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Created June 1, 2016 10:24
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Functions to remove high-energy cosmic ray spikes in EELS data
def median_from_neighbors(energy_slice, x, y=""):
"""Takes the median of the value of the list neighbors"""
import numpy as np
return(np.median(find_cell_neighbors(energy_slice, x,y)))
def find_cell_neighbors(data, X, Y, r=1):
"""Finds value of neighbors of a index in the SI, excluding the centre and any values outside the edges of the SI"""
adjacent = []
if Y == "":
# Line spectrum
for x in range(X-r, X+r+1):
if (x == X): # Do not include the spike itself
elif (x < 0) or (x >= data.shape[0]): # Do not include indices outside the edges
# map
for x in range(X-r, X+r+1):
for y in range(Y-r, Y+r+1):
if (x == X) and (y == Y): # Do not include the spike itself
elif (x < 0) or (x >= data.shape[0]): # Do not include indices outside the edges
elif (y < 0) or (y >= data.shape[1]): # Do not include indices outside the edges
def plot_spike_histogram(diff, diff_after):
"""Plots a single plot of the histogram of data differential before and after spikes removal"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
hist_before, bins_before = np.histogram(diff, bins="auto")
hist_after, bins_after = np.histogram(diff_after, bins="auto")
center_before = (bins_before[:-1] + bins_before[1:]) / 2
center_after = (bins_after[:-1] + bins_after[1:]) / 2
width = 5.0 # Width of column, hist_before, width=width, color = "red", label='before', log=True), hist_after, width=width, color = "blue", label='after', log=True)
ax = plt.gca()
(ymin, ymax) = ax.get_ylim()
plt.title("Histogram of signal derivative")
plt.xlabel("Derivative Magnitude")
def remove_spikes(s=None, nMAD = 8, plot_difference=False):
"""Removes spikes outside nMad Median Absolute Deviations of the median of the differential of the spectrum"""
from statsmodels.robust import scale
import numpy as np
shape =
if len(shape) == 1:
# Case single spectrum
raise AttributeError("Remove spikes requires a Spectrum Image with non-zero navigation dimension")
elif len(shape) == 2:
# Case Line profile
print("Recognised as Line Profile")
diff = np.diff(, axis=0)
threshold = nMAD * scale.mad(diff.flatten()) # MAD - nMad is the number of deviations away from the median are included
print("Gradient threshold is " + str(threshold))
spike_positions = []
positive = diff > threshold # Position of any inclining spikes
(x,e) = np.nonzero(positive) # Get index of spikes
x += 1 # Position of spike is the array index ahead of the gradient
for i in range(len(x)):
spike_positions.append([x[i], e[i]])
negative = diff < -threshold # Position of any declining spikes
(x,e) = np.nonzero(negative) # Get index of spikes
for i in range(len(x)):
spike_positions.append([x[i], e[i]])
print("Found " + str(len(spike_positions)) + " spikes!")
for (x,e) in spike_positions:[x,e] = median_from_neighbors([:,e], x)
if plot_difference == True:
diff_after = np.diff(, axis=0)
plot_spike_histogram(diff, diff_after)
elif len(shape) == 3:
# Case EELS Map
print("Recognised as 2D Spectrum Image")
diff = np.diff(, axis=1) # Get differential across data
threshold = nMAD * scale.mad(diff.flatten()) # MAD
print("Gradient threshold is " + str(threshold))
positive = diff > threshold # Position of any inclining spikes
negative = diff < -threshold # Position of any declining spikes
spike_positions = []
(x,y,e) = np.nonzero(positive) # Get index of spikes
y += 1 # Position of spike is the array index ahead of the gradient
for i in range(len(x)):
spike_positions.append([x[i], y[i], e[i]])
(x,y,e) = np.nonzero(negative) # Get index of spikes
for i in range(len(x)):
spike_positions.append([x[i], y[i], e[i]])
print("Found " + str(len(spike_positions)) + " spikes!")
for (x,y,e) in spike_positions:
# Spike intensity replaced by median of neighbors[x,y,e] = median_from_neighbors([:,:,e], x,y)
if plot_difference == True:
diff_after = np.diff(, axis=1)
plot_spike_histogram(diff, diff_after)
print("The signal shape does not match an expected value (X, S or X, Y, S). Signal data shape is " + str(
return s
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