visualize (e.g. pagerank).
  • If you want to try this with your own nbh/splitgrraph graphml files, you can convert them with g2json - a minimalistic fork of g2svg (included in this gist).
#!/usr/bin/env python
# GPLv3 2011-2012 by anonymous
import igraph, math, csv, time, json
from sys import argv, exit, stderr
from os import listdir, path, environ, closerange
from optparse import OptionParser
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import sha1
from struct import unpack
def str2hsl(s):
h = unpack('!I',sha1(s).digest()[:4])[0]
hsl = []
for mod in [360,50,50]:
return "hsl({0},{1}%,{2}%)".format(hsl[0],hsl[1]+50,hsl[2]+50)
environ['TZ'] = 'UTC'
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-g", "--gml", dest="gmlfile",
help="Single source graph in gml format FILE", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-i", "--include", dest="gmllist",
help="Load all .gml graphs listed in FILE", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-d", "--dest", dest="destdir",
help="Destination DIR. Default: current dir",
parser.add_option("-r", "--reverb", dest="reverb",
help="Load sentences from a ReVerb result tsv FILE (e.g. mycables.reverb)",
parser.add_option("-s", "--subjects", dest="subjects",
help="Load map of label -> subject. Default: subjects.list", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-u", "--uri", dest="uri",
help="Load map of label -> uri from FILE. Default:", metavar="FILE")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
graph_files = set()
if options.gmlfile:
if options.gmllist:
gfh = open(options.gmllist)
for gf in gfh.readlines():
if len(graph_files) < 1:
print "No source .gml files"
def format_timestamp(ts, tsformat = '%Y-%m-%d'):
d = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ts))
return d.strftime(tsformat)
if options.reverb:
reverb_csv = csv.reader(
quotechar = None,
lineterminator = '\n')
reverb_map = {}
for row in reverb_csv:
type, reverb_cable_id, num, argument1, relation, argument2, score = row
# TODO have a custom threshold as cmd line parameter
if float(score) > 0.7:
if reverb_map.has_key(reverb_cable_id):
'a1': argument1,
'rel': relation,
'a2': argument2,
'score': score
reverb_map[reverb_cable_id] = [{
'a1': argument1,
'rel': relation,
'a2': argument2,
'score': score
# load optional uri map
if options.uri:
cmap = {}
f = open(options.uri)
for l in f.readlines():
k,v = l.strip().split()
cmap[k.strip()] = v.strip()
# load optional subject map
if options.subjects:
smap = {}
f = open(options.subjects)
for l in f.readlines():
k,v = l.split(' ',1)
smap[k.strip()] = v.strip()
for gml in graph_files:
destfile = "{0}/{1}.json".format(options.destdir, path.basename(gml).rsplit('.',1)[0])
if path.exists(destfile):
print "%s exists. skipping" % destfile
# load graph from file
g = igraph.load(gml)
# apply sentences to graph
if options.reverb:
sentence = []
for l in g.vs.get_attribute_values('label'):
if l in reverb_map.keys():
g.vs['sentence'] = sentence
# apply uris to graph
if options.uri:
uri = []
for l in g.vs.get_attribute_values('label'):
if l in cmap:
g.vs['uri'] = uri
# apply subjects to graph
if options.subjects:
subjects = []
for l in g.vs.get_attribute_values('label'):
if l in smap:
g.vs['subjects'] = subjects
labels = g.vs['label']
places = list(set(g.vs['place'])) # remove duplicates, for color index
edges = []
vertices = []
for eidx, edge in enumerate(
vidxs = edge.tuple
# Fix bogus directionality in graphml:
# 1) If there are timestaps, the later cable refers to the earlier cable
# 2) Missing cables should be reference and not referrer
# (regardless of the date we've guessed for them)
zero_refs_one = False
if 'timestamp' in g.vs.attribute_names() and g.vs['timestamp'][vidxs[0]]>g.vs['timestamp'][vidxs[1]]:
zero_refs_one = True
if 'missing' in g.vs.attribute_names():
if g.vs['missing'][vidxs[0]]:
zero_refs_one = False
elif g.vs['missing'][vidxs[1]]:
zero_refs_one = True
if zero_refs_one:
stderr.write('flipped {0}<->{1}\n'.format(g.vs['label'][vidxs[0]],g.vs['label'][vidxs[1]]))
edge['source'] = vidxs[0]
edge['target'] = vidxs[1]
edge['source'] = vidxs[1]
edge['target'] = vidxs[0]
for vidx,v in enumerate(g.vs):
# Add stuff I fine easier to do in Python than in JS :)
if 'place' in v.attribute_names():
# [hopefully] gives each place a unique color (if you don't have your own scale)
v['color'] = str2hsl(v['place'])
# This is a unique-per-place index, if you want to use a preset color scale
v['colorindex'] = places.index(v['place'])
if 'timestamp' in v.attribute_names():
# Nicely formatted date
v['date'] = v['timestamp'] and format_timestamp(v['timestamp']) or None
if 'missing' in v.attribute_names() and v['missing']:
v['nodeclass'] = 'MISSING'
elif 'classification' in v.attribute_names():
v['nodeclass'] = v['classification'].replace('//','-').replace(' ','-').upper()
dfh = open(destfile,'w')
except IOError:
# TODO tmp fix for too many open files
dfh = open(destfile,'w')
{'nodes': map(lambda x: x.attributes(),g.vs),'links': map(lambda x: x.attributes(),},
print "%s -> %s" % (gml, destfile)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
.menu, .menu li { display: inline; padding:0 4px }
.menu a { text-decoration: none }
.menu a hover { text-decoration: underline }
.menu { color: black; font-weight: bold }
.node {
stroke: #000;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
stroke-opacity: .6;
.node.MISSING { stroke:#black; stroke-dasharray:2,2 }
.node.SECRET-NOFORN { stroke: #7f0000; }
.node.SECRET { stroke: #7f0000; }
.node.CONFIDENTIAL-NOFORN { stroke: #00007f; }
.node.CONFIDENTIAL { stroke: #00007f; }
.node.UNCLASSIFIED { stroke: #007f00; }
.node.UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY { stroke: #007f00; } {
stroke-opacity: 1;
.link {
stroke: #000;
stroke-opacity: .6;
<div id="header">
Example <a target="_blank" href="">Cable2Graph</a>
clusters (please see instructions):
<script src=""></script>
// Helper so that a link doesn't cover the nodes
// returns a line between x1,x2 and y1,y2 that is
// begins r1 "later" and ends r2 "earlier"
// is there a fancy d3 way to do this?!?
function shorten(x1,y1,x2,y2,r1,r2) {
if (x1==y1 && x2==y2)
return {x1:x1,x2:x2,y1:y1,y2:y2};
a = Math.atan(Math.abs(y2-y1)/Math.abs(x2-x1)); // atan can swallow Infinity
return {
var menu = [
.append("a").attr("href", "#")
.attr("id", function(d) { return; })
.attr("class", "menu-item")
.text(function(d) { return })
.on("click", function(d) { populate(,d.file); return false; })
var width = 960,
height = 480;
var node_color = d3.scale.category20().domain(d3.range(0,1000));
var force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height]);
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
.attr("id","arrow-head").attr("viewBox", "0 0 10 10")
.attr("refX", 1).attr("refY", 5)
.attr("markerWidth", 4).attr("markerHeight", 3)
.attr("markerUnit", "strokeWidth").attr("orient", "auto")
.attr("points", "0,0 5,5 0,10 1,5");
function populate(name,file) {
d3.json(file, function(error, graph) {
var link = svg.selectAll("").data(graph.links)
.attr("class", "link");
var node = svg.selectAll("circle.node").data(graph.nodes)
.attr("id", function(d) { return "c"+d.label })
.attr("class", function(d) {return "node "+d.nodeclass; })
.attr("r", 8)
// hash-generated unique colors - less readable (close colors are possible)
//.style("fill", function(d) { return d.color; })
// more readable color scale, but cycles thru 20 colors (duplicates if >20)
.style("fill", function(d) { return node_color(d.colorindex); })
.on("contextmenu",function(d) {
return false;
.on("click",function(d) {
if (d3.event.shiftKey) {"active",d.fixed = !d.fixed)
} else {
if (d.uri) {;
} else {
alert('Missing cable');
var link_stroke = d3.scale.linear()
d3.min(graph.links,function(d) { return d.betweenness || 0 }),
d3.max(graph.links,function(d) { return d.betweenness || 0 })
.range([2,6]);"stroke_width", function(d) { return link_stroke(d.betweenness || 0); });"stroke-width", function(d) { return this.stroke_width+"px"; });
var node_stroke = d3.scale.linear()
d3.min(graph.nodes,function(d) { return d.authority || 0 }),
d3.max(graph.nodes,function(d) { return d.authority || 0 })
.range([2,6]);"stroke-width", function(d) { return node_stroke(d.authority || 0)+"px"; });
.text(function(d) {
return d.label + (" ("", "+d.classification:"")+")":"") + (d.subjects?":\n"+d.subjects:"");
force.on("tick", function() {"shorty", function(d) {
return shorten(d.source.x,d.source.y,,,
.attr("x1", function(d) { return this.shorty.x1 })
.attr("y1", function(d) { return this.shorty.y1 })
.attr("x2", function(d) { return this.shorty.x2 })
.attr("y2", function(d) { return this.shorty.y2 })
// The trick to avoid out-of-the-box nodes
node.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x = Math.max(12, Math.min(width - 12, d.x)); })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y = Math.max(12, Math.min(height - 12, d.y)); });
{ "nodes": [ { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(32,87%,91%)", "timestamp": 1259130000.0, "id": "n230647", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09ALGIERS1048", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "ALGIERS", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "ALGERIA ON IAEA - IRAN NEXT STEPS", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(80,91%,58%)", "timestamp": 1259860000.0, "id": "n231762", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.57221e-17, "label": "09ANKARA1719", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10783e-06, "place": "ANKARA", "date": "2009-12-03", "colorindex": 56, "subjects": "TURKEY ON ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT MORATORIUM", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(28,87%,95%)", "timestamp": 1259170000.0, "id": "n234472", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09ATHENS1655", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "ATHENS", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 35, "subjects": "AMBASSADOR AND DROUTSAS DISCUSS MACEDONIA, IRAN, TURKEY, MORE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(43,99%,77%)", "timestamp": 1259940000.0, "id": "n239816", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 5.51288e-17, "label": "09BERLIN1544", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.99914e-05, "pagerank": 4.13974e-06, "place": "BERLIN", "date": "2009-12-04", "colorindex": 15, "subjects": "GERMANY TRACKS U.S. MESSAGE ON ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT MORATORIUM", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(219,90%,56%)", "timestamp": 1259080000.0, "id": "n240332", "constraint": 0.25, "uri": "", "authority": 4.37585e-16, "label": "09BERN505", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000119845, "pagerank": 6.05623e-06, "place": "BERN", "date": "2009-11-24", "colorindex": 28, "subjects": "IAEA BOG: SWISS VIEWS REGARDING IRAN, SYRIA, AND THE ANGARSK RESERVE CONCEPT", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(88,87%,99%)", "timestamp": 1259180000.0, "id": "n241042", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09BOGOTA3439", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "BOGOTA", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 53, "subjects": "DEMARCHE DELIVERED: U.S. POSTURE ON IRAN NUCLEAR PROGRAM", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(98,94%,53%)", "timestamp": 1259320000.0, "id": "n241351", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09BRASILIA1371", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "BRASILIA", "date": "2009-11-27", "colorindex": 75, "subjects": "BRAZIL ON IRAN AT IAEA: NOT SUPPORTIVE OF P5+1 TABLING RESOLUTION AT THIS TIME", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(281,70%,65%)", "timestamp": 1259300000.0, "id": "n242288", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09BRUSSELS1596", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "BRUSSELS", "date": "2009-11-27", "colorindex": 21, "subjects": "BELGIUM: U.S. POSTURE ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM AND NEXT STEPS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(149,52%,67%)", "timestamp": 1259670000.0, "id": "n243170", "constraint": 0.25, "uri": "", "authority": 4.35142e-16, "label": "09BUDAPEST855", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00136565, "pagerank": 6.30497e-06, "place": "BUDAPEST", "date": "2009-12-01", "colorindex": 27, "subjects": "DAS QUANRUD'S VISIT TO BUDAPEST", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(147,75%,74%)", "timestamp": 1259140000.0, "id": "n244512", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09CANBERRA1043", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "CANBERRA", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 30, "subjects": "AUSTRALIA AGREES WITH U.S. POSTURE ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(138,90%,96%)", "timestamp": 1259070000.0, "id": "n246957", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 4.3756e-16, "label": "09COPENHAGEN532", "caption": "", "betweenness": 9.98541e-05, "pagerank": 4.4259e-06, "place": "COPENHAGEN", "date": "2009-11-24", "colorindex": 60, "subjects": "DENMARK: MESSAGES DELIVERED FOR IAEA MEETING", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(161,93%,93%)", "timestamp": 1259080000.0, "id": "n247657", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09DARESSALAAM814", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "DARESSALAAM", "date": "2009-11-24", "colorindex": 51, "subjects": "IRAN/IAEA: TANZANIA AGREES WITH U.S. POSITION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(73,91%,79%)", "timestamp": 1259590000.0, "id": "n248995", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 4.3613e-16, "label": "09DUBLIN511", "caption": "", "betweenness": 2.47262e-05, "pagerank": 3.25006e-06, "place": "DUBLIN", "date": "2009-11-30", "colorindex": 69, "subjects": "IRELAND ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM, IAEA'S SYRIA REPORT", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(248,77%,69%)", "timestamp": 1259100000.0, "id": "n250716", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09GUATEMALA985", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "GUATEMALA", "date": "2009-11-24", "colorindex": 74, "subjects": "Iran's Nuclear Program: Guatemalan Response", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(185,55%,79%)", "timestamp": 1259140000.0, "id": "n253535", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34388e-16, "label": "09JAKARTA1945", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00025768, "pagerank": 3.46718e-06, "place": "JAKARTA", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 6, "subjects": "IRAN--INDONESIA INCREASINGLY FRUSTRATED OVER NUCLEAR ISSUE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(249,54%,50%)", "timestamp": 1260430000.0, "id": "n256028", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09KAMPALA1390", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "KAMPALA", "date": "2009-12-10", "colorindex": 4, "subjects": "UGANDA: DEMARCHE RESPONSE - IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM IAEA DEMARCHE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(293,96%,79%)", "timestamp": 1259600000.0, "id": "n256219", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34629e-16, "label": "09KATHMANDU1091", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000599568, "pagerank": 3.1087e-06, "place": "KATHMANDU", "date": "2009-11-30", "colorindex": 20, "subjects": "NEPAL: IRAN NUCLEAR PROGRAM DEMARCHE DELIVERED", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(263,84%,66%)", "timestamp": 1259140000.0, "id": "n258501", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 1.03187e-13, "label": "09KUALALUMPUR955", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000906796, "pagerank": 3.23219e-06, "place": "KUALALUMPUR", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 38, "subjects": "IRAN: MALAYSIA NON-COMMITTAL ON SUPPORTING GERMAN IAEA RESOLUTION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(229,88%,55%)", "timestamp": 1259070000.0, "id": "n258581", "constraint": 0.25, "uri": "", "authority": 