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Shayan themegabyte

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# Set vi key bindings mode
set -g mode-keys vi
set -g status-keys vi
# Set new panes to open in current directory
bind c new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind '"' split-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind % split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
# List of plugins
mattbell87 /
Last active July 2, 2024 02:45
VSCode Remote: Connect to WSL2 from another machine

VSCode Remote: Connect to WSL2 from another machine

Do you want to do remote development on your WSL2 container in Visual Studio Code? Read this.

Proxy jump method

  1. On the host set up OpenSSH for Windows
  2. Run wsl --update to make sure you are running the latest WSL
  3. Open WSL and install another SSH server inside WSL with sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  4. Now run sudo systemctl enable --now ssh to automatically start ssh when WSL starts.
kasuken / VS 2019 and VS Code - Defender Exclusions.ps1
Last active February 12, 2024 03:30
This script adds path exclusions to Windows Defender for VS 2019 and Visual Studio Code processes and folders.
# Remember to run the script "as Administrator"
$pathExclusions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$processExclusions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\Windows\assembly') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add($env:USERPROFILE + '\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add($env:USERPROFILE + '\.nuget\packages') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages') > $null
JamoCA / NordVPN-Server-IP-List.txt
Last active July 1, 2024 15:16
NordVPN Server IP List; 2,590 IPs; 2020-02-04T15:31:55Z
giautm / build-id.js
Created June 14, 2018 08:09
Next.JS Build-ID with last git commit
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const { execFile } = require('child_process')
function lastCommitId(dir) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const gitArgs = [
`--git-dir=${path.join(dir, '.git')}`,
noelbundick / LICENSE
Last active May 24, 2024 09:10
Exclude WSL installations from Windows Defender realtime protection
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Noel Bundick
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
galexrt /
Last active February 26, 2024 20:33
Simple Prometheus node_exporter install script (Updated for 1.0.1)
wget "$version/node_exporter-$version.$arch.tar.gz" \
-O /tmp/node_exporter.tar.gz
mkdir -p /tmp/node_exporter
efrecon / run.tpl
Last active May 30, 2024 03:12
`docker inspect` template to regenerate the `docker run` command that created a container
docker run \
--name {{printf "%q" .Name}} \
{{- with .HostConfig}}
{{- if .Privileged}}
--privileged \
{{- end}}
{{- if .AutoRemove}}
--rm \
{{- end}}
{{- if .Runtime}}
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# .see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
# If running non interactively, do nothing
#|# Preamble #
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
tatsuhiro-t /
Created March 21, 2016 03:31
List up commit log author from git-log
#!/usr/bin/env python
# script to extract commit author's name from standard input. The
# input should be <AUTHOR>:<EMAIL>, one per line.
# This script expects the input is created by git-log command:
# git log --format=%aN:%aE
# This script removes duplicates based on email address, breaking a
# tie with longer author name. Among the all author names extract the