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Created September 10, 2023 22:22
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Generate a self signed certificate
import binascii
import getpass
import json
import os
import time
from urllib.request import urlopen
from OpenSSL import crypto
IP_INFO = json.load(urlopen('')) or json.load(urlopen(''))
def _get_serial() -> bytes:
"""Generates a serial number for the self-signed SSL.
See Also:
- This function is not called, but it is here only as a just in case measure to insert serial number manually.
- Serial Number is a unique identifier assigned by the CA which issued the certificate.
Encoded serial number for the certificate.
serial_hex = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(18)).decode().upper()
return " ".join(serial_hex[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(serial_hex), 2)).encode('UTF-8')
def _generate_serial_hash(byte_size: int = 18, int_size: int = 36) -> int:
"""Generates a hashed serial number.
byte_size: Size of the bytes object containing random bytes.
int_size: Size of the base int.
Returns the hashed serial.
return int(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(byte_size)).decode().upper(), int_size)
def generate_cert(common_name: str,
email_address: str = None,
country_name: str = IP_INFO.get('country', 'US'),
locality_name: str = IP_INFO.get('city', 'New York'),
state_or_province_name: str = IP_INFO.get('region', 'New York'),
organization_name: str = None,
organization_unit_name: str = "Information Technology",
validity_start_in_seconds: int = 0,
validity_end_in_seconds: int = 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,
key_file: str = "key.key",
cert_file: str = "cert.crt",
key_size: int = 4096) -> bool:
"""Creates a private/self-signed certificate.
common_name: DNS name of the origin.
email_address: Contact email address for the cert. Defaults to ````
country_name: Name of the country. Defaults to ``US``
locality_name: Name of the city. Defaults to ``New York``
state_or_province_name: Name of the state/province. Defaults to ``New York``
organization_name: Name of the organization. Defaults to ``common_name``
organization_unit_name: Name of the organization unit. Defaults to ``Information Technology``
validity_start_in_seconds: From when the cert validity begins. Defaults to ``0``.
validity_end_in_seconds: Expiration duration of the cert. Defaults to ``10 years``
key_file: Name of the key file.
cert_file: Name of the certificate.
key_size: Size of the public key. Defaults to 4096.
Boolean flag to indicate whether ``cert.pem`` and ``key.pem`` files are empty.
See Also:
Use ``openssl x509 -inform pem -in cert.crt -noout -text`` to look at the generated cert using openssl.
if key_size not in [2048, 4096]:
raise ValueError('Certificate key size should be either 2048 or 4096.')
signature_bytes = 256 if key_size == 2048 else 512 # Refer:
# Creates a key pair
key = crypto.PKey()
key.generate_key(type=crypto.TYPE_RSA, bits=key_size)
# Creates a self-signed cert
cert = crypto.X509()
subject = cert.get_subject()
subject.C = country_name
subject.ST = state_or_province_name
subject.L = locality_name
subject.O = organization_name or common_name[0].upper() + common_name.partition('.')[0][1:] # noqa: E741
subject.OU = organization_unit_name
subject.CN = common_name
subject.emailAddress = email_address or f"{getpass.getuser()}"
cert.set_serial_number(serial=cert.get_serial_number() or _generate_serial_hash())
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
cert.sign(pkey=key, digest=f'sha{signature_bytes}')
# Writes the cert file into specified names
with open(cert_file, "w") as f:
f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(type=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert=cert).decode("utf-8"))
with open(key_file, "w") as f:
f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(type=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pkey=key).decode("utf-8"))
cert_file_new, key_file_new = f"{cert_file.replace('.crt', '.pem')}", f"{key_file.replace('.key', '.pem')}"
os.rename(src=cert_file, dst=cert_file_new)
os.rename(src=key_file, dst=key_file_new)
if os.stat(cert_file_new).st_size != 0 and os.stat(key_file_new).st_size != 0:
return True
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