7.40052e-14, "label": "09KUWAIT1112", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00174111, "pagerank": 5.56293e-06, "place": "KUWAIT", "date": "2009-11-24", "colorindex": 67, "subjects": "KUWAIT PM RAISED NUCLEAR CONCERNS DURING TRIP TO TEHRAN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(229,88%,55%)", "timestamp": 1259850000.0, "id": "n258595", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.57221e-17, "label": "09KUWAIT1138", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10783e-06, "place": "KUWAIT", "date": "2009-12-03", "colorindex": 67, "subjects": "RAISING ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT MORATORIUM WITH GOK", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(341,54%,98%)", "timestamp": 1259760000.0, "id": "n260015", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09LILONGWE648", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "LILONGWE", "date": "2009-12-02", "colorindex": 72, "subjects": "DEMARCHE REQUEST ON U.S. POSTURE ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM AND NEXT STEPS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(174,88%,97%)", "timestamp": 1259190000.0, "id": "n260108", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09LIMA1671", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "LIMA", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 61, "subjects": "Peru on 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"classification": "CONFIDENTIAL//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(114,52%,94%)", "timestamp": 1259850000.0, "id": "n260897", "constraint": 0.347222, "uri": "", "authority": 5.55783e-17, "label": "09LONDON2697", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000580031, "pagerank": 6.44907e-06, "place": "LONDON", "date": "2009-12-03", "colorindex": 17, "subjects": "UK FOREIGN OFFICE ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENT MORATORIUM", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1259870000.0, "id": "n261411", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.57221e-17, "label": "09MADRID1158", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10783e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-12-03", "colorindex": 43, "subjects": "SPAIN RECEIVES DEMARCHE ON ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT MORATORIUM", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(122,71%,90%)", "timestamp": 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"subjects": "OMAN: ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT MORATORIUM DEMARCHE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(274,62%,86%)", "timestamp": 1258980000.0, "id": "n267185", "constraint": 0.275511, "uri": "", "authority": 4.38344e-16, "label": "09NEWDELHI2365", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000487991, "pagerank": 5.5554e-06, "place": "NEWDELHI", "date": "2009-11-23", "colorindex": 22, "subjects": "INDIA SIGNALS BUSINESS AS USUAL ON FUEL BANKS, IRAN, SYRIA FOR IAEA BOARD MEETING", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(262,72%,69%)", "timestamp": 1259140000.0, "id": "n268472", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09OSLO732", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "OSLO", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "NORWEGIAN VIEWS ON IRAN NEXT STEPS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(109,70%,99%)", "timestamp": 1259950000.0, "id": "n269386", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.57221e-17, "label": "09PARIS1642", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10783e-06, "place": "PARIS", "date": "2009-12-04", "colorindex": 79, "subjects": "GUIDANCE ON ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT MORATORIUM", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(333,79%,55%)", "timestamp": 1259000000.0, "id": "n271065", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.34555e-16, "label": "09PRETORIA2392", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.93937e-06, "place": "PRETORIA", "date": "2009-11-23", "colorindex": 47, "subjects": "SOUTH AFRICA: U.S. POSTURE ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM AND NEXT STEPS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE 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"date": "2009-11-27", "colorindex": 57, "subjects": "GUIDANCE AND ACTION REQUEST: ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT MORATORIUM", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1233080000.0, "id": "n282614", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.95306e-17, "label": "09STATE7242", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.88425e-06, "place": "STATE", "date": "2009-01-27", "colorindex": 57, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1253310000.0, "id": "n283766", "constraint": 0.494792, "uri": "", "authority": 1.67946e-15, "label": "09STATE97443", "caption": "", "betweenness": 8.19982e-05, "pagerank": 5.55974e-06, "place": "STATE", "date": "2009-09-18", "colorindex": 57, "subjects": "SUPPORTING IRAQ IN THE LEAD-UP TO ELECTIONS", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": 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"colorindex": 9, "subjects": "UAE ON IRAN SANCTIONS, ENGAGEMENT WITH CHINA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(260,61%,50%)", "timestamp": 1265630000.0, "id": "n293647", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.9844e-14, "label": "10ACCRA121", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.95707e-06, "place": "ACCRA", "date": "2010-02-08", "colorindex": 59, "subjects": "DEMARCHE ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM DELIVERED", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(211,99%,67%)", "timestamp": 1266990000.0, "id": "n293804", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.7329e-19, "label": "10AITTAIPEI183", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.18632e-06, "place": "AITTAIPEI", "date": "2010-02-24", "colorindex": 49, "subjects": "TAIWAN RESPONSE: DESIGNATION OF IRAN ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS ENTITIES AND INDIVIDUAL UNDER E.O. 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"hsl(142,90%,87%)", "timestamp": 1265720000.0, "id": "n294209", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.95306e-17, "label": "10ASHGABAT186", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.88425e-06, "place": "ASHGABAT", "date": "2010-02-09", "colorindex": 3, "subjects": "TURKMENISTAN: DEMARCHE ON PRESSURING IRAN ON HUMAN RIGHTS DELIVERED", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(142,90%,87%)", "timestamp": 1266840000.0, "id": "n294236", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.7329e-19, "label": "10ASHGABAT230", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.18632e-06, "place": "ASHGABAT", "date": "2010-02-22", "colorindex": 3, "subjects": "TURKMENISTAN: DEMARCHE ON DESIGNATION OF FOUR IRGC ENTITIES DELIVERED", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(299,75%,58%)", "timestamp": 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"betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.95707e-06, "place": "BAKU", "date": "2010-02-04", "colorindex": 8, "subjects": "AZERBAIJAN GOVERNMENT COMMENTS ON MOBILIZING PRESSURE TO PERSUADE IRAN'S ENGAGEMENT ON ITS NUCLEAR PROGRAM", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(115,82%,55%)", "timestamp": 1267120000.0, "id": "n295276", "constraint": 0.506173, "uri": "", "authority": 2.7243e-18, "label": "10BEIRUT187", "caption": "", "betweenness": 5.9973e-05, "pagerank": 4.62918e-06, "place": "BEIRUT", "date": "2010-02-25", "colorindex": 65, "subjects": "DEMARCHE ON SYRIAN TRANSFERS OF ARMS TO HIZBALLAH", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(115,82%,55%)", "timestamp": 1267120000.0, "id": "n295277", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 1.13326e-16, "label": "10BEIRUT188", "caption": "", "betweenness": 8.99405e-05, "pagerank": 4.81811e-06, "place": "BEIRUT", 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"hsl(98,94%,53%)", "timestamp": 1266620000.0, "id": "n295741", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.95306e-17, "label": "10BRASILIA59", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.88425e-06, "place": "BRASILIA", "date": "2010-02-19", "colorindex": 75, "subjects": "BRAZIL: AMBASSADOR'S MEETINGS WITH MRE UNDER SECRETARIES FOR POLITICAL AFFAIRS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(194,79%,56%)", "timestamp": 1264780000.0, "id": "n295766", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.9844e-14, "label": "10BRATISLAVA41", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.95707e-06, "place": "BRATISLAVA", "date": "2010-01-29", "colorindex": 12, "subjects": "SLOVAKS AGREE ON IMPORTANCE OF PUTTING REAL PRESSURE ON IRAN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(281,70%,65%)", "timestamp": 1265750000.0, "id": "n295857", "constraint": 0.5, 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"10CANBERRA142", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.01957e-06, "place": "CANBERRA", "date": "2010-02-26", "colorindex": 30, "subjects": "AUSTRALIA SHARES AMERICAN POSITION ON THE TEHRAN RESEARCH REACTOR", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(75,82%,95%)", "timestamp": 1265190000.0, "id": "n296645", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.9844e-14, "label": "10COLOMBO89", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.95707e-06, "place": "COLOMBO", "date": "2010-02-03", "colorindex": 40, "subjects": "SRI LANKA WILL \"STUDY\" U.S. DEMARCHE REQUEST ON IRAN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(138,90%,96%)", "timestamp": 1265280000.0, "id": "n296703", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.9844e-14, "label": "10COPENHAGEN64", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.95707e-06, "place": "COPENHAGEN", "date": "2010-02-04", "colorindex": 60, "subjects": "(C) IRAN NUCLEAR PROGRAM: DENMARK \"FULLY SUPPORTS\" SANCTIONS, BUT WORRIES ABOUT EFFECTIVENESS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(138,90%,96%)", "timestamp": 1265880000.0, "id": "n296707", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.95306e-17, "label": "10COPENHAGEN77", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.88425e-06, "place": "COPENHAGEN", "date": "2010-02-11", "colorindex": 60, "subjects": "IRAN HUMAN RIGHTS: DANES TRYING TO GET ON SPEAKERS LIST FOR UPR", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(138,90%,96%)", "timestamp": 1265880000.0, "id": "n296708", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.95306e-17, "label": "10COPENHAGEN79", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.88425e-06, "place": "COPENHAGEN", "date": "2010-02-11", "colorindex": 60, "subjects": "IRAN HUMAN RIGHTS: DANES TRYING TO GET ON SPEAKERS LIST FOR UPR", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1267110000.0, "id": "n296752", "constraint": 0.888889, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "10DAMASCUS168", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.26405e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2010-02-25", "colorindex": 41, "subjects": "V/FM MIQDAD DENIES SUPPLYING BALLISTIC MISSILES TO HIZBALLAH, DIRECTS U.S. DEMARCHE TO ISRAEL", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(72,75%,89%)", "timestamp": 1267170000.0, "id": "n297122", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 5.80494e-17, "label": "10GABORONE175", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.99914e-05, "pagerank": 4.00157e-06, "place": "GABORONE", "date": "2010-02-26", "colorindex": 37, "subjects": "GOB RECEIVES IRAN TRR DEMARCHE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(72,75%,89%)", "timestamp": 1267180000.0, "id": "n297123", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.7329e-19, "label": "10GABORONE177", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.18632e-06, "place": "GABORONE", "date": "2010-02-26", "colorindex": 37, "subjects": "GOB RECEIVES DEMARCHE ON IRGC DESIGNATIONS", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(80,68%,95%)", "timestamp": 1267090000.0, "id": "n297687", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.7329e-19, "label": "10HONGKONG326", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.18632e-06, "place": "HONGKONG", "date": "2010-02-25", "colorindex": 29, "subjects": "HONG KONG AND MACAU NOTIFIED: FEBRUARY 10 DESIGNATION OF IRAN-RELATED ENTITIES UNDER E.O. 13382", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(185,55%,79%)", "timestamp": 1265190000.0, "id": "n297874", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.9844e-14, "label": "10JAKARTA152", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.95707e-06, "place": "JAKARTA", "date": "2010-02-03", "colorindex": 6, "subjects": "IRAN -- MOBILIZING PRESSURE ON THE NUCLEAR ISSUE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(185,55%,79%)", "timestamp": 1267010000.0, "id": "n297921", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.85775e-17, "label": "10JAKARTA251", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.01957e-06, "place": "JAKARTA", "date": "2010-02-24", "colorindex": 6, "subjects": "INDONESIAN RESPONSE TO TEHRAN RESEARCH REACTOR DEMARCHE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": 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"LUANDA", "date": "2010-02-27", "colorindex": 16, "subjects": "FOREIGN MINISTRY TAKES ON BOARD RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH SONANGOL'S REPORTED INVESTMENT IN IRAN", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(236,52%,70%)", "timestamp": 1265360000.0, "id": "n299133", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 5.02784e-14, "label": "10LUXEMBOURG29", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000163687, "pagerank": 3.26534e-06, "place": "LUXEMBOURG", "date": "2010-02-05", "colorindex": 36, "subjects": "LUXEMBOURG: PRESSURE IRAN VIA UNSC, AND TARGETED SANCTIONS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(191,54%,74%)", "timestamp": 1267010000.0, "id": "n299228", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.7329e-19, "label": "10MALABO39", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.18632e-06, "place": "MALABO", "date": "2010-02-24", 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"colorindex": 42, "subjects": "MOBILIZING PRESSURE ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM: PHILIPPINE VIEWS", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(122,71%,90%)", "timestamp": 1267170000.0, "id": "n299400", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 5.87843e-17, "label": "10MASERU63", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000260365, "pagerank": 3.5748e-06, "place": "MASERU", "date": "2010-02-26", "colorindex": 39, "subjects": "LESOTHO: RESPONSE TO TWO DEMARCHES", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(31,90%,92%)", "timestamp": 1265990000.0, "id": "n299590", "constraint": 0.652969, "uri": "", "authority": 5.16083e-14, "label": "10MEXICO99", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.34003e-06, "place": "MEXICO", "date": "2010-02-12", "colorindex": 5, "subjects": "Mexico Urges Continued Negotiation with Iran", "nodeclass": 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"place": "OSLO", "date": "2010-02-24", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "THE NORWEGIANS MUSE ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM AND THE REGIME'S HUMAN RIGHTS RECORD", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(262,72%,69%)", "timestamp": 1267200000.0, "id": "n300285", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.7329e-19, "label": "10OSLO83", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.18632e-06, "place": "OSLO", "date": "2010-02-26", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "IRGC DEMARCHE DELIVERED TO NORWAY", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(290,84%,60%)", "timestamp": 