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Created June 6, 2011 19:11
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"""Solve the 3D diffusion equation using CN and finite differences."""
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from pylab import *
# The total number of nodes
nodx = 3
nody = 3
nodz = 3
nnodes = nodx*nody*nodz
#this is for the plotting
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 1.0
ymin = 0.0
ymax = 1.0
# Ny = 4
# Nx = 4
# tmin = 0.0
# tmax = 1000.0
# Nt = 3000
# The total number of times
ntimes = 10000
# The time step
dt = 0.5
# The spatial mesh size setting it as a 1 meter square box
h = 1.0
tmin = 0
tmax = dt*ntimes
x, dx = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nodx, retstep=True)
y, dy = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, nody, retstep=True)
t, dt = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, ntimes, retstep=True)
G = nx.grid_graph(dim=[nodx,nody,nodz])
L = np.matrix(nx.laplacian(G))
#making an expression for the rod in the center of the device, just need
#to vary the diffusion constant
# the diffusion constant for wet sand is about .6 and for aluminum is about 100
D = 1*np.matrix(np.eye(nnodes,nnodes))
#this part is a bit tricky, trying to insert a heat rod
#in the center of the device and figuring out which node
#of the graph corresponds to which spatial location
#takes a bit of leg work. the Spatial symmetry of
#the rectangular box makes it not too bad though
# the rod will be a little off center like this
# but the coding is already dense as it is and
# that shouldnt affect the actual experimental
#value of it.
w = nodx*nody/2
#rodthick is the number of nodes thick that we want
#the aluminum rod to be
rodthick = 2
d = 0
for i in range(nodz):
# this loop determines how thick the rod will be horizontally
for j in range(rodthick):
d = j*nodx
#this one how thick vertically
for r in range(rodthick):
#the targeted index k for the diffusion matrix
k = w + r + d
D[k,k] = 1
k = w
#just stepping up one graph row now so as to spatially go up 1 node
#in the physical vertical
w = w + nodx*nodz
#making an expression for the heat source to go into the rhs section
C = np.matrix(np.zeros((nnodes,nnodes)))
C = np.matrix(np.zeros((nnodes,nnodes)))
C[nnodes/2,nnodes/2] = 0
# The rhs of the diffusion equation
rhs = -D*L/h**2 + C
# Setting initial temperature
T = 60*np.matrix(np.ones((nnodes,ntimes)))
for i in range(nnodes/2):
T[i,0] = 0;
# Setup the time propagator. In this case the rhs is time-independent so we
# can do this once.
ident = np.matrix(np.eye(nnodes,nnodes))
pmat = ident+(dt/2.0)*rhs
mmat = ident-(dt/2.0)*rhs
propagator = np.linalg.inv(mmat)*pmat
# Propagate E is for energy conservation
E = np.zeros(ntimes)
for i in range(ntimes-1):
E[i] = sum(T[:,i])
T[:,i+1] = propagator*T[:,i]
# To plot 1 time
print E[1]
#need to convert the big string T into a matrix for plotting and visualization
# a 4D array
t = np.zeros((nodx, nody, nodz, ntimes))
w = 0
for p in range(ntimes):
for i in range(nodx):
for j in range(nody):
for r in range(nodz):
t[i,j,r,p] = T[w, p]
w = w + 1
w = 0
# print t[:,:,2, 60]
V, dV = np.linspace(0, 70, 21, retstep=True)
print V
CS = plt.contourf(x,y,t[:,:,1,900], V)
plt.ylabel('distance (m)')
plt.xlabel('distance (m)')
cbar = colorbar(CS)'Temperature (K)')
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