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Last active October 14, 2017 17:10
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Handling multiple results from Clojure with SQL the includes temp tables

Handling multiple results from SQL that includes temp tables.

NB! this is using v0.6.1, as we have performance issues w/ 0.7.x

Although this gist was very helpful when all statements return results, this is what is ultimately needed to properly traverse the intermediate reults that return nothing (e.g. temp tables).

(ns multiple-results
(:require [ :as sql]))
;; snipped from
(defn set-parameters
"Add the parameters to the given statement."
[stmt params]
(dorun (map-indexed (fn [ix value]
(sql/set-parameter value stmt (inc ix)))
(defn get-multiple-result-sets
[dbspec cmd params]
(with-open [con (sql/get-connection dbspec)]
(let [stmt (sql/prepare-statement con cmd)]
(set-parameters stmt params)
(.execute stmt)
(loop [results [] ]
(let [result-set (.getResultSet stmt)
results (if result-set
(conj results (into [] (sql/result-set-seq result-set)))
(if (or (.getMoreResults stmt)
(not= (.getUpdateCount stmt) -1))
(recur results)
(defproject multiple-results "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.6.1"]
[ "4.0"]])
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