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A Modest Proposal: Data checks for the Perl core

Prologue: General Observations

(If you don’t care about “typesystems” or “design” or “politics” or (even worse!) “typesystem design politics”,
you can skip straight to the actual proposal.)

The Problem with “Typing”

“You keep using that word.
I do not think it means
what you think it means.”

                — Inigo Montoya

The fundamental problem with type systems is that every individual programmer knows exactly what they mean by – and want in – and need from – a “type system” ...but no two programmers can ever agree precisely what that is.

Hence the vast and incoherent panoply of types systems one finds across programming languages: whether carefully designed into them, or painstakingly retrofitted over them, or haphazardly bolted onto them.

And now it’s Perl’s turn to wade into the quagmire, stare into the abyss, and aim the footgun.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Cutting the Gordonian Knot

“Life is pain, Highness.
Anyone who says differently
is selling something.”

                — The Dread Pirate Roberts

The fundamental problem here is not the desire to improve Perl’s ability to detect and signal behaviour that is inconsistent with the intended purpose of code. The fundamental problem here is the word “type” (and “typing”, and “typesystem”).

No two individuals can agree what these words mean or how the things that they denote should actually work.

More importantly, when those words are used, most people will lean towards thinking about a static type system: a compile-time semantic consistency checker (like C++ or Java has). And the more ambitious folk will want it to be complete, first-class, and inferential as well (like Haskell has).

I do not believe that static typing (of either kind) is a good fit for Perl, nor for the majority of Perl users. So I don’t believe that encouraging people to think in terms of static type systems will be helpful in this design process.

I could write a long article (or a short thesis) on why it would be a bad idea to attempt to add static typing to Perl...but I won’t. Instead, I’ll summarize:

  • Classic declarative static type systems without coercions result in the endless frustration of “type creep”, the phenomenon wherein you eventually find yourself needing to specify the type of everything before you can get anything to compile.

  • Classic declarative static type systems with coercions sacrifice almost all the benefits of static typing, since coercible types too often get a pass on strict checks. (Consider what could be passed to a Perl variable with the static type STR or NUM, given that every value in Perl can be auto-coerced to a string, and the vast majority of values can likewise to converted to numbers).

  • Modern inferential static type systems are “hard” (in all three senses of: “difficult to design and implement correctly”, “not easy to use”, and “uncompromising in their aversion to ‘sloppy’ techniques such as near-universal implicit coercions”).

So, instead of pursuing a static type system, I think the extremely dynamic and highly coercive nature of Perl’s existing behaviour means that we need a purely run-time system.

And what we need is not abstract consistency checking (e.g. do the static annotations on these two declarands indicate that they are related in a single abstraction hierarchy?), but a practical way to ensure that when any value that is assigned to a variable, or passed to a parameter, or returned from a subroutine, that value conforms to the designer’s original expectations and assumptions (e.g. did our subroutine get passed a positive integer and a filehandle, and did it return a reference to a hash of strings?)

So my core suggestion is – in order to avoid endless debates about whether we need an explicit type system, or a static type system, or a dynamic type system, or a strict type system, or an inferential type system, or a gradual type system – that we simply stop using the word “type” , or any other related terms, in any way whatsoever whenever we're discussing this project. And maybe even to ban the <T-word> entirely in any further discussion.

Because we’re not talking about adding typing or types or a type system to Perl; we’re adding “declarative runtime assertions”.

What’s in a name?

“In my day “television” was called a “book”.
                — The Grandpa

What I’m suggesting is that, rather than a full type system (whatever that might be), what we need is a compile-time mechanism to permit users to specify runtime assertions or prerequisites or requirements or preconditions or validations or <some other equally sesquipedalian term>.

And that’s the first problem.

Because one of Perl’s less-obvious strengths is that it generally avoids long technical words. In Perl we “use” rather than “import”, we “say” rather than “printline”, we “bless” rather than “instantiate”.

So we’re probably not going to be happy declaring or referring to these new components of Perl with an assertion keyword. Nor with prerequisite, requirement, precondition, or validation or some_other_equally_sesquipedalian_keyword.