1265720000.0, "id": "n300299", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.68216e-17, "label": "10OTTAWA156", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.9646e-06, "place": "OTTAWA", "date": "2010-02-09", "colorindex": 71, "subjects": "CANADA 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"07AMMAN3351", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000793933, "pagerank": 5.17566e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2007-08-08", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE DEMARCHE DELIVERED; JORDANIANS RUNNING THEIR OWN CANDIDATE", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1188230000.0, "id": "n118769", "constraint": 0.345664, "uri": "", "authority": 1.65658e-10, "label": "07AMMAN3598", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000228968, "pagerank": 5.65943e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2007-08-27", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDANIAN PRISONERS INJURE THEMSELVES PRIOR TO HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH VISIT", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1190550000.0, "id": "n118831", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 5.29837e-12, "label": "07AMMAN3917", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000550185, "pagerank": 3.11441e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2007-09-23", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN APPEARS OPEN TO BACKING U.S. UNCAT NOMINEE", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1170410000.0, "id": "n118903", "constraint": 0.472251, "uri": "", "authority": 1.53235e-10, "label": "07AMMAN448", "caption": "", "betweenness": 7.34146e-05, "pagerank": 3.43751e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2007-02-02", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "ALLEGATIONS THAT GOJ TORTURES, AND RUNS SECRET PRISONS WITH U.S.", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1197970000.0, "id": "n118962", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.68612e-12, "label": "07AMMAN4982", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.5727e-06, "place": 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5.73259e-05, "pagerank": 9.62873e-06, "place": "ABUDHABI", "date": "2009-12-28", "colorindex": 6, "subjects": "Sheikh Issa Torture Trial Update", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(325,69%,54%)", "timestamp": 1241170000.0, "id": "n228845", "constraint": 0.377025, "uri": "", "authority": 9.22682e-14, "label": "09ABUDHABI423", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.27228e-05, "pagerank": 5.75566e-06, "place": "ABUDHABI", "date": "2009-05-01", "colorindex": 6, "subjects": "(C) DEMARCHE: UAE INVESTIGATION OF SHAYKH ISSA BIN ZAYED'S ALLEGED ABUSE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(325,69%,54%)", "timestamp": 1242260000.0, "id": "n228861", "constraint": 0.342373, "uri": "", "authority": 7.5319e-12, "label": "09ABUDHABI481", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000124424, "pagerank": 5.94485e-06, "place": "ABUDHABI", "date": "2009-05-14", "colorindex": 6, 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"SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(325,69%,54%)", "timestamp": 1244020000.0, "id": "n228893", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.13189e-14, "label": "09ABUDHABI558", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.50195e-06, "place": "ABUDHABI", "date": "2009-06-03", "colorindex": 6, "subjects": "UAE SHAYKHS ON POTUS SPEECH, IMAGE OF AMERICA", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(325,69%,54%)", "timestamp": 1245070000.0, "id": "n228911", "constraint": 0.38735, "uri": "", "authority": 2.84054e-13, "label": "09ABUDHABI605", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.72293e-06, "pagerank": 4.85466e-06, "place": "ABUDHABI", "date": "2009-06-15", "colorindex": 6, "subjects": "LITTLE CHATTER ABOUT SHEIKH ISSA (C-NE9-01124)", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(325,69%,54%)", "timestamp": 1246970000.0, "id": "n228936", 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"date": "2009-07-23", "colorindex": 6, "subjects": "UAE INITIATIVES TO COUNTER TORTURE", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(42,84%,77%)", "timestamp": 1249630000.0, "id": "n229111", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.32921e-11, "label": "09ABUJA1458", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10493e-06, "place": "ABUJA", "date": "2009-08-07", "colorindex": 13, "subjects": "NIGERIA: RESPONSE TO PRESIDENT'S REQUEST FOR INITIATIVES TO COUNTER TORTURE", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1241680000.0, "id": "n230829", "constraint": 0.516543, "uri": "", "authority": 2.70752e-10, "label": "09AMMAN1054", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.45384e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-05-07", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "ASSOCIATIONS LAW AMENDMENTS INTRODUCED PUBLICLY, EU WAVERS ON 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1248680000.0, "id": "n230967", "constraint": 0.231232, "uri": "", "authority": 3.83058e-09, "label": "09AMMAN1673", "caption": "", "betweenness": 4.19504e-06, "pagerank": 6.41788e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-07-27", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: FAMILIES THAT KILL AND THE LAW THAT PROTECTS THEM", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 11.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1248680000.0, "id": "n230968", "constraint": 0.139688, "uri": "", "authority": 1.40596e-08, "label": "09AMMAN1674", "caption": "", "betweenness": 7.40317e-05, "pagerank": 6.18019e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-07-27", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "WHY JORDAN'S PARLIAMENT WILL LIKELY DEFEAT OR ALTER PENAL CODE AMENDMENTS ON HONOR CRIMES", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1249220000.0, "id": "n230976", "constraint": 0.329655, "uri": "", "authority": 7.27074e-10, "label": "09AMMAN1730", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.02008e-06, "pagerank": 4.47853e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-08-02", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "HOW JORDANIAN CIVIL SOCIETY DROPPED THE BALL ON THE ASSOCIATIONS LAW", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 9.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1249310000.0, "id": "n230978", "constraint": 0.178553, "uri": "", "authority": 4.44829e-09, "label": "09AMMAN1746", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00119782, "pagerank": 9.92501e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-08-03", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: GOVERNMENT TAKING ACTION TO COMBAT TORTURE BUT LONG PATH AHEAD", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 7.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1249370000.0, "id": "n230979", "constraint": 0.196225, "uri": "", "authority": 3.55447e-06, "label": "09AMMAN1749", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00138846, "pagerank": 6.09327e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-08-04", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "AQABA PORT STRIKE LEADS TO SECURITY CRACKDOWN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1250000000.0, "id": "n230994", "constraint": 0.333767, "uri": "", "authority": 1.18013e-07, "label": "09AMMAN1813", "caption": "", "betweenness": 8.49491e-05, "pagerank": 4.44002e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-08-11", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN'S PM STRESSES NATIONAL UNITY IN MEETING WITH SECURITY OFFICIALS", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 12.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1250780000.0, "id": "n231006", "constraint": 0.19675, "uri": "", "authority": 3.7297e-09, "label": "09AMMAN1885", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000170458, "pagerank": 6.32024e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-08-20", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: POTENTIAL HONOR CRIME VICTIMS JAILED FOR THEIR PROTECTION", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 9.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1251090000.0, "id": "n231011", "constraint": 0.190022, "uri": "", "authority": 1.29745e-08, "label": "09AMMAN1896", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000105635, "pagerank": 8.3826e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-08-24", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "TRIBAL VIOLENCE IN AJLOUN SPARKS GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1251140000.0, "id": "n231012", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 8.5131e-10, "label": "09AMMAN1898", "caption": "(NOTAL)", "betweenness": 2.20019e-05, "pagerank": 2.15351e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-08-24", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 17.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1255620000.0, "id": "n231110", "constraint": 0.155941, "uri": "", "authority": 4.11278e-09, "label": "09AMMAN2307", "caption": "", "betweenness": 4.95431e-05, "pagerank": 9.36546e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-10-15", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: HONOR CRIME TRIBUNAL SETS NEW PRECEDENT: KING APPOINTS REFORMIST AS CHIEF JUSTICE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 16.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1255960000.0, "id": "n231111", "constraint": 0.16931, "uri": "", "authority": 4.03126e-09, "label": "09AMMAN2324", "caption": "", "betweenness": 2.60294e-05, "pagerank": 8.27221e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-10-19", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: 20TH HONOR CRIME IN 2009; PUBLIC AWARENESS INCREASES", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1257790000.0, "id": "n231132", "constraint": 0.357446, "uri": "", "authority": 4.69183e-09, "label": "09AMMAN2451", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.00644e-05, "pagerank": 3.92022e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-11-09", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: RIOTS IN EAST AMMAN HIGHLIGHT LARGER CONCERNS ABOUT GOVERNMENT", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 9.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1258390000.0, "id": "n231137", "constraint": 0.221346, "uri": "", "authority": 1.27313e-07, "label": "09AMMAN2490", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00088335, "pagerank": 8.33115e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-11-16", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: TRIBAL CLASHES WITH POLICE ERUPT IN MA'AN", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1258990000.0, "id": "n231148", "constraint": 0.33261, "uri": "", "authority": 4.63855e-09, "label": "09AMMAN2553", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00016309, "pagerank": 3.63602e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-11-23", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: INTERIOR MINISTER DEFENDS ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 22.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1259160000.0, "id": "n231161", "constraint": 0.129135, "uri": "", "authority": 4.86283e-08, "label": "09AMMAN2578", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00680658, "pagerank": 1.31724e-05, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN NOMINATES RANA HUSSEINI FOR WOMEN OF COURAGE AWARD", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 22.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1260090000.0, "id": "n231173", "constraint": 0.10974, "uri": "", "authority": 9.17152e-09, "label": "09AMMAN2623", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0001528, "pagerank": 1.48085e-05, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-12-06", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: LAW OF ASSOCIATIONS IMPLEMENTATION MOVING FORWARD", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1260860000.0, "id": "n231189", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 1.25576e-07, "label": "09AMMAN2709", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.50259e-05, "pagerank": 3.11291e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-12-15", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: REACTIONS TO PM NEGATIVE; CABINET SWORN IN", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1261470000.0, "id": "n231195", "constraint": 0.315098, "uri": "", "authority": 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"pagerank": 3.0126e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-02-04", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "ASSOCIATIONS LAW AMENDMENTS STUCK IN JORDAN'S CABINET", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 10.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1234960000.0, "id": "n231234", "constraint": 0.195728, "uri": "", "authority": 6.19018e-09, "label": "09AMMAN450", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000754633, "pagerank": 7.10377e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-02-18", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "COMPROMISE ASSOCIATIONS LAW AMENDMENTS INCHING FORWARD", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 14.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1235060000.0, "id": "n231244", "constraint": 0.218169, "uri": "", "authority": 9.79945e-09, "label": "09AMMAN471", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000541256, "pagerank": 6.91458e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-02-19", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "ANOTHER LENIENT SENTENCE FOR \"HONOR\" CRIME IN JORDAN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1236140000.0, "id": "n231268", "constraint": 0.248949, "uri": "", "authority": 3.74833e-10, "label": "09AMMAN580", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000706831, "pagerank": 6.23004e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-03-04", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN AND BRITAIN WORK AROUND THE LACK OF EXTRADITION TREATY TO ALLOW FOR DEPORTATION OF ABU QATADA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 7.