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Last active April 10, 2020 11:38
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Plot a 4D hyperspy dataset with the signal in polar coordinates
import hyperspy.api as hs
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets.widgets import HBox, VBox, Label, IntSlider, Output, IntRangeSlider
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display
def plot_polar(s, clim=(10000, 100000), clim_max=(0, 250000)):
Plot a 4D hyperspy dataset with the signal in polar coordinates
s: hyperspy signal of shape <X, Y, W| R>
The theta-axis used is the signal axes' axis, which should be in degree units
(check s.axes_manager[-1].axis)
How to use:
Must use the ipympl backend. %matplotlib widget
Best viewed in jupyter lab or in the notebook with a stretched viewport, try:
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
o = Output()
# Flip the signal and navigation with .T, then sum over the former signal dimension to produce a X Y W dataset.
# This becomes the figure we plot on the left.
nav = s.T.sum()
# Set up the initial values for the rectangular region of interest marker
# x coordinates
value2index0 = nav.axes_manager[0].value2index
index2value0 = nav.axes_manager[0].index2value
low = nav.axes_manager[0].low_index
high = nav.axes_manager[0].high_index
left = index2value0(int(low + 1/4*(high-low)))
right = index2value0(round(low + 3/4*(high-low)))
# y coordinates
value2index1 = nav.axes_manager[1].value2index
index2value1 = nav.axes_manager[1].index2value
low = nav.axes_manager[1].low_index
high = nav.axes_manager[1].high_index
top = index2value1(int(low + 1/4*(high-low)))
bottom = index2value1(round(low + 3/4*(high-low)))
# Since the navigator has three dimensions and we can only display two,
# we add a slider to control the wavelength dimension
extra_nav_axes = nav.axes_manager.signal_dimension - 2
nav_sliders = []
if extra_nav_axes > 0:
for i in range(extra_nav_axes):
slider = IntSlider(value=0, min=0, max=nav.axes_manager[i+2].high_index)
nav_sliders_rev = nav_sliders[::-1] # we reverse this here so that it matches the reversed numpy indexing
if clim:
clim_slider = IntRangeSlider(value=clim,
step=(clim_max[1] - clim_max[0]) / 25, # 25 steps of 10000 by default
# create a dataset with only X and Y, slicing at the wavelength position
slices = (..., ) + tuple(slider.value for slider in nav_sliders_rev)
nav_first_two = nav.isig[slices] # ... means "leave every axis until the end", equivalent of :,: here.
# We use normal hyperspy plotting to display the first figure, because we want to use hyperspy ROIs.
# Note that hs plotting really is matplotlib plotting with more on top.
# Prevent the matplotlib figure from being created immediately by using an Output ipywidget.
# This is a separate area that we will display later
nav_output = Output()
vmin, vmax = (clim[0], clim[1]) if clim else (None, None)
with nav_output:
nav_first_two.plot(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
# get ahold of the image displayed in this figure
# we will be changing the array displayed in `im` with `im.set_data()` later.
im =[0]
# Create the roi and place it on the left figure, then create labels that hold the name and position of the
# coordinates of the ROI and the wavelength index
roi = hs.roi.RectangularROI(left, top, right, bottom)
r = roi.interactive(nav_first_two)
# The labels use f-strings, which are a convenient way to write out strings with objects in them. The :.2f operator means "leave two decimals and show as a float"
xlabel = Label(value=f"{nav.axes_manager[0].name}: {roi.left:.2f} : {roi.right:.2f}")
ylabel = Label(value=f"{nav.axes_manager[1].name}: {} : {roi.bottom:.2f}")
labels = []
if extra_nav_axes:
for i in range(extra_nav_axes):
label = Label(value=f"{nav.axes_manager[i+2].name}: {nav.axes_manager[i+2].index2value(nav_sliders[i].value):.2f}")
# Plot right figure using an Output widget to prevent it being shown immediately
sig_output = Output()
with sig_output:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar')
ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='y')
thetaaxis = s.axes_manager[-1].axis * np.pi / 180 # convert x axis to radians
# Plot the polar plot. We return the line plotted into `lns` (which is a list of all lines)
slices = tuple(slider.value for slider in nav_sliders_rev) + (slice(value2index1(, value2index1(roi.bottom)), slice(value2index0(roi.left), value2index0(roi.right)))
lns = ax.plot(thetaaxis,[slices].mean((0,1)))
ln = lns[0] # lns only contains one line, which we will need later to update it
def update(roi):
"Update the polar plot and label values from a moving ROI"