In fact, I struggled to find the right term for this new feature, until I came across the following entry in a dictionary:

CHECK¹ | tʃɛk |

  1. (v) To verify, validate, or confirm some state, condition, or thing
  2. (v) To limit, constrain, or stop some (typically undesirable) process or behaviour
  3. (v) To consign something (such as a bag or a coat) temporarily to another’s care and supervision
  4. (v) To avoid risk by not raising the stakes (in poker)
  5. (v) To apply the threat of sudden death (in chess)
  6. (v) To pause momentarily to make sure something smells right (by a hound)
  7. (n) An examination to test or ascertain accuracy, quality, or satisfactory condition
  8. (n) A written instruction for the conditional transfer of a specified value (financial)

Given that we are going to want every single one of those eight capabilities in our assertion system, I hereafter propose that we add “checks” and a “checking system” to Perl...via a new keyword: check.

What do we need?

“We’ll never survive.”
“Nonsense. You’re only saying that
because no one ever has.”

                — Buttercup and Westley

In my opinion, we need a simple, user-extensible mechanism to specify one or more checks on any value that is assigned to a given variable, or passed to a given parameter, or returned from a given subroutine.

These checks should not be limited to checking the internal consistency of some abstract symbolic inheritance/composition graph (i.e. not just isa and DOES tests...though they should certainly be supported). Checks should be allowed to be specified as any arbitrary piece of code, though with an appropriate symbolic abstraction mechanism, so that we can still give specific checks an appropriate name to better convey their meaning (rather than just their behaviour).

We also need a rich set of predefined and built-in checks, to standardize the most common desire-paths, to discourage excessive wheel-reinvention, to operate at maximum efficiency, and to serve as the basis for users to create their own special-purpose checks from a starting-point somewhere higher than the bare metal.

Ideally, these checks would be as consistent as possible with existing usages in Perl. And here I specifically mean nominatively consistent. That is, Perl already recognizes (via the built-in ref and reftype functions) specific kinds of reference values, which it labels "ARRAY", "HASH", "CODE", "REGEXP", etc.

Hence, the names for any built-in checks that validate these kinds of references should be respectively: ARRAY, HASH, SCALAR, CODE, REGEXP, etc. And any other built-in checks should follow the same STENTORIAN naming convention: ANY, INT, STR, UNDEF, VALUE, REF, NONREF, etc.

This is not just for gratuitous lexicographic compatibility; it is also essential that we distinguish built-in checks from user-defined checks (or from classnames), which have typically been specified in camel-case: PosInt, Password, Account, etc.

Keeping built-in checks and user-defined checks in two completely separate namespaces is essential: it ensures that new built-in checks can be added in the future, without stomping on anyone’s pre-existing user-defined check. And there is another significant, but subtle, benefit to capitalizing all built-in checks, which will be explored later, after we have had time to see it in action.

Checks will, of course, need to be arranged in a hierarchy, so that more-specialized checks can be built out of more-general ones in a DRY manner. This implies, despite each check being merely a chunk of arbitrary code, that checks must be defined as far as possible using a purely declarative syntax; one that can be completely resolved at compile-time.

That is: the name, the hierarchical relationship, and any configuration parameters of a given check must be specified via a declarative syntax, and checks must be syntactically a part of the definition of the variable, parameter, or subroutine they are validating, not added to it afterwards. Only the actual code implementing the check should be procedural.

We will also need a mechanism to allow checks to be parameterized. It is not sufficient to be able to specify a check that requires a value to be a number between 0 and 1. It must also be possible to define a single check that requires a value to be a number between end-user-selectable MIN and MAX, or to be a string of at least N characters, or a reference to an array in which each element must pass an arbitrary subcheck.

Hence, checks must be able to take parameters at compile-time. And, less obviously, if those parameters are themselves checks, they must be able to be explicitly applied to data within the implementation code of the parameterized check.

It must be also possible to specify two or more checks on a single variable, parameter, or return value. Moreover, it must be possible to combine those two or more checks into a single logical check. In other words, we must be able to compose checks together as unions or intersections. So we need a algebra