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Licenser /
Last active June 14, 2020 17:11
cd /opt/local/
curl -O
pkgin install mongodb-2.6.7 unzip openjdk7 git gmake gcc47 apache-maven javacc
cd UniFi
rm bin/mongod
ln -s /opt/local/bin/mongod /opt/local/UniFi/bin/
## The snappy library isn't working on Solaris/SmartOS here is how to get a new one.
baetheus /
Last active November 14, 2015 21:09
Running Sickbeard in a SmartOS Zone

Sickbeard on SmartOS


Documentation on installing and setting up SickBeard on a SmartOS base64 14.3.0 zone. These instructions assume a fresh zone creation of image 62f148f8-6e84-11e4-82c5-efca60348b9f.


Make sure to copy the following line by line and confirm that each runs successfully. All of the following are run from the root shell.

pkgin -fy up

pkgin -y fug

baetheus /
Last active December 17, 2023 14:28
SmartOS Single IP with NAT using VLAN


These intructions might work, but they need a bit of attention. I've been reading through ipf and smf documentation and have found a few ways to improve this process. When I have time I'll add that information here, until then, be sure to look into the ipf settings if you're having issues with routing. Good luck!


This is a modified version of sjorge's instructions for Single IP with NAT. Those instructions can be found here:

The primary difference is that this version does not rely on etherstubs for internal switching, but instead uses a vlan configuration. The benefits of this method over using etherstubs are:

  1. Project Fifo ( can create vms and zones with vlans, but does not currently have etherstub support.
  2. Vlan switching is supposedly more efficient than creating an etherstub to handle switching. I have not tested this statement.
mattconnolly / gist:6097313
Created July 28, 2013 03:58
Adding a zfs dataset to a SmartOS zone. Seems there's no vmadm api for this, but you can do it with zonecfg:
# vmadm halt <uuid>
# zonecfg -z <uuid>
zonecfg:uuid> add dataset
zonecfg:uuid:dataset> set name=<zfs/path>
zonecfg:uuid:dataset> end
zonecfg:uuid> commit
zonecfg:uuid> exit
# zfs set mountpoint=legacy <zfs/path>
# vmadm boot <uuid>