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Created December 23, 2020 15:35
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This is an example of Applicative on a Profunctor.
open System
// this is our basis to define values over time.
// It will be the basis for our data.
// we define a Period with a start and en Time
// start is included, end is excluded (closed on the left, open on the right)
// this way, of consecutive periods px and py we known that px.End = py.Start
type Period = { Start: DateTime; End: DateTime }
module Period =
let isEmpty p = p.Start <= p.End
let (=>) s e = { Start = s; End = e} // this is a short cut to define periods start => end
// pretty printer for periods
fsi.AddPrinter<Period>(fun p -> sprintf "%s => %s" (p.Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) (p.End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
// a Temporal<'t> indicates values of type 't on time Periods
// a temporal can contain holes (periods where it is not defined)
// Period in the
type Temporal<'t> = ('t*Period) list
// this module containing a function to trim a temporal given another
module Temporal =
// this is a kind of map2.
// map2 would take a (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c).. but we cannot pass a value on periods where
// the temporal is not defined. So the result map2 is defined on the interection of inputs periods.
// here we pass None as an input when one of the temporal is not define.
// if the output is None, we don't return a value, if it's some, we return the value on the period.
let choose2 (f: 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) (ta: 'a Temporal) (tb: 'b Temporal) : 'c Temporal =
// insert value in holes if any, or just leave hole
let hole =
match f None None with
| Some result ->
// f will always (Some return) result for holes
// return this value on period if p is not empty
fun p ->
if Period.isEmpty p then
| None ->
// f will always return None for holes
fun p -> []
// call f with x y and return the result as list on period if any
let choose x y p =
match f x y with
| Some result -> [result, p]
| None -> []
// d is the current position in time used to fill holes
// ta is the temporal on the left
// tb is the temporal on the right
let rec loop d ta tb =
[ match ta, tb with
| [], [] -> () // we're done
| [], (vb, pb) :: tailb ->
// there is just periods on the right
yield! hole (d => pb.Start) // fill hole if necessary up to start of bb
yield! choose None (Some vb) pb // output value on period pb if any
yield! loop pb.End [] tailb // continue to next period on tb
| (va,pa) :: taila, [] ->
yield! hole (d => pa.Start) // fill hole if necessary up to start of pa
yield! choose (Some va) None pa // output value on period pa if any
yield! loop pa.End taila [] // continue to next period on ta
| (va,pa) :: taila, (vb, pb) :: tailb ->
// we have values on ta and tb
let start = min pa.Start pb.Start
yield! hole (d => start) // there could be a hole between current d and the start of the first period
if pa.Start < pb.Start then
// pa is starting first.. we have a value on the left and None on the right up to end'
let end' = min pa.End pb.Start
yield! choose (Some va) None (pa.Start => end') // output value on this start if any
if end' < pa.End then
// ta head was partially consumed up to end', shorten ta to start at end'
yield! loop end' ((va, end' => pa.End) :: taila) tb
// ta head was totally consumed, continue with next period on ta
yield! loop end' taila tb
elif pa.Start > pb.Start then
// pb is startting first.. we have None on the left and a value on the right up to end'
let end' = min pb.End pa.Start
yield! choose None (Some vb) (pb.Start => end') // output value on this start if any
if end' < pb.End then
// tb head was partially consumed up to end', shorten tb to start at end'
yield! loop end' ta ((vb, end' => pb.End) :: tailb)
// tb head was totally consumed, continue with next period on tb
yield! loop end' ta tailb
// both head start at same point, we have values on the left and on the right up to end'
let end' = min pa.End pb.End
yield! choose (Some va) (Some vb) (pa.Start => end') // output value on this period if any
if end' = pa.End && end' = pb.End then
// both heads are ending together, move to next period on both
yield! loop end' taila tailb
elif end' = pa.End then
// ta ended first, move to next period on ta, and shorten tb
yield! loop end' taila ((vb, end' => pb.End) :: tailb)
// tb ended first, move to next period on tb, and shorten ta
yield! loop end' ((va, end' => pa.End) :: taila) tailb
loop DateTime.MinValue ta tb
// this function merges consecutives periods with the same value
let merge (t: 'a Temporal) =
let rec loop t =
match t with
| [] -> ()
| [ h ] -> yield h
| (v1,p1) :: ((v2,p2) :: tail2 as tail1) ->
if p1.End < p2.Start || v1 <> v2 then
// periods are not consecutive..
// or values differ, cannot merg
yield v1,p1
yield! loop tail1
// periods are consecutive with same value, merge
// for this, wee rebuild the head with merged period
// and loop to try to merge further:
yield! loop ((v1, p1.Start => p2.End) :: tail2)
loop t
// this is our trim keep periods where left argument has a value and is different from
// argument on the right
let trim t tref =
choose2 (fun x xref -> if x.IsSome && x <> xref then x else None) t tref
|> merge
// merge consecutive periods with same value
// This is now out profunctor.
// its a function that looks like Temporal.trim, it will take a new value and a
// reference value, and return a value where only new information is present
// we will mainly use the version with 1 type argument , but we'll not be able
// to implement the applicative without the one with 2 type arguments
// this is the 2 type arguments versions.
// it is contravariant on 'a and covariant on 'b
type Trimer'<'a,'b> = 'a -> 'a -> 'b
// this is the simple version
type Trimer<'t> = Trimer'<'t,'t>
module Trimer =
// this is a trimer that always returns it's new value input
// usefull for all 'a that cannot be trimed more than that
let id : 'a Trimer =
fun a _ -> a
// ret or pure
// lift a value covariantly
let ret (x: 'b) : Trimer'<'a,'b> =
fun v rv -> x
// creates a Temporal<'a> trimer using Temporal.trim
let trimTemporal : 'a Temporal Trimer =
// map f covariantly (on the right)
let rmap (f : 'b -> 'c) (trimer: Trimer'<'a,'b>) : Trimer'<'a,'c> =
fun x y -> trimer x y |> f
// map f contravarianly (on the left)
let lmap (f : 'c -> 'a) (trimer: Trimer'<'a,'b>) : Trimer'<'c, 'b> =
fun x y -> trimer (f x) (f y)
// map f covariantly and g contravariantly
let dimap (f: 's -> 't) (g: 'b -> 'a) (trimer: Trimer'<'a,'s>) : Trimer'<'b,'t> =
fun (x:'b) (rx: 'b) ->
let xa = g x
let rxa = g rx
trimer xa rxa
|> f
// dimap2 is not used after...
// it uses f covariantly with atrimer and btrimer outputs to build a 'u result
// g and h take a 'c input and contravarianlty extract an 'a and a 'b to pass a atrimer and btrimer inputs
let dimap2 (f: 's -> 't -> 'u) (g: 'c -> 'a) (h: 'c -> 'b) (atrimer: Trimer'<'a,'s>) (btrimer: Trimer'<'b,'t>) : Trimer'<'c,'u> =
fun (x: 'c) (rx: 'c) ->
let xa = g x
let xb = h x
let rxa = g rx
let rxb = h rx
let va = atrimer xa rxa
let vb = btrimer xb rxb
f va vb
// rmap2 is simpler and is a covariant map2
// it uses f covariantly with atrimer and btrimer outputs a build a 'u result
// inputs must all be of the same kind
let rmap2 (f: 's -> 't -> 'u) (atrimer: Trimer'<'a,'s>) (btrimer: Trimer'<'a,'t>) : Trimer'<'a,'u> =
fun (x: 'a) (rx: 'a) ->
let va = atrimer x rx
let vb = btrimer x rx
f va vb
// rapply is covariant apply
// it uses map2 to pass the actual value to the actual function
let rapply (ftrimer: Trimer'<'a, 's -> 't>) (xtrimer: Trimer'<'a, 's>) : Trimer'<'a,'t> =
rmap2 (fun f x -> f x) ftrimer xtrimer
// this one is a bidirectional pair using dimap2
// f pairs values togther, g returns value on the left, h returns value on the right
let pair atrimer btrimer =
dimap2 (fun a b -> a,b) fst snd atrimer btrimer
// this is a dimap3 (not used thereafter)
let dimap3 (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'r) (g: 'r -> 'a) (h: 'r -> 'b) (i: 'r -> 'c) (atrimer: 'a Trimer) (btrimer: 'b Trimer) (ctrimer: 'c Trimer) : 'r Trimer =
fun (x: 'r) (rx: 'r) ->
let xa,xb, xc = g x, h x, i x
let rxa, rxb, rxc = g rx, h rx, i rx
let va = atrimer xa rxa
let vb = btrimer xb rxb
let vc = ctrimer xc rxc
f va vb vc
// this takes a trimer of 'a and returns a trimer for 'a list
// applying ther trimer on elements at the same position in
// the new value and ther ref value
let trimList (t: Trimer<'a>) : Trimer<'a list> =
fun x rx -> List.map2 t x rx
// this takes a trime of 'a and returns a trimer for maps containing values of type 'a
// when a key is present in new value but not in the old one, it return the value
// if the key is present only in oldvalue, it is not returned (it did not change)
// if the key is present in both, use the trimer to trim the value
let trimMap (t: Trimer<'a>) : Trimer<Map<'k,'a>> =
fun x rx ->
|> Map.fold (fun m k vr -> // vr is value ref
match Map.tryFind k m with
| Some v ->
// the is a corresponding value.. trim it
Map.add k (t v vr) m
| None ->
// there is no corresponding value.. do nothing
) x // result will contain new value even when no ref
// Now lets build a structure that contains data temporal data for our example
// This example is taken from my hotel domain. This sample is simpler than the
// actual one we have. Rooms have more properties, and have rates that have
// several temporal properties themselves..
type Avail = Avail of int // Availability wrapper type
type Price = Price of decimal // Price wrapper type
// a room has several properties that change in time independently
type Room = { RoomId: int
Avail: Avail Temporal
Price: Price Temporal
Closed: bool Temporal }
// hotel has several rooms
type Hotel = {
HotelId: int
Rooms: Map<int,Room>
// this module contains functions to build / access properties of Hotel
module Hotel =
let mk id rooms = { HotelId= id; Rooms = rooms}
let hotelid h = h.HotelId
let rooms h = h.Rooms
// this module contains function to build / access properties of Room
module Room =
let mk id a p c = { RoomId = id; Avail = a; Price = p; Closed = c }
let roomid r = r.RoomId
let avail r= r.Avail
let price r = r.Price
let closed r = r.Closed
// We have only the structure, and now we want to create a trimer for an hotel
// it will take an hotel value and reference value, and return a new hotel structure
// containing only what's new
// for this we define operators (for shorter, infix syntax)
let (<!>) f t= Trimer.rmap f t
let (<*>) f t= Trimer.rapply f t
let ( <! ) f t = Trimer.lmap f t
// the roomid cannot change, so we just return it as is
let roomidTrimer : int Trimer =
// for temporal primitives, we use Trimer.trimTempral
let availTrimer : Avail Temporal Trimer = Trimer.trimTemporal
let priceTrimer : Price Temporal Trimer = Trimer.trimTemporal
let closedTrimer : bool Temporal Trimer = Trimer.trimTemporal
// now we can compose trimers for Room properties
// into a Room trimer
// we start with the function to build a Room:
// we use the applicative on the right (covariantly on the return type)
// So we'll have a Trimer'<_, 'a -> 'b> that we can use with rapply (<*>)
// but on the left, we'll end up with a Trimer'<Room,_> anyway
// the input will be a room.
// but our property trimers take the value of the property as an input : Trimer<'p,_>.
// we can adapt them to take a room with a lmap (<!) and a (Room -> 'p) function, which
// are the function we created to extract the properties from a rooms:
// Room.avail <! availTrimer will be a Trimer'<Room, Avail Temporal>
// with this, the rapply will recieve Trimer'<Room, _> every time and do the job:
let roomTrimer : Room Trimer =
<!> (Room.roomid <! roomidTrimer )
<*> (Room.avail <! availTrimer)
<*> (Room.price <! priceTrimer)
<*> (Room.closed <! closedTrimer)
// for the hotel trimer
// we do the same for the id
let hoteidTrimer : int Trimer =
// the Rooms property of Hotel is a map,
// we use Trimer.trimMap to build a trimer on the map from our Room trimer
let roomsTrimer : Map<int,Room> Trimer =
Trimer.trimMap roomTrimer
// we use the applicative the same way to build the hotel trimer
let hotelTrimer : Hotel Trimer =
<!> (Hotel.hotelid <! hoteidTrimer)
<*> (Hotel.rooms <! roomsTrimer )
// Sample Time, let's test that the hotel trimer is working
// this is a helper function to generate our sample dates in jan 2021
let jan x = DateTime(2021,01,x)
let hotel =
let room1 =
{ RoomId = 1
Avail = [ Avail 3, jan 3 => jan 5
Avail 2, jan 5 => jan 8 ]
Price = [ Price 100m, jan 2=> jan 5
Price 120m, jan 5 => jan 8 ]
Closed = [ false, jan 2 => jan 7
true, jan 7 => jan 8] }
let room2 =
{ RoomId = 2
Avail = [ Avail 3, jan 3 => jan 5
Avail 2, jan 5 => jan 8 ]
Price = [ Price 100m, jan 2=> jan 5
Price 120m, jan 5 => jan 8 ]
Closed = [ false, jan 2 => jan 7
true, jan 7 => jan 8 ]
let room4 =
{ RoomId = 4
Avail = [ Avail 6, jan 3 => jan 5
Avail 3, jan 5 => jan 8 ]
Price = [ Price 110m, jan 2=> jan 5
Price 130m, jan 5 => jan 8 ]
Closed = [ false, jan 2 => jan 8 ]
{ HotelId = 1
Rooms = [ room1; room2; room4 ]
|> (fun r -> Room.roomid r, r)
|> Map.ofList }
let hotelRef =
let room1 =
{ RoomId = 1
Avail = [ Avail 3, jan 3 => jan 6
Avail 2, jan 6 => jan 8 ]
Price = [ Price 100m, jan 3=> jan 5
Price 120m, jan 5 => jan 8 ]
Closed = [ false, jan 2 => jan 6
true, jan 7 => jan 8 ]
let room2 =
{ RoomId = 2
Avail = [ Avail 3, jan 3 => jan 6
Avail 2, jan 6 => jan 8 ]
Price = [ Price 10m, jan 3=> jan 5
Price 120m, jan 5 => jan 8 ]
Closed = [ false, jan 2 => jan 6
true, jan 9 => jan 8 ] }
let room3 =
{ RoomId = 3
Avail = [ Avail 0, jan 1 => jan 9]
Price = []
Closed = [ true, jan 1 => jan 9]}
{ HotelId = 1
Rooms = [room1; room2; room3]
|> (fun r -> Room.roomid r, r)
|> Map.ofList }
let result = hotelTrimer hotel hotelRef
// the result should be the following,
// with room 1 and 2 containing the periods where values have changes
// no room3 since it's not in new input
// and room4 as is since it's only in new input
let expectedResult =
{ HotelId = 1
Rooms =
[{ RoomId = 1
Avail = [ Avail 2, jan 5 => jan 6 ] // Avail was 3 on 5 => 6
Price = [ Price 100M, jan 2 => jan 3 ] // Price was not defined on 2 => 3
Closed = [ false, jan 6 => jan 7 ] } // Closed was not defined on 3 => 7
{ RoomId = 2
Avail = [ Avail 2, jan 5 => jan 6 ] // avail was 3 on 5 => 6
Price = [ Price 100M, jan 2 => jan 5 ] // was new on 2 => 3 and different on 3 => 5. Periods got merged
Closed = [ false, jan 06 => jan 07
true, jan 07 => jan 08 ] }
{ RoomId = 4 // room4 is totally new
Avail = [ Avail 6, jan 03 => jan 05
Avail 3, jan 05 => jan 08 ]
Price = [ Price 110M, jan 02 => jan 05
Price 130M, jan 05 => jan 08 ]
Closed = [ false, jan 02 => jan 08 ] } ]
|> (fun r -> Room.roomid r, r)
|> Map.ofList }
// it works !!
expectedResult = result
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The level of simplification to this nasty problem is just mind blowing? I feel like my 3rd eye just opened. Thank you

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This has been the work of many years. And now I can even apply it to Deciders (a structure to implement Event Sourcing) to compose them.

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