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1236240000.0, "id": "n231274", "constraint": 0.255811, "uri": "", "authority": 4.90319e-09, "label": "09AMMAN613", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000263595, "pagerank": 8.70537e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-03-05", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN'S JUSTICE MINISTER OUTLINES WAY FORWARD ON EXTRADITION TREATY", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1231680000.0, "id": "n231310", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.39702e-10, "label": "09AMMAN79", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.83811e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-01-11", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "JORDAN: JANUARY 11 MEDIA REACTION TO GAZA", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1239110000.0, "id": "n231321", "constraint": 0.396861, "uri": "", "authority": 1.24159e-07, "label": "09AMMAN834", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00019204, "pagerank": 2.7802e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-04-07", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "AQABA'S ECONOMY TREADING WATER AMID CREDIT CRUNCH", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 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"n231351", "constraint": 0.39679, "uri": "", "authority": 4.96253e-09, "label": "09AMMAN920", "caption": "", "betweenness": 2.18517e-05, "pagerank": 2.39459e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-04-21", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "ASSOCIATIONS LAW AMENDMENTS SENT TO JORDAN'S PARLIAMENT", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(321,52%,86%)", "timestamp": 1240470000.0, "id": "n231354", "constraint": 0.332597, "uri": "", "authority": 5.28382e-09, "label": "09AMMAN942", "caption": "", "betweenness": 2.07064e-05, "pagerank": 2.91674e-06, "place": "AMMAN", "date": "2009-04-23", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "CORRECTED VERSION: ASSOCIATIONS LAW AMENDMENTS SENT TO JORDAN'S PARLIAMENT", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(225,83%,60%)", "timestamp": 1249640000.0, "id": "n236972", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.32921e-11, "label": "09BANGKOK1948", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10493e-06, "place": "BANGKOK", "date": "2009-08-07", "colorindex": 16, "subjects": "INITIATIVES TO COUNTER TORTURE IN THAILAND", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(43,99%,77%)", "timestamp": 1249310000.0, "id": "n240232", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.32921e-11, "label": "09BERLIN927", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10493e-06, "place": "BERLIN", "date": "2009-08-03", "colorindex": 8, "subjects": "GERMANY HAS FAR-REACHING SOCIAL AND LEGAL STRUCTURES TO COMBAT TORTURE", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(219,90%,56%)", "timestamp": 1249280000.0, "id": "n240300", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.32921e-11, "label": "09BERN322", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10493e-06, "place": "BERN", "date": "2009-08-03", "colorindex": 22, "subjects": "SWISS INITIATIVES TO COUNTER TORTURE", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(281,70%,65%)", "timestamp": 1247580000.0, "id": "n242713", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.32921e-11, "label": "09BRUSSELS972", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10493e-06, "place": "BRUSSELS", "date": "2009-07-14", "colorindex": 12, "subjects": "BELGIAN INITIATIVES TO COUNTER TORTURE", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(349,57%,54%)", "timestamp": 1249480000.0, "id": "n243956", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.32921e-11, "label": "09CAIRO1514", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10493e-06, "place": "CAIRO", "date": "2009-08-05", "colorindex": 25, "subjects": "INITIATIVES TO COUNTER TORTURE IN EGYPT", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(147,75%,74%)", "timestamp": 1249020000.0, "id": "n244842", "constraint": 0.831361, "uri": "", "authority": 4.47736e-11, "label": "09CANBERRA698", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.66075e-06, "place": "CANBERRA", "date": "2009-07-31", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "AUSTRALIAN RESPONSE TO THE PRESIDENT'S REQUEST FOR ANTI-TORTURE INITIATIVES", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(147,75%,74%)", "timestamp": 1249370000.0, "id": "n244848", "constraint": 0.831361, "uri": "", "authority": 4.47736e-11, "label": "09CANBERRA710", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.66075e-06, "place": "CANBERRA", "date": "2009-08-04", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "AUSTRALIAN ATTORNEY GENERAL'S RESPONSE TO THE PRESIDENT'S REQUEST FOR ANTI-TORTURE INITIATIVES", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(333,85%,83%)", "timestamp": 1248700000.0, "id": "n247037", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.32921e-11, "label": "09COTONOU325", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10493e-06, "place": "COTONOU", "date": "2009-07-27", "colorindex": 14, "subjects": "BENIN: GOB AND CIVIL SOCIETY'S INITIATIVES TO COUNTER TORTURE", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(187,57%,98%)", "timestamp": 1249270000.0, "id": "n248083", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.32921e-11, "label": "09DHAKA759", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.10493e-06, "place": "DHAKA", "date": "2009-08-03", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "BANGLADESH RESPONSE TO PRESIDENTIAL TORTURE TASKER", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(64,52%,99%)", "timestamp": 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{ "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1222350000.0, "id": "n193976", "constraint": 0.25, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM1795", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 5.67074e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-09-25", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "UPDATE ON WATANIYA MOBILE LAUNCH IN THE WEST BANK", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1223020000.0, "id": "n193986", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM1832", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.37173e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-10-03", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "PALESTINIAN TELECOM: PA WANTS WIMAX FREQUENCY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1223040000.0, "id": "n193988", 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"caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.60514e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-10-16", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "HAMAS FIRMLY ENTRENCHED IN GAZA; SMUGGLING AND UNEMPLOYMENT NOW THE ECONOMIC NORMS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1224770000.0, "id": "n194021", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM1943", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.5672e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-10-23", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "OPIC'S PLAN FOR AFFORDABLE MORTGAGES IN THE WEST BANK", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1227200000.0, "id": "n194067", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM2084", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.60308e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-11-20", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "FAYYAD RAISES CONCERNS ABOUT CORRESPONDENT BANKING SERVICES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1229070000.0, "id": "n194120", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM2230", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.42965e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-12-12", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "OPIC PROMOTES POLITICAL RISK INSURANCE TO THE PALESTINIAN MARKET", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1229690000.0, "id": "n194140", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM2274", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 5.05869e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-12-19", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "NEW \"HAMAS BANK\" TO OPEN IN GAZA DECEMBER 28", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 0.0, "id": "n194165", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM2359", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.13847e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": null, "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1204040000.0, "id": "n194193", "constraint": 0.166667, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM350", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 9.67721e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-02-26", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "ABU MAZEN'S ECONOMIC ADVISOR ON OPIC, TELECOM, HOUSING AND GAS PROJECTS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1205510000.0, 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"JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-04-16", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "PA STRIKE ENDS; FAYYAD PLEASED WITH OUTCOME", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1209460000.0, "id": "n194285", "constraint": 0.363281, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM725", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 6.45987e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-04-29", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "PA FISCAL UPDATE: WESTERN DONORS CARRYING THE LOAD, BUT PROBLEMS AHEAD", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(53,64%,82%)", "timestamp": 1212160000.0, "id": "n194343", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08JERUSALEM916", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 4.23189e-06, "place": "JERUSALEM", "date": "2008-05-30", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "DEPUTY SECRETARY KIMMITT'S 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STILL UNCERTAIN THAT POSTAL BANK WILL MANAGE ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CORRESPONDENT RELATIONSHIP", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", "timestamp": 1215780000.0, "id": "n221843", "constraint": 0.390299, "uri": "", "authority": 5.14933e-19, "label": "08TELAVIV1508", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 4.1795e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-07-11", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "ISRAELI BANK DETERMINED TO CUT GAZA BANKING TIES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", "timestamp": 1218190000.0, "id": "n221890", "constraint": 0.415123, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08TELAVIV1742", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.79169e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-08-08", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "TERRORISM FINANCE: GOI SAYS NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT AGAINST THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAN AND INCREASES ITS FINANCIAL ISOLATION OF GAZA", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", "timestamp": 1221830000.0, "id": "n221961", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 4.14195e-19, "label": "08TELAVIV2144", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.30362e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-09-19", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", "timestamp": 1223390000.0, "id": "n221990", "constraint": 0.433573, "uri": "", "authority": 7.00531e-19, "label": "08TELAVIV2291", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 5.65814e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-10-07", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CORRESPONDENT BANKING RELATIONSHIP AT A CROSSROADS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 12.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", 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"08TELAVIV2603", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 4.2721e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-11-24", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "GAZA CASH CRISIS: CBG FISCHER CALLS FOR USG ASSISTANCE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", "timestamp": 1228400000.0, "id": "n222091", "constraint": 0.592593, "uri": "", "authority": 4.99759e-20, "label": "08TELAVIV2713", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.30011e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-12-04", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "GOI CALLS GAZA CASH CRISIS A HAMAS PLOY", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", "timestamp": 1229710000.0, "id": "n222133", "constraint": 0.362654, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08TELAVIV2859", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 6.48098e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-12-19", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "ISRAEL'S NSC SUPPORTS MINIMUM MONTHLY CASH FOR GAZA; WANTS USG HELP TO SELL THE IDEA", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", "timestamp": 1205250000.0, "id": "n222206", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08TELAVIV559", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.41087e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-03-11", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "ISRAEL EXPEDITING CUSTOMS REVENUE TRANSFERS TO PA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(13,55%,85%)", "timestamp": 1205830000.0, "id": "n222220", "constraint": 0.373802, "uri": "", "authority": 5.81001e-20, "label": "08TELAVIV624", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 5.9809e-06, "place": "TELAVIV", "date": "2008-03-18", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CORRESPONDENT RELATIONSHIP IN STABLE BUT CRITICAL CONDITION", "nodeclass": 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"ANKARA", "date": "2008-09-26", "colorindex": 20, "subjects": "ADDRESSING AFGHAN CONCERNS FOLLOWING SHINDAND INCIDENT DEMARCHE DELIVERED", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(28,87%,95%)", "timestamp": 1222090000.0, "id": "n176127", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 3.14637e-16, "label": "08ATHENS1348", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.98353e-06, "place": "ATHENS", "date": "2008-09-22", "colorindex": 15, "subjects": "GREECE/NATO: POINTS DELIVERED ON \"NO BUSINESS AS USUAL\" IN THE NRC", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(28,87%,95%)", "timestamp": 1222260000.0, "id": "n176131", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.34549e-18, "label": "08ATHENS1356", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.8226e-06, "place": "ATHENS", "date": "2008-09-24", "colorindex": 15, "subjects": "GREECE/NATO: DEMARCHE ON 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"2008-09-24", "colorindex": 18, "subjects": "PAKISTAN RESPONSE TO DEMARCHE ON WORLD FOOD PROGRAM ESCORTS", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(123,55%,93%)", "timestamp": 1206960000.0, "id": "n196230", "constraint": 0.512346, "uri": "", "authority": 1.11966e-16, "label": "08KIGALI227", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000103172, "pagerank": 3.91595e-06, "place": "KIGALI", "date": "2008-03-31", "colorindex": 25, "subjects": "INTERPOL ARREST WARRANT ISSUED FOR RWANDAN MILITARY CHIEF OF GENERAL STAFF", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(123,55%,93%)", "timestamp": 1207150000.0, "id": "n196232", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.11757e-16, "label": "08KIGALI237", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.71279e-06, "place": "KIGALI", "date": "2008-04-02", "colorindex": 25, "subjects": "FOREIGN 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"classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1222340000.0, "id": "n200294", "constraint": 0.0941397, "uri": "", "authority": 3.7907e-16, "label": "08MADRID1021", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00662692, "pagerank": 1.55864e-05, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2008-09-25", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "DEPUTY CHIEF OF MISSION'S SEPTEMBER 23, 2008, MEETING WITH SPANISH MOD SECRETARY GENERAL FOR POLICY LUIS CUESTA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1202110000.0, "id": "n200299", "constraint": 0.262222, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08MADRID105", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000614344, "pagerank": 6.76791e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2008-02-04", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: ELECTION UPDATE FEBRUARY 1", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": 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"hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1225110000.0, "id": "n200319", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 2.05842e-19, "label": "08MADRID1126", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.76172e-07, "pagerank": 3.02365e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2008-10-27", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "TOMAHAWK LIKELY FIRST VICTIM OF BUDGET AX", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1225390000.0, "id": "n200321", "constraint": 0.2, "uri": "", "authority": 1.13491e-15, "label": "08MADRID1131", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00796636, "pagerank": 6.42862e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2008-10-30", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "DEPUTY CHIEF OF MISSION'S OCTOBER 29, 2008, MEETING WITH SPANISH MOD SECRETARY GENERAL FOR POLICY CUESTA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1227010000.0, "id": "n200341", 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"2008-12-05", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "REQUEST FOR INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING SPANISH DEFENSE MINISTER'S SUGGESTION AGREEMENT ON DEFENSE COOPERATION BE RAISED TO TREATY STATUS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1205430000.0, "id": "n200448", "constraint": 0.301389, "uri": "", "authority": 1.11878e-16, "label": "08MADRID313", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000243104, "pagerank": 5.95384e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2008-03-13", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "RWANDAN INDICTMENTS UPDATE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 7.