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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Eventbrite Attendees Shortcode example filters for:
* Plugin Name: Eventbrite Attendees Shortcode - Filters
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Example filters for the <a href="">Eventbrite Attendees Shortcode</a>. Made for Phillip D. @
* Author: Austin Passy
* Author URI:
* Version: 2014.10.28
* License: GPL
class Eventbrite_Attendees_Shortcode_Filters {
var $make_clickable = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->make_clickable = array( 'company' );
add_filter( 'eventbrite_attendees_keys_to_unset', array( $this, 'eb_attendee_unset' ) );
foreach ( $this->make_clickable as $name ) {
add_filter( "eventbrite_attendees_{$name}_make_clickable", array( $this, 'eb_attendees_make_clickable' ) );
* Removal all attendee keys exept for 'company' and 'website'
* @author Austin Passy <>
* @siince 10/28/14
function eb_attendee_unset( $data ) {
// If you want to remove additional info from the default
$newdata = array( 'display_name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email' );
$data = array_unique( array_merge( $newdata, $data ) );
return $data;
* Make all global $make_clickable vars clickable.
* @author Austin Passy <>
* @siince 10/28/14
function eb_attendees_make_clickable() {
return true;
$Eventbrite_Attendees_Shortcode_Filters = new Eventbrite_Attendees_Shortcode_Filters;
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