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thider / crank3D
Created June 6, 2011 19:11
"""Solve the 3D diffusion equation using CN and finite differences."""
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from pylab import *
# The total number of nodes
nodx = 3
thider / 2Ddiffusion
Created June 2, 2011 17:40
"""Solve the 2D diffusion equation using CN and finite differences."""
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from pylab import *
# The total number of nodes
nodx = 3
thider / 1DdiffusionTim
Created May 18, 2011 18:13
"""Solve the 1D diffusion equation using CN and finite differences."""
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
# The total number of nodes
nnodes = 10
# The total number of times
"""Solve the 1D diffusion equation using CN and finite differences."""
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
# The total number of nodes
nodx = 3
nody = 3
thider / gist:956525
Created May 5, 2011 04:10
cranck nicholson stuck on BCs
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
dim = [3,2]
thider / Crankin
Created May 4, 2011 03:56
Starting Crank Nicholson
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
dim = [2,2]