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1207930000.0, "id": "n200475", "constraint": 0.142857, "uri": "", "authority": 3.37844e-15, "label": "08MADRID409", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000558889, "pagerank": 8.9081e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2008-04-11", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": 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"MADRID", "date": "2008-01-25", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN/BARCELONA ARRESTS: SUSPECTED TERRORISTS REPORTEDLY TARGETED PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1215100000.0, "id": "n200591", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 1.41886e-17, "label": "08MADRID738", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000232578, "pagerank": 2.77712e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2008-07-03", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "DISCUSSION WITH SPAIN OF U.S. SHIP VISITS TO GIBRALTAR", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 8.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1215520000.0, "id": "n200596", "constraint": 0.167969, "uri": "", "authority": 1.14056e-17, "label": "08MADRID751", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00181025, "pagerank": 9.80699e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2008-07-08", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "DEPUTY 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"hsl(290,84%,60%)", "timestamp": 1221760000.0, "id": "n206555", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 2.40739e-18, "label": "08OTTAWA1238", "caption": "", "betweenness": 9.9953e-05, "pagerank": 3.54221e-06, "place": "OTTAWA", "date": "2008-09-18", "colorindex": 29, "subjects": "CANADIAN ELECTION WILL DELAY DECISION ON FUNDS FOR AFGHAN ARMY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(290,84%,60%)", "timestamp": 1221860000.0, "id": "n206566", "constraint": 0.610623, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08OTTAWA1254", "caption": "", "betweenness": 4.9976e-05, "pagerank": 4.56878e-06, "place": "OTTAWA", "date": "2008-09-19", "colorindex": 29, "subjects": "CANADIANS WORKING ON RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF WFP ESCORT", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(290,84%,60%)", "timestamp": 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"PARIS", "date": "2008-09-19", "colorindex": 17, "subjects": "FRENCH UPDATES ON COUNTER-PIRACY; EU COORDINATION CELL OPERATIONAL TODAY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(50,73%,91%)", "timestamp": 1221810000.0, "id": "n208780", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 1.26393e-18, "label": "08PRAGUE612", "caption": "", "betweenness": 5.92214e-05, "pagerank": 3.0995e-06, "place": "PRAGUE", "date": "2008-09-19", "colorindex": 3, "subjects": "ADDITIONAL SUPPORT TO NATO TRAINING MISSION - IRAQ: CZECH RESPONSE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(50,73%,91%)", "timestamp": 1221840000.0, "id": "n208785", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.45726e-19, "label": "08PRAGUE620", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.02246e-06, "place": "PRAGUE", "date": "2008-09-19", "colorindex": 3, "subjects": "ADDRESSING AFGHAN 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EXPAND CN AUTHORITIES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(326,92%,92%)", "timestamp": 1221240000.0, "id": "n210428", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 3.18572e-19, "label": "08REYKJAVIK198", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.14661e-06, "place": "REYKJAVIK", "date": "2008-09-12", "colorindex": 13, "subjects": "ICELAND SUPPORTS MOVING ISAF COUNTER-NARC DISCUSSION TO NORTH ATLANTIC COUNCIL", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(275,79%,52%)", "timestamp": 1221450000.0, "id": "n210590", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 3.18572e-19, "label": "08RIGA554", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.14661e-06, "place": "RIGA", "date": "2008-09-15", "colorindex": 27, "subjects": "NO LATVIAN POSITION ON EXPANDING ISAF OPLAN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(28,89%,50%)", "timestamp": 1222710000.0, "id": "n211049", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.34549e-18, "label": "08ROME1213", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.8226e-06, "place": "ROME", "date": "2008-09-29", "colorindex": 16, "subjects": "IRAQ: ITALY TO CONTRIBUTE MORE CARABINIERI TO NTM-I BUT UNCERTAIN ON BORDER SECURITY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(28,89%,50%)", "timestamp": 1223650000.0, "id": "n211059", "constraint": 0.26024, "uri": "", "authority": 3.76754e-18, "label": "08ROME1251", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000177857, "pagerank": 6.93349e-06, "place": "ROME", "date": "2008-10-10", "colorindex": 16, "subjects": "AFGHANISTAN: ITALY SUPPORTS ANA TROOP INCREASE BUT BALKS AT EXPECTED DONOR CONTRIBUTION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 9.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(99,92%,51%)", "timestamp": 0.0, "id": "n213826", "constraint": 0.111111, "uri": "", "authority": 1.78009e-16, "label": "08SECSTATE73794", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00233054, "pagerank": 1.26631e-05, "place": "SECSTATE", "date": null, "colorindex": 30, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(99,92%,51%)", "timestamp": 0.0, "id": "n214008", "constraint": 0.166667, "uri": "", "authority": 1.78871e-16, "label": "08SECSTATE96122", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000652726, "pagerank": 8.39598e-06, "place": "SECSTATE", "date": null, "colorindex": 30, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(111,78%,67%)", "timestamp": 1221230000.0, "id": "n215179", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 3.18572e-19, "label": "08SOFIA610", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.14661e-06, "place": "SOFIA", "date": "2008-09-12", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "BULGARIA 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0.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1221880000.0, "id": "n215271", "constraint": 0.1, "uri": "", "authority": 9.50728e-15, "label": "08STATE100790", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00333381, "pagerank": 1.5911e-05, "place": "STATE", "date": "2008-09-20", "colorindex": 21, "subjects": "SEEKING ALLIED SUPPORT FOR NO BUSINESS AS USUAL IN THE NRC", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 18.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1204110000.0, "id": "n217153", "constraint": 0.0683882, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08STATE19516", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000619632, "pagerank": 2.76357e-05, "place": "STATE", "date": "2008-02-27", "colorindex": 21, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 11.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1215060000.0, "id": "n218911", "constraint": 0.12629, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08STATE71479", "caption": "", "betweenness": 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"degree": 10.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1221150000.0, "id": "n219811", "constraint": 0.1, "uri": "", "authority": 9.96149e-18, "label": "08STATE97395", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00053967, "pagerank": 1.78296e-05, "place": "STATE", "date": "2008-09-11", "colorindex": 21, "subjects": "CORRECTED COPY: SUPPORTING AMENDMENT OF THE ISAF OPLAN TO EXPAND CN AUTHORITIES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 22.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1221250000.0, "id": "n219834", "constraint": 0.0479378, "uri": "", "authority": 5.04206e-17, "label": "08STATE97991", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00540909, "pagerank": 3.18361e-05, "place": "STATE", "date": "2008-09-12", "colorindex": 21, "subjects": "SOLICITING CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SUSTAINING AFGHAN NATIONAL ARMY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 12.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1221690000.0, "id": "n219899", "constraint": 0.0833333, "uri": "", "authority": 3.04659e-17, "label": "08STATE99701", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0028732, "pagerank": 1.68213e-05, "place": "STATE", "date": "2008-09-17", "colorindex": 21, "subjects": "DEMARCHE REQUEST TO NATO ALLIES AND PARTNERS FOR ADDITIONAL SUPPORT TO NATO TRAINING MISSION-IRAQ", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1221700000.0, "id": "n219902", "constraint": 0.2, "uri": "", "authority": 1.21334e-17, "label": "08STATE99726", "caption": "", "betweenness": 6.47721e-05, "pagerank": 8.18452e-06, "place": "STATE", "date": "2008-09-18", "colorindex": 21, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(288,92%,99%)", "timestamp": 1222430000.0, "id": "n220039", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 2.94328e-18, "label": "08STOCKHOLM647", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.86112e-06, "place": "STOCKHOLM", "date": "2008-09-26", "colorindex": 8, "subjects": "SWEDEN: SOLICITING CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SUSTAINING AFGHAN NATIONAL ARMY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(40,68%,60%)", "timestamp": 1222950000.0, "id": "n220629", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 2.94328e-18, "label": "08TALLINN346", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.86112e-06, "place": "TALLINN", "date": "2008-10-02", "colorindex": 33, "subjects": "ESTONIA ON CONTRIBUTIONS TO AFGHAN NATIONAL ARMY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(40,68%,60%)", "timestamp": 1222950000.0, "id": "n220630", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 2.43065e-18, "label": "08TALLINN347", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000139931, "pagerank": 3.5305e-06, "place": "TALLINN", "date": "2008-10-02", "colorindex": 33, "subjects": "ESTONIAN REACTION TO AFGHANISTAN CIV-MIL CELL CONCEPT", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(307,79%,55%)", "timestamp": 1222090000.0, "id": "n222539", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 3.33624e-20, "label": "08THEHAGUE781", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000559608, "pagerank": 3.3423e-06, "place": "THEHAGUE", "date": "2008-09-22", "colorindex": 23, "subjects": "NETHERLANDS/SOMALIA: DUTCH TO CHANNEL SUPPORT THROUGH EU COORDINATION CELL", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(307,79%,55%)", "timestamp": 1222240000.0, "id": "n222544", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.45726e-19, "label": "08THEHAGUE792", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.02246e-06, "place": "THEHAGUE", "date": "2008-09-24", "colorindex": 23, "subjects": "NETHERLANDS/AFGHANISTAN: DUTCH URGE COORDINATION TO AVOID MORE SHINDAND INCIDENTS", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(307,79%,55%)", "timestamp": 1222240000.0, "id": "n222545", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 3.14637e-16, "label": "08THEHAGUE793", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.98353e-06, "place": "THEHAGUE", "date": "2008-09-24", "colorindex": 23, "subjects": "NETHERLANDS/NATO/RUSSIA: KEEP COMMUNICATION CHANNELS OPEN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 16.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(312,79%,97%)", "timestamp": 1225800000.0, "id": "n224733", "constraint": 0.182866, "uri": "", "authority": 2.32789e-17, "label": "08TUNIS1137", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00070772, "pagerank": 1.4028e-05, "place": "TUNIS", "date": "2008-11-04", "colorindex": 22, "subjects": "(S) TUNISIAN GUANTANAMO DETAINEES: WHAT NEXT?", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(105,70%,54%)", "timestamp": 1221230000.0, "id": "n225261", "constraint": 0.2, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "08UNVIEVIENNA504", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00031983, "pagerank": 9.35182e-06, "place": "unknown", "date": "2008-09-12", "colorindex": 14, "subjects": "TALIBAN TO BAN OPIUM IN AFGHANISTAN??", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(105,70%,54%)", "timestamp": 1208950000.0, "id": "n225559", "constraint": 0.166667, "uri": "", "authority": 1.79007e-16, "label": "08USNATO144", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00250739, "pagerank": 7.94911e-06, "place": "unknown", "date": "2008-04-23", "colorindex": 14, "subjects": "PM MALIKI ADDRESSES THE NAC AND CALLS FOR EXPANDED TRAINING MISSION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(105,70%,54%)", "timestamp": 1221730000.0, "id": "n225668", "constraint": 0.317744, "uri": "", "authority": 4.55368e-14, "label": "08USNATO336", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0028344, "pagerank": 5.94314e-06, "place": "unknown", "date": "2008-09-18", "colorindex": 14, "subjects": "SEPTEMBER 11, 2008 HLTF: ALLIES GRAPPLE WITH TIMING AND SUBSTANCE OF CFE NEXT STEPS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(51,65%,77%)", "timestamp": 1224240000.0, "id": "n226931", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 2.94328e-18, "label": "08VIENNA1544", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.86112e-06, "place": "VIENNA", "date": "2008-10-17", "colorindex": 31, "subjects": "AUSTRIA: SOLICITING CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SUSTAINING AFGHAN NATIONAL ARMY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(208,91%,96%)", "timestamp": 1221830000.0, "id": "n227404", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.34549e-18, "label": "08VILNIUS780", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.8226e-06, "place": "VILNIUS", "date": "2008-09-19", "colorindex": 32, "subjects": "LITHUANIANS WILL CONSIDER MORE TRAINERS FOR NTM-I", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(208,91%,96%)", "timestamp": 1224490000.0, "id": "n227425", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 2.31187e-18, "label": "08VILNIUS877", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.22215e-05, "pagerank": 3.32397e-06, "place": "VILNIUS", "date": "2008-10-20", "colorindex": 32, "subjects": "(C) LITHUANIA STILL CONSIDERING TRAINING PRESENCE IN AFGHANISTAN; WILL INCREASE SPECIAL OPS FORCES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(175,78%,82%)", "timestamp": 1222090000.0, "id": "n228468", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 3.14637e-16, "label": "08ZAGREB668", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.98353e-06, "place": "ZAGREB", "date": "2008-09-22", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "CROATIAN RESPONSE TO NO BUSINESS AS USUAL IN THE NRC", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(175,78%,82%)", "timestamp": 1223040000.0, "id": "n228481", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 2.94328e-18, "label": "08ZAGREB694", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.86112e-06, "place": "ZAGREB", "date": "2008-10-03", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "CROATIA ON CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SUSTAINING