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Created June 17, 2021 10:22
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Levenberg Marquardt implementation in numpy
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
def levenberg(sympy_func, xi, target, sympy_param, guess, weight=None, module='numpy'):
Computes the minimum `guess` so that `sympy_func(guess) - target` is minimized
sympy_func : Should be a sympy function to be minimized
xi : numpy array, the x-axis of `target`
target : numpy array, data the function should be fit to
sympy_param : tuple of sympy symbols or string, determines the order of the parameters
guess : tuple of floats, initial guess for the parameters in order of sympy_param
p : tuple of floats, improved guess
import sympy as sp
from import x, a, b, c, d
f = a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d
true_par = (2,3,-4, 3)
func = sp.lambdify((x, a, b, c, d), f)
xi = np.linspace(-100, 100, 1000)
target = func(xi, *true_par)
p = levenberg(f, xi, target, sympy_param=(a,b,c,d), guess=(1,1,1,1))
plt.plot(xi, target)
plt.plot(xi, func(xi, *p), ls = '--')
p = np.array(guess, like=xi)
epsilon_1 = 1e-3
epsilon_2 = 1e-3
epsilon_3 = 1e-1
epsilon_4 = 1e-1
lam = 1e-2
lambda_DN_fac = 9
lambda_UP_fac = 11
def chi_square(diff, weight=1):
return diff.T @ (weight * diff[:, None])
def lm_matx(diff, guess, weight, J):
X2 = chi_square(diff, weight)
JtWJ = J.T @ (J * weight)
JtWdy = J.T @ (weight * diff[:, None])
return X2, JtWJ, JtWdy
if weight is not None:
if np.var(weight) == 0: # all weights are equal
W = weight[0] * np.ones((len(x), 1))
W = np.abs(weight)
W = 1
DoF = len(xi) - len(p) + 1 #degrees of freedom
p_min = -100*abs(p)
p_max = 100*abs(p)
#sympy_param = tuple(symb for symb in sympy_func.free_symbols if str(symb) != 'x')
def jacobian_func(p):
F = sp.Matrix([sympy_func])
J = F.jacobian(sympy_param)
lamb = sp.lambdify((x, *sympy_param), J, modules=module)
arr = lamb(xi, *p)[0]
return np.array([entry if np.shape(entry) == xi.shape else np.ones_like(xi)*entry for entry in arr], like=xi).T
lamb = sp.lambdify(("x",) + sympy_param, sympy_func, modules=module)
def func(p):
return lamb(xi, *p)
J = jacobian_func(p)
diff = target - func(p)
X2, JtWJ, JtWdy = lm_matx(diff, p, W, J)
X2_old = X2
iteration = 0
while iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS:
iteration += 1
h = np.linalg.solve(JtWJ + lam*np.diag(np.diag(JtWJ)),JtWdy)[:,0]
p_try = p + h
p_try = np.minimum(np.maximum(p_min,p_try), p_max)
fit = func(p_try)
diff = target - fit
X2_try = chi_square(diff, W)
rho = (X2 - X2_try) / ( h.T @ (lam * h + JtWdy[:,0]) );
if rho > epsilon_4:
dX2 = X2 - X2_old
X2_old = X2
p_old = p
y_old = fit
p = p_try
diff = target - func(p)
J = jacobian_func(p)
X2, JtWJ, JtWdy = lm_matx(diff, p, W, J)
lam = max(lam/lambda_DN_fac,1e-7)
X2 = X2_old
diff = target - func(p)
J = jacobian_func(p)
X2, JtWJ, JtWdy = lm_matx(diff, p, W, J)
lam = max(lam/lambda_UP_fac,1e7)
# convergence conditions
JtWdy_convergence = max(abs(JtWdy)) < epsilon_1
parameter_convergence = np.max(np.abs(h)/(abs(p)+1e-12)) < epsilon_2
chi2_convergence = X2/DoF < epsilon_3
convergence = [JtWdy_convergence, parameter_convergence, chi2_convergence]
if any(convergence) & (iteration > 2) :
return p
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