# Here we index the numpy array instead of the hyperspy .inav, because the former is quite a bit faster.
# the numpy array is indexed in reverse order of hyperspy for some reason
# The specific "roi" object name is imporant, as the `connect` method we use later expects it.
# Update plot with set_ydata
with o:
# HyperSpy raises an error when we try to value2index a value that is higher than the axis
# Unfortunately, when choosing the final right and bottom pixels on the nav image,
# this occurs, since the right/bottom side of the final pixel is axis[-1] + a bit.
# We solve this by trying, and if it fails we except it and assume the index should be high_index + 1.
left, top = value2index0(roi.left), value2index1(
right = value2index0(roi.right)
except ValueError:
print('hit the error')
right = nav.axes_manager[0].high_index + 1
bottom = value2index1(roi.bottom)
except ValueError:
print('hit the error')
bottom = nav.axes_manager[1].high_index + 1
slices = tuple(slider.value for slider in nav_sliders_rev) + (slice(top,bottom), slice(left,right))
data =[slices]
ydata = data.mean((0,1)) # 0 and 1 are the X and Y axes here, because we eliminate the wavelength axis by indexing it not using a range
########ax.set_ylim(0, ydata.max()) # Polar plots look funny if we index with ydata.min() instead of 0.
ax.set_ylim(0, ydata.max())
xlabel.value=f"{nav.axes_manager[0].name}: {roi.left:.2f} : {roi.right:.2f}"
ylabel.value=f"{nav.axes_manager[1].name}: {} : {roi.bottom:.2f}"
# Don't update other labels, because they can't move when moving the ROI around
def update_from_slider(change):
"Update the polar plot, label values AND left hand plot by changing the wavelength slider"
# Here we index the numpy array instead of the hyperspy .inav, because the former is quite a bit faster.
# the numpy array is indexed in reverse order of hyperspy for some reason
# The `change` object name is important, ipywidget `observe` methods expect it.
# While I do use the change['new'] object here, I could equally use `wavelength_slider.value`
#wavelength_index = change['new']
#orientation_index = change['new']
# Update image with set_data
with o:
nav_slider_slices = tuple(slider.value for slider in nav_sliders_rev)
im.set_data([nav_slider_slices].sum(-1)) # update the navigator, first index here is the wavelength, : or ... after is unnecessary.
if clim:
im.set_clim(clim_slider.value) #. This sets the min and max of the color scale in the navigation image
im.autoscale() # autoscale the nav image
# Update plot with set_ydata
left, top = value2index0(roi.left), value2index1(
right = value2index0(roi.right)
except ValueError:
print('hit the error')
right = nav.axes_manager[0].high_index + 1
bottom = value2index1(roi.bottom)
except ValueError:
print('hit the error')
bottom = nav.axes_manager[1].high_index + 1
slices = nav_slider_slices + (slice(top,bottom), slice(left,right))
ydata =[slices].mean((0,1)) # 0 and 1 are the X and Y axes here, because we eliminate the wavelength axis by indexing it not using a range
ax.set_ylim(0, ydata.max()) # Polar plots look funny if we index with ydata.min() instead of 0.
#ax.set_ylim(0, 1200)
# Don't update ROI labels, because they're not changing here
if extra_nav_axes:
for i in range(extra_nav_axes):
labels[i].value = f"{nav.axes_manager[i+2].name}: {nav.axes_manager[i+2].index2value(nav_sliders[i].value):.2f}" # Call the `update(roi=roi)` function every time the ROI changes, with the latest values of the `roi` object
# Call the `update_from_slider(change=change)` function every time the slider changes,
if clim:
clim_slider.observe(update_from_slider, names='value')
for slider in nav_sliders:
slider.observe(update_from_slider, names='value')
# With ipympl enabled, the figure.canvas object is an ipywidget itself.
# That means can we can modify attributes like margin and other positioning. See the ipywidgets docs for more info
navfig = nav_first_two._plot.signal_plot.figure.canvas
sigfig = fig.canvas
navfig.layout.margin = "auto 0px auto 0px" # This centers the figure, I think. Can't actually remember.
sigfig.layout.margin = "auto 0px auto 0px" # This centers the figure, I think. Can't actually remember.
sigfig.header_visible = False # removes unnecssary "Figure 1" info on top
navfig.header_visible = False
display(HBox([nav_output, sig_output])) # Here we acutally display the figures, wrapped in a "Horizontal Box" widget so that they are next to each other
label_pairs = []
for i in range(extra_nav_axes):
label_pairs.append(HBox([Label(f'{nav.axes_manager[i+2].name}'), nav_sliders[i]]))
clim_slider_list = [clim_slider] if clim else []
display(HBox(label_pairs + clim_slider_list + [VBox([xlabel, ylabel, *labels]) ]))
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