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TheTank20 thepwrtank18

  • 03:35 (UTC -05:00)
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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am thepwrtank18 on github.
  • I am thepwrtank18 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCyktlgjSz5xJy8HUnDFypMVjtQIoeT1sPgfcUjWDvUxwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

thepwrtank18 /
Last active July 29, 2023 13:21
Every Product Key That Can (as of now) Be Made

Every Product Key That Can (as of now) Be Made

This list gives every product key for every BINK ID (that we know the algorithm of) and Channel ID. Not every product key can be listed, but if you have a Microsoft product that doesn't use pidgenx (pre-Vista and Office 2010), at least one of these keys will work. If it does, tell so in the comments! That way, we can properly label what goes to which.

Note: If NONE of these keys work,

  • I want whatever software/drugs you're using that lets you test every one of these keys.
  • Tell me the product you're trying to use in the comments! You might have something important (ex: a BINK we don't know the algorithm of) and we need it to complete the collection.

What do the numbers mean, Jason?

BINK ID's are essentially the product identifier. 2A and 2B is Windows XP Home Edition, 50 and 51 is Halo: Combat Evolved, etc. These can overlap (because the geniuses at Microsoft decided to have them overlap), so the BINK doesn't really identify anything.

thepwrtank18 /
Last active January 9, 2025 13:55
Windows XP/2003 Product Keys


Consider this gist to be deprecated. It's full of information that may or may not be correct, given recent findings. Consider the in-development PIDDatabase, and UMSKT, instead:

Windows XP/2003 Product Keys

These keys have been tested to work. These are a combination of keys from Chinese websites, trial keys inside ISO's, auto-activate keys in OEM ISO's, and directly from Microsoft's website, all aggregated for your convenience.


In order to use these keys, you need the right edition of Windows XP/2003. Not just Home/Pro/Enteprise/etc, whether it's a Retail, OEM or Volume version. There's a clear cut way to check this.

Splitting files with ffmpeg and VLC

If you've ever used Jellyfin or Plex before, you know the pains of the "2 episodes per file" files. In this tutorial, I will show you how to split the episodes into 2 files.

  1. Install this addon for VLC:
  2. Play the original file, and make your way to the part where the first episode ends and the second one begins (usually marked by a black screen). Pause at that point.
  3. Go to View -> Jump to time (previous frame) v3. Set the time format to the point where it looks like "456,123", then click "Get time >>".
  4. Copy that text, and save it somewhere.
  5. Run ffmpeg with the following arguments: ffmpeg -i "TV.Show.S01E01-02.mkv" -t [time text, replace "," with "."] -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s copy "TV.Show.S01E01.mkv"
  6. Run ffmpeg again with the following arguments: `ffmpeg -i "TV.Show.S01E01-02.mkv" -ss [time text, repla
--------- beginning of main
02-19 22:00:43.033 20839 20839 E manager.flutter: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-19 22:00:43.037 20839 20839 W libc    : Access denied finding property "sys.perf.boostopt"
02-19 22:00:43.037 20839 20854 W libc    : Access denied finding property "sys.perf.boostopt"
02-19 22:00:43.038 20839 20839 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator
02-19 22:00:43.038 20839 20839 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put
02-19 22:00:43.047 20839 20839 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10542; state: ENABLED
02-19 22:00:43.051 20839 20839 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~HnNr3031k7LioaM1IOkfmA==/app.revanced.manager.flutter-QZboOAecE8pyHrxVx9_I0w==/': No such file or directory
02-19 22:00:43.051 20839 20839 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~HnNr3031k7LioaM1IOkfmA==/app.revanced.manager.flutter-QZboOAecE8pyHrxVx9_I0w==/': No such file or directory
thepwrtank18 /
Created December 19, 2021 03:41
Using GitHub Actions for .NET Framework Desktop Apps to create artifacts

Here is the Actions code:

name: Build App
on: [push]

Step 0: Foreword

This is an unsupported operating system, with unsupported drivers. Use this at your own risk.

Step 1: Preparation

You will need:

  • Either a:
  • x64 Windows Vista ISO
thepwrtank18 /
Last active May 16, 2021 04:39
Bethesda's main series
thepwrtank18 /
Last active July 26, 2021 04:14
Batchfile Tips and Tricks


Want to make .bat (or .cmd) scripts? This is for you!

Simple stuff

These are the simple stuff, but very useful.


echo is basically the console.log or console.WriteLine of Batchfile. It is important to put @echo off (or echo off if that doesn't work) on the first line of your script.

Input: echo Never

thepwrtank18 /
Last active January 11, 2025 05:37
Download VMware Tools for Windows Vista (and Windows 7 RTM)

As of 12/11/2020, VMware no longer signs Tools for Windows Vista with SHA-1, so you need Windows 7 SP1 or later to use the latest version.

However, you can use an older version of VMware Tools, which is here:

Link is dead. Instead, here's a full on guide.

Step 0: Foreword

This is an unsupported operating system, with unsupported drivers. Use this at your own risk.