AFGHAN NATIONAL ARMY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(299,75%,58%)", "timestamp": 1245410000.0, "id": "n233575", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 2.58995e-16, "label": "09ASTANA1045", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.78037e-06, "place": "ASTANA", "date": "2009-06-19", "colorindex": 12, "subjects": "KAZAKHSTAN: DEMARCHE DELIVERED ON SCOPING INTEREST FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE G-8 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP AGAINST THE SPREAD OF WEAPONS AND MATERIALS OF MASS DESTRUCTION", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(86,54%,92%)", "timestamp": 1233850000.0, "id": "n237467", "constraint": 0.831111, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "09BARCELONA12", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.71535e-06, "place": "BARCELONA", "date": "2009-02-05", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "USS MT. WHITNEY: CITY AUTHORITIES, POLICE RUN FOR COVER FOLLOWING INCIDENT WITH CREWMEN", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(86,54%,92%)", "timestamp": 1234540000.0, "id": "n237468", "constraint": 0.831111, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "09BARCELONA15", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.71535e-06, "place": "BARCELONA", "date": "2009-02-13", "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "FOLLOW-UP JUDICIAL CASE: GEORGE THOMAS KEE, JR.", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(86,54%,92%)", "timestamp": 0.0, "id": "n237476", "constraint": 0.831111, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "09BARCELONA9", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.71535e-06, "place": "BARCELONA", "date": null, "colorindex": 10, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1255590000.0, "id": "n261341", "constraint": 0.717222, "uri": "", "authority": 2.05043e-17, "label": "09MADRID1003", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.72118e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-10-15", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: ANTI-MAFIA PROSECUTORS WELCOME USG OUTREACH, SEEK COLLABORATION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1258980000.0, "id": "n261390", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 0.0, "label": "09MADRID1124", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.67059e-05, "pagerank": 2.93673e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-11-23", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1259040000.0, "id": "n261392", "constraint": 0.376318, "uri": "", "authority": 8.99307e-15, "label": "09MADRID1127", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000849406, "pagerank": 5.35435e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-11-24", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: DHS SEC. NAPOLITANO'S MEETING WITH INTERIOR MINISTER", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1233600000.0, "id": "n261393", "constraint": 0.413333, "uri": "", "authority": 1.97946e-17, "label": "09MADRID113", "caption": "", "betweenness": 7.74384e-05, "pagerank": 5.7582e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-02-02", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "CHARGE'S JANUARY 29, 2008, LUNCH WITH SPANISH MOD SECRETARY GENERAL FOR POLICY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1261500000.0, "id": "n261425", "constraint": 0.239688, "uri": "", "authority": 3.79392e-19, "label": "09MADRID1207", "caption": "", "betweenness": 2.88456e-05, "pagerank": 6.99135e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-12-22", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: AL-QAIDA TIES EMERGE IN TRIAL FOR PLOT AGAINST BARCELONA SUBWAY", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1235490000.0, "id": "n261465", "constraint": 0.2, "uri": "", "authority": 6.76676e-14, "label": "09MADRID201", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00912529, "pagerank": 5.61602e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-02-24", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "CHARGE'S FEBRUARY 24, 2009, MEETING WITH SPANISH MOD SECRETARY GENERAL FOR POLICY LUIS CUESTA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 9.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1236710000.0, "id": "n261482", "constraint": 0.177773, "uri": "", "authority": 3.08224e-16, "label": "09MADRID261", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0113491, "pagerank": 1.02417e-05, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-03-10", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN REFLECTS ON JIHADIST THREAT FIVE YEARS AFTER MADRID TRAIN BOMBINGS", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1238610000.0, "id": "n261509", "constraint": 0.2, "uri": "", "authority": 1.11454e-16, "label": "09MADRID346", "caption": "", "betweenness": 6.16351e-05, "pagerank": 6.235e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-04-01", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: PROSECUTOR WEIGHS GTMO CRIMINAL CASE VS. FORMER USG OFFICIALS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1238610000.0, "id": "n261510", "constraint": 0.166667, "uri": "", "authority": 1.19867e-16, "label": "09MADRID347", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000606432, "pagerank": 7.25026e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-04-01", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: PROSECUTOR WEIGHS GTMO CRIMINAL CASE VS. FORMER USG OFFICIALS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1238680000.0, "id": "n261511", "constraint": 0.237972, "uri": "", "authority": 8.45831e-16, "label": "09MADRID351", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000215168, "pagerank": 6.91811e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-04-02", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: S/WCI ENGAGES GOS ON ACCEPTING GTMO DETAINEES", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1239790000.0, "id": "n261520", "constraint": 0.835069, "uri": "", "authority": 1.71778e-17, "label": "09MADRID383", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.69856e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-04-15", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "CODEL GREGG'S APRIL 13 MEETING WITH FM MORATINOS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1239950000.0, "id": "n261522", "constraint": 0.465347, "uri": "", "authority": 2.71921e-16, "label": "09MADRID392", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000570454, "pagerank": 4.77771e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-04-17", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: ATTORNEY GENERAL RECOMMENDS COURT NOT PURSUE GTMO CRIMINAL CASE VS. FORMER USG OFFICIALS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1239960000.0, "id": "n261523", "constraint": 0.668333, "uri": "", "authority": 2.68239e-16, "label": "09MADRID393", "caption": "", "betweenness": 9.73239e-06, "pagerank": 3.71365e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-04-17", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: SENATOR MEL MARTINEZ MEETINGS WITH DEPUTY FM LOSSADA AND MOD SECGEN CUESTA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1241100000.0, "id": "n261536", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 3.33602e-16, "label": "09MADRID432", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.99826e-05, "pagerank": 5.17852e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-04-30", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "INTERAGENCY DECISION NEEDED ON PALOMARES RESPONSE TO GOS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1241540000.0, "id": "n261539", "constraint": 0.269614, "uri": "", "authority": 7.84266e-15, "label": "09MADRID440", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00234019, "pagerank": 5.41416e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-05-05", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "GARZON OPENS SECOND INVESTIGATION INTO ALLEGED U.S. TORTURE OF TERRORISM DETAINEES", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1242740000.0, "id": "n261549", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 3.06296e-16, "label": "09MADRID484", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00266469, "pagerank": 4.45285e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-05-19", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN REVIEWING DRAFT AGREEMENT ON PREVENTING AND COMBATING SERIOUS CRIME (PCSC)", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1242740000.0, "id": "n261550", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 8.99523e-18, "label": "09MADRID485", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00262538, "pagerank": 4.68344e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-05-19", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "UPDATE ON SPAIN'S INFORMATION COLLECTION, SCREENING AND SHARING PRACTICES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1243330000.0, "id": "n261554", "constraint": 0.38546, "uri": "", "authority": 1.06684e-17, "label": "09MADRID498", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.7805e-05, "pagerank": 3.70927e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-05-26", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: TECHNICALITY FREES 10 OF 14 DEFENDANTS IN \"OPERATION TIGRIS\" TRIAL", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1243440000.0, "id": "n261556", "constraint": 0.259149, "uri": "", "authority": 1.03373e-17, "label": "09MADRID505", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00016136, "pagerank": 6.63338e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-05-27", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "CORRECTED COPY: SPAIN: TECHNICALITY FREES 10 OF 14 DEFENDANTS IN \"OP TIGRIS\" TRIAL", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1243610000.0, "id": "n261559", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 9.76331e-18, "label": "09MADRID517", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.99824e-05, "pagerank": 3.40294e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-05-29", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN'S MULTI-PRONGED EFFORTS TO COMBAT TERRORISM, ORGANIZED CRIME", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 11.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1244530000.0, "id": "n261562", "constraint": 0.161419, "uri": "", "authority": 9.25565e-15, "label": "09MADRID551", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0142185, "pagerank": 1.14653e-05, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-06-09", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SCENESETTER FOR JUNE 23-25 WASHINGTON VISIT BY SPAIN'S INTERIOR MINISTER", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1245690000.0, "id": "n261575", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 2.58995e-16, "label": "09MADRID594", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.78037e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-06-22", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN KEEN ON JOINING G-8 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP AGAINST THE SPREAD OF WEAPONS AND MATERIALS OF MASS DESTRUCTION", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1245850000.0, "id": "n261577", "constraint": 0.457938, "uri": "", "authority": 8.11308e-15, "label": "09MADRID604", "caption": "", "betweenness": 2.10825e-05, "pagerank": 4.23047e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-06-24", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: S/GC DAN FRIED PRESENTS CASE FILES ON GTMO DETAINEES", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1246020000.0, "id": "n261578", "constraint": 0.17778, "uri": "", "authority": 1.00944e-14, "label": "09MADRID612", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0128927, "pagerank": 6.9194e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-06-26", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SCENESETTER FOR MOD CHACON'S JUNE 30 - JULY 2 VISIT TO WASHINGTON, DC", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 10.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1246030000.0, "id": "n261580", "constraint": 0.209638, "uri": "", "authority": 2.26939e-13, "label": "09MADRID614", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00655137, "pagerank": 1.01726e-05, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-06-26", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SCENESETTER FOR DHS. SEC. NAPOLITANO'S JULY 1 MEETINGS IN MADRID", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1247070000.0, "id": "n261590", "constraint": 0.677284, "uri": "", "authority": 8.07403e-15, "label": "09MADRID671", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.35721e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-07-08", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: DHS SEC. NAPOLITANO'S MEETING WITH ZAPATERO", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1247120000.0, "id": "n261591", "constraint": 0.677284, "uri": "", "authority": 8.07403e-15, "label": "09MADRID673", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.35721e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-07-09", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: DHS SEC. NAPOLITANO'S MEETINGS WITH CABINET MINISTERS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1232560000.0, "id": "n261594", "constraint": 0.25, "uri": "", "authority": 6.78199e-12, "label": "09MADRID71", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00640943, "pagerank": 4.82491e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-01-21", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN: DEPARTING AMBASSADOR'S INSIGHTS ON ENGAGING GOS LEADERSHIP", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1248270000.0, "id": "n261600", "constraint": 0.349575, "uri": "", "authority": 8.12186e-15, "label": "09MADRID742", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00170028, "pagerank": 5.10991e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-07-22", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SPAIN ANALYZES GTMO FILES TO FIND \"BEST FIT\" FOR RESETTLEMENT", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1251730000.0, "id": "n261636", "constraint": 0.497535, "uri": "", "authority": 3.01381e-16, "label": "09MADRID869", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000362716, "pagerank": 4.87346e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-08-31", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "UPDATES IN SPAIN'S INVESTIGATIONS OF RUSSIAN MAFIA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(226,77%,96%)", "timestamp": 1251730000.0, "id": "n261638", "constraint": 0.370556, "uri": "", "authority": 3.17093e-16, "label": "09MADRID870", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000388713, "pagerank": 6.07497e-06, "place": "MADRID", "date": "2009-08-31", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "ASSESSING SPAIN'S EFFORTS TO COMBAT THE RUSSIAN MAFIA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(99,92%,51%)", "timestamp": 0.0, "id": 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"DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-10-12", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1223980000.0, "id": "n187872", "constraint": 0.310491, "uri": "", "authority": 1.81536e-10, "label": "08DAMASCUS723", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.99826e-05, "pagerank": 5.79977e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-10-14", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SARG ANTI-TERROR CRACKDOWN - A VIEW FROM THE SECURITY SERVICES - CORRECTED COPY", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 11.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1225290000.0, "id": "n187885", "constraint": 0.164665, "uri": "", "authority": 4.96924e-09, "label": "08DAMASCUS757", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000418754, "pagerank": 1.06752e-05, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-10-29", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "PYRRHIC VICTORY: DAMASCUS DECLARATION MEMBERS RECEIVE TWO AND A HALF YEAR JAIL SENTENCE", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1225700000.0, "id": "n187894", "constraint": 0.166667, "uri": "", "authority": 2.03348e-12, "label": "08DAMASCUS773", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000189904, "pagerank": 9.54696e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-03", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "CORRECTED COPY: ANYTHING BUT CONCILIATORY: SARG FOCUSED ON IRAQ, REVOKING AMSCHOOL STAFF VISAS", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1225980000.0, "id": "n187897", "constraint": 0.315022, "uri": "", "authority": 5.93088e-11, "label": "08DAMASCUS788", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.11262e-05, "pagerank": 5.42423e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-06", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "NEW SYRIAN BORDER LAW TARGETS KURDS, KURDS REACT", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1226240000.0, "id": "n187898", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.74945e-10, "label": "08DAMASCUS790", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.55104e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-09", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "DAMASCUS MEDIA REACTION, NOVEMBER 9, 2008: CONFESSORS OF SEPTEMBER 27 ATTACK AND OBAMA'S VICTORY", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1226330000.0, "id": "n187900", "constraint": 0.544198, "uri": "", "authority": 1.96858e-12, "label": "08DAMASCUS792", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 4.57591e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-10", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SARG PREVENTING DISTRIBUTION OF WFP RICE; PRM-FUNDED SHIPMENT CAUGHT UP", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1226330000.0, "id": "n187901", "constraint": 0.355625, "uri": "", "authority": 8.24206e-12, "label": "08DAMASCUS793", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000325206, "pagerank": 5.27821e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-10", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "BASHAR'S 11/9 SPEECH TO ARAB PARLIAMENTARIANS EVOKES PAN-ARABISM, CONDEMNS ALLEGED 10/26 U.S. RAID", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 11.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1226940000.0, "id": "n187904", "constraint": 0.185772, "uri": "", "authority": 5.28707e-09, "label": "08DAMASCUS814", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000337928, "pagerank": 1.19052e-05, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-17", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SARG LAUNCHES NEW PR CAMPAIGN AGAINST ISLAMIC EXTREMISM", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1227110000.0, "id": "n187905", "constraint": 0.544198, "uri": "", "authority": 1.96858e-12, "label": "08DAMASCUS820", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 4.57591e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-19", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SARG NOT BUDGING ON EMBARGOED WFP RICE FOR IRAQI", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 9.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1227630000.0, "id": "n187911", "constraint": 0.153262, "uri": "", "authority": 3.47502e-09, "label": "08DAMASCUS842", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000543379, "pagerank": 9.953e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-25", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SYRIAN DISSIDENT TAKES DIM VIEW OF ORGANIZED POLITICAL ACTIVISM", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1227690000.0, "id": "n187912", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 1.16948e-10, "label": "08DAMASCUS843", "caption": "", "betweenness": 5.64518e-08, "pagerank": 2.49322e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-26", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SYRIAN DISSIDENTS INDICATE GAP EXISTS BETWEEN KURDISH AND ARAB CIVIL SOCIETY GROUPS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1227710000.0, "id": "n187913", "constraint": 0.541756, "uri": "", "authority": 1.83413e-12, "label": "08DAMASCUS847", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.10508e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-26", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "2008 UN DROUGHT APPEAL FOR SYRIA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1227710000.0, "id": "n187914", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 2.42804e-06, "label": "08DAMASCUS848", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.52764e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-11-26", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SARG DRAFT LEGISLATION ON TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS STILL IN REWRITE PHASE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1228140000.0, "id": "n187917", "constraint": 0.544198, "uri": "", "authority": 1.96858e-12, "label": "08DAMASCUS857", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 4.57591e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-12-01", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "WFP COUNTRY DIRECTOR DISMISSED, STATUS OF EMBARGOED RICE UNCLEAR", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1228410000.0, "id": "n187922", "constraint": 0.544198, "uri": "", "authority": 1.96858e-12, "label": "08DAMASCUS874", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 4.57591e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-12-04", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "MORE WFP RICE TO BE RE-EXPORTED: SARG PROXIES BLAME WFP", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1229350000.0, "id": "n187924", "constraint": 0.388467, "uri": "", "authority": 1.83467e-09, "label": "08DAMASCUS883", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000332637, "pagerank": 3.4637e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-12-15", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SARG DISMISSES SHEIKHS FROM LEADERSHIP POSITIONS IN CHARITABLE ISLAMIC SOCIETIES ON SUSPICIONS OF TERRORIST FUNDING.", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 7.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1229350000.0, "id": "n187925", "constraint": 0.326717, "uri": "", "authority": 5.00977e-08, "label": "08DAMASCUS885", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000528165, "pagerank": 6.52644e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2008-12-15", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "VIOLENCE AND FIRE ERUPT AGAIN AT SEIDNAYA/SAYDNAYA PRISON: RIOT SUSPECTED", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(28,89%,50%)", "timestamp": 1201880000.0, "id": "n211106", "constraint": 0.506236, "uri": "", "authority": 5.68837e-12, "label": "08ROME147", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000139931, "pagerank": 4.65996e-06, "place": "ROME", "date": "2008-02-01", "colorindex": 2, "subjects": "SYRIA: ITALY SUPPORTS EU DEMARCH ON SEIF'S ARREST", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1225490000.0, "id": "n215878", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 1.70751e-12, "label": "08STATE116623", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.99826e-05, "pagerank": 4.8433e-06, "place": "STATE", "date": "2008-10-31", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "USAID/DCHA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance's Guidance for Disaster Planning and Response - FY 2009", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 275.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1229660000.0, "id": "n216628", "constraint": 0.0798959, "uri": "", "authority": 0.8629, "label": "08STATE132759", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.064147, "pagerank": 0.000204828, "place": "STATE", "date": "2008-12-19", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "PREPARING THE NINTH ANNUAL TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS (TIP) REPORT", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1234110000.0, "id": "n247260", "constraint": 0.530123, "uri": "", "authority": 4.14067e-12, "label": "09DAMASCUS114", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.16398e-10, "pagerank": 3.50881e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-08", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "IRAQI KURDS REBUFF SYRIAN KURDISH ACTIVIST'S REQUEST FOR COOPERATION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1234430000.0, "id": "n247266", "constraint": 0.305, "uri": "", "authority": 1.05922e-10, "label": "09DAMASCUS129", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000772278, "pagerank": 4.15349e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-12", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1234450000.0, "id": "n247268", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 1.10384e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS132", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.9966e-11, "pagerank": 2.37598e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-12", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SCENESETTER FOR CODELS CARDIN, BERMAN, AND KERRY VISITS TO DAMASCUS", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1234880000.0, "id": "n247271", "constraint": 0.296633, "uri": "", "authority": 0.028682, "label": "09DAMASCUS139", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00455231, "pagerank": 3.84581e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-17", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SYRIA: 2008 TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS REPORT", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED-FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY" }, { "degree": 9.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1235060000.0, "id": "n247273", "constraint": 0.165362, "uri": "", "authority": 4.18071e-12, "label": "09DAMASCUS142", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000833536, "pagerank": 8.45005e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-19", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "RE-ENGAGING SYRIA: ENTERING THE SYRIAN SPIN MACHINE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1235480000.0, "id": "n247275", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 1.10384e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS147", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.9966e-11, "pagerank": 2.37598e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-24", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "ASAD TELLS CODEL BERMAN SYRIA READY FOR PEACE, U.S. INVOLVEMENT NECESSARY FOR SUCCESS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1235480000.0, "id": "n247276", "constraint": 0.227986, "uri": "", "authority": 4.9915e-09, "label": "09DAMASCUS148", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00052192, "pagerank": 5.62905e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-24", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "CONGRESSMAN BERMAN MEETS WITH DAMASCUS DECLARATION REPRESENTATIVES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1235580000.0, "id": "n247278", "constraint": 0.2, "uri": "", "authority": 1.66798e-10, "label": "09DAMASCUS150", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000273066, "pagerank": 5.13203e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-25", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "PARADE OF CODELS TO DAMASCUS: WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESN'T", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1235590000.0, "id": "n247279", "constraint": 0.2, "uri": "", "authority": 1.66798e-10, "label": "09DAMASCUS151", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000273066, "pagerank": 5.13203e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-25", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "CORRECTED COPY (CLASSIFICATION) - PARADE OF CODELS TO DAMASCUS: WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESN'T", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1236000000.0, "id": "n247285", "constraint": 0.25, "uri": "", "authority": 3.38282e-12, "label": "09DAMASCUS165", "caption": "", "betweenness": 7.99635e-05, "pagerank": 6.14124e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-03-02", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "CORRECTED ARREST DATE: CYBER-DISSIDENT TRIAL WILL CONTINUE; EUROPEANS DEBATE FUTURE LEVEL OF REPRESENTATION AT POLITICAL TRIALS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 8.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1236150000.0, "id": "n247288", "constraint": 0.160497, "uri": "", "authority": 4.17293e-12, "label": "09DAMASCUS171", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000831936, "pagerank": 7.61124e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-03-04", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "CORRECTED COPY (CLASSIFICATION) RE-ENGAGING SYRIA: ENTERING THE SYRIAN SPIN MACHINE", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1236760000.0, "id": "n247293", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 5.54795e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS185", "caption": "", "betweenness": 2.96576e-05, "pagerank": 2.50515e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-03-11", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "MOVEMENT FOR JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT SEEKING TO EXPAND ROLE IN SYRIA", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1237390000.0, "id": "n247307", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 1.01896e-10, "label": "09DAMASCUS210", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000119943, "pagerank": 4.54797e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-03-18", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "HABIB SALEH SENTENCED TO THREE YEARS IN PRISON", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1237990000.0, "id": "n247310", "constraint": 0.512188, "uri": "", "authority": 2.25588e-12, "label": "09DAMASCUS224", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000235237, "pagerank": 4.77685e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-03-25", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "QAMISHLI KURDS CELEBRATE NOWRUZ WITHOUT SARG REPRISALS PART I OF II.", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1238080000.0, "id": "n247313", "constraint": 0.512188, "uri": "", "authority": 2.25588e-12, "label": "09DAMASCUS228", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000235237, "pagerank": 4.77685e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-03-26", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "QAMISHLI KURDS CELEBRATE NOWRUZ WITHOUT SARG REPRISALS PART II OF II.", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1239290000.0, "id": "n247322", "constraint": 0.257603, "uri": "", "authority": 3.40075e-10, "label": "09DAMASCUS272", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000270254, "pagerank": 5.22206e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-04-09", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "FOR AILING RIAD SEIF, RIAD AL-TURK AND DAMASCUS DECLARATION CONTEMPLATE FULL COURT PRESS", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1240480000.0, "id": "n247333", "constraint": 0.657521, "uri": "", "authority": 1.75682e-10, "label": "09DAMASCUS298", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.34375e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-04-23", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "FRENCH AND GERMAN EMBASSIES PREPARED TO REQUEST SARG FREE AILING RIAD SEIF", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1240930000.0, "id": "n247337", "constraint": 0.2401, "uri": "", "authority": 1.20086e-10, "label": "09DAMASCUS306", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000610799, "pagerank": 5.50298e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-04-28", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "BEHAVIOR REFORM: NEXT STEPS FOR A HUMAN RIGHTS STRATEGY", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1242300000.0, "id": "n247348", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 5.5016e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS343", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000542102, "pagerank": 3.72952e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-05-14", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "KURDISH ACTIVIST MESHAAL TAMMO SENTENCED, DAMASCUS DECLARATION FOUNDER MICHEL KILO TO BE RELEASED.", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 9.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1245680000.0, "id": "n247380", "constraint": 0.28085, "uri": "", "authority": 5.14902e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS432", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000259864, "pagerank": 8.53934e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-06-22", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "UN PREPS 2009 SYRIA DROUGHT APPEAL", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1245680000.0, "id": "n247381", "constraint": 0.2401, "uri": "", "authority": 3.07267e-09, "label": "09DAMASCUS433", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000217145, "pagerank": 5.7655e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-06-22", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "FREEDOMHOUSE SEEKING TO FUND HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1246970000.0, "id": "n247391", "constraint": 0.3309, "uri": "", "authority": 4.04402e-05, "label": "09DAMASCUS471", "caption": "", "betweenness": 8.98901e-05, "pagerank": 6.39951e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-07-07", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "WOMEN STRUGGLE FOR REFUGE IN DAMASCUS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1247060000.0, "id": "n247393", "constraint": 0.25, "uri": "", "authority": 1.55657e-09, "label": "09DAMASCUS477", "caption": "", "betweenness": 8.47508e-05, "pagerank": 4.41673e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-07-08", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "MURKY ALLIANCES: MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, THE MOVEMENT FOR JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY, AND THE DAMASCUS DECLARATION", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1247150000.0, "id": "n247394", "constraint": 0.473363, "uri": "", "authority": 3.89649e-05, "label": "09DAMASCUS479", "caption": "", "betweenness": 4.68659e-07, "pagerank": 4.19012e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-07-09", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "WOMEN'S ISSUES: IOM HALTS FUNDS TO LOCAL WOMEN'S NGO", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1247360000.0, "id": "n247397", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.53993e-09, "label": "09DAMASCUS482", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.71156e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-07-12", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1248650000.0, "id": "n247406", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.53993e-09, "label": "09DAMASCUS517", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.71156e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-07-26", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 14.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1249040000.0, "id": "n247407", "constraint": 0.135855, "uri": "", "authority": 1.39514e-06, "label": "09DAMASCUS534", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00261197, "pagerank": 1.2753e-05, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-07-31", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SARG IMPRISONS PROMINENT HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1249540000.0, "id": "n247409", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 4.62659e-08, "label": "09DAMASCUS550", "caption": "", "betweenness": 7.18496e-05, "pagerank": 2.38551e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-08-06", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "AGGRESSIVE AND UNUSUAL SARG SURVEILLANCE OF EMBOFF AND VISITING MEPI PROGRAM OFFICER", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "SECRET", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1249550000.0, "id": "n247410", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 4.62659e-08, "label": "09DAMASCUS551", "caption": "", "betweenness": 7.18496e-05, "pagerank": 2.38551e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-08-06", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "AGGRESSIVE AND UNUSUAL SARG SURVEILLANCE OF EMBOFF AND VISITING MEPI PROGRAM OFFICER", "nodeclass": "SECRET" }, { "degree": 7.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1249560000.0, "id": "n247411", "constraint": 0.339596, "uri": "", "authority": 0.000107522, "label": "09DAMASCUS554", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000250986, "pagerank": 6.60267e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-08-06", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "EMBASSY DAMASCUS OPENS DIALOGUE WITH MFA ON TIP ISSUES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1249560000.0, "id": "n247412", "constraint": 0.311006, "uri": "", "authority": 4.47204e-05, "label": "09DAMASCUS555", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000950699, "pagerank": 6.02882e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-08-06", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "TIER 3 REASSESSMENT NEEDED FOR SYRIA", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1231150000.0, "id": "n247419", "constraint": 0.2, "uri": "", "authority": 4.65386e-08, "label": "09DAMASCUS6", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000243421, "pagerank": 6.35566e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-01-05", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SEIDNAYA PRISON TROUBLES BOIL OVER AGAIN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1250690000.0, "id": "n247420", "constraint": 0.328192, "uri": "", "authority": 1.38135e-07, "label": "09DAMASCUS604", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000245559, "pagerank": 4.7071e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-08-19", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "DISBARMENT HEARINGS BEGIN FOR JAILED HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 8.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1232550000.0, "id": "n247423", "constraint": 0.249528, "uri": "", "authority": 7.33784e-05, "label": "09DAMASCUS62", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00130621, "pagerank": 8.43806e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-01-21", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "PROTECTING WOMEN: SARG COOPERATING WITH LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL NGOS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1251190000.0, "id": "n247424", "constraint": 0.220401, "uri": "", "authority": 1.54074e-09, "label": "09DAMASCUS620", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00124555, "pagerank": 6.19128e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-08-25", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SIX MONTH CHECK-UP: KURDS AILING BUT POLITICALLY MOTIVATED", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1253710000.0, "id": "n247436", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 4.62667e-08, "label": "09DAMASCUS692", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00105749, "pagerank": 3.22103e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-09-23", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SHOW US THE MONEY! SARG SUSEPCTS \"ILLEGAL\" USG FUNDING", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1255430000.0, "id": "n247448", "constraint": 0.388021, "uri": "", "authority": 0.00010383, "label": "09DAMASCUS727", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000722487, "pagerank": 4.68515e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-10-13", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "WHAT CARROT, WHAT STICK? PUSHING THE SARG ON TIP", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1255430000.0, "id": "n247449", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 5.13609e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS728", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.99914e-05, "pagerank": 3.69268e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-10-13", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "CBS AND BANK SADERAT OF IRAN INVEST IN NEW SYRIAN COMMERCIAL BANK AMAN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1255620000.0, "id": "n247450", "constraint": 0.467812, "uri": "", "authority": 1.33678e-06, "label": "09DAMASCUS734", "caption": "", "betweenness": 8.69351e-05, "pagerank": 3.81506e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-10-15", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "EU AGREEMENT INVITATION MEETS SYRIAN DEMAND TO STUDY DOCUMENT AND ARREST OF HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1255680000.0, "id": "n247451", "constraint": 0.421988, "uri": "", "authority": 9.67196e-08, "label": "09DAMASCUS735", "caption": "", "betweenness": 1.29247e-09, "pagerank": 3.89359e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-10-16", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "CORRECTED CLASSIFICATION FROM UNCLASS TO CONFIDENTIAL EU AGREEMENT INVITATION MEETS SYRIAN DEMAND TO STUDY DOCUMENT AND ARREST OF HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1232640000.0, "id": "n247452", "constraint": 0.5, "uri": "", "authority": 2.02456e-12, "label": "09DAMASCUS74", "caption": "", "betweenness": 8.99487e-05, "pagerank": 2.78775e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-01-22", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SARG: \"TIGHTENING THE SCREWS\" ON INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ASSISTING IRAQI REFUGEES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1256210000.0, "id": "n247453", "constraint": 0.250164, "uri": "", "authority": 9.27061e-08, "label": "09DAMASCUS747", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000708443, "pagerank": 6.19677e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-10-22", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "MICHEL KILO: FREED DISSIDENT ANALYZES US-SYRIAN FUTURE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1232810000.0, "id": "n247460", "constraint": 0.25, "uri": "", "authority": 1.11087e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS77", "caption": "", "betweenness": 7.67714e-05, "pagerank": 4.1333e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-01-24", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 5.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 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6.27891e-09, "label": "09DAMASCUS788", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000224666, "pagerank": 6.91999e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-11-12", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SYRIAN DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT'S HAIRLINE FRACTURES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1258380000.0, "id": "n247468", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 4.4373e-08, "label": "09DAMASCUS791", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.46982e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-11-16", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "HUMAN RIGHTS PRESSURE PROMPTS NEW THREATS AND CONTROLS FROM SARG", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1259150000.0, "id": "n247478", "constraint": 0.333333, "uri": "", "authority": 8.74978e-08, "label": "09DAMASCUS822", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.000119533, "pagerank": 3.12023e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "AND THEN THERE WAS ONE: SARG SETS SIGHTS ON MUHANAD AL-HASANI'S LAST LAWYER", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 3.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1259160000.0, "id": "n247480", "constraint": 0.422346, "uri": "", "authority": 6.70379e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS826", "caption": "", "betweenness": 3.80156e-08, "pagerank": 3.31745e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-11-25", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "NO DIVIDEND ON SARG-KURDISH BACKCHANNEL TALKS", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 6.0, "classification": "UNCLASSIFIED", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1259850000.0, "id": "n247483", "constraint": 0.237944, "uri": "", "authority": 0.000956228, "label": "09DAMASCUS840", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00246746, "pagerank": 6.73506e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-12-03", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SYRIA NOMINATES SISTER CLAUDA ISAIAH NADDAF FOR THE SECRETARY'S INTERNATIONAL WOMEN OF COURAGE AWARD", "nodeclass": "UNCLASSIFIED" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "SECRET//NOFORN", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1261450000.0, "id": "n247497", "constraint": 0.804444, "uri": "", "authority": 3.64022e-12, "label": "09DAMASCUS880", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 3.01845e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-12-22", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SYRIAN-IRANIAN SHOW OF SOLIDARITY MASKS TENSIONS OVER IRAQ, YEMEN, AND WAR WITH ISRAEL", "nodeclass": "SECRET-NOFORN" }, { "degree": 4.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1261490000.0, "id": "n247498", "constraint": 0.281013, "uri": "", "authority": 4.25918e-10, "label": "09DAMASCUS881", "caption": "", "betweenness": 4.9733e-08, "pagerank": 4.17478e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-12-22", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "RIAD TURK UPDATES ON DAMASCUS DECLARATION", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 7.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1261560000.0, "id": "n247501", "constraint": 0.245193, "uri": "", "authority": 1.55049e-09, "label": "09DAMASCUS884", "caption": "(NOTAL)", "betweenness": 0.000179913, "pagerank": 9.80968e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-12-23", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "SYRIAN MFA HOPES REVOKING BANK AMAN LICENSE NOT PRECONDITION FOR U.S. REVIEW OF COMMERCIAL BANK OF SYRIA; CONSIDERS U.S. ASSISTANCE REQUESTS FOR AMCITS DETAINED IN IRAN", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 8.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(35,97%,91%)", "timestamp": 1233500000.0, "id": "n247506", "constraint": 0.154008, "uri": "", "authority": 1.6136e-11, "label": "09DAMASCUS94", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.00220198, "pagerank": 7.58191e-06, "place": "DAMASCUS", "date": "2009-02-01", "colorindex": 0, "subjects": "CODEL SMITH: ASAD POSITIVE ON NEW BILATERAL RELATIONS, DEFENDS SYRIA'S REGIONAL EQUITIES", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 0.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1260200000.0, "id": "n279308", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 1.6995e-12, "label": "09STATE124988", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 2.20048e-06, "place": "STATE", "date": "2009-12-07", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "DEMARCHE ON SYRIAN-IRANIAN JOINT BANKING VENTURE", "nodeclass": "CONFIDENTIAL" }, { "degree": 1.0, "classification": "", "missing": 1.0, "color": "hsl(224,92%,96%)", "timestamp": 1260210000.0, "id": "n279309", "constraint": 1.0, "uri": "", "authority": 5.13047e-11, "label": "09STATE124998", "caption": "", "betweenness": 0.0, "pagerank": 1.82227e-06, "place": "STATE", "date": "2009-12-07", "colorindex": 1, "subjects": "", "nodeclass": "MISSING" }, { "degree": 2.0, "classification": "CONFIDENTIAL", "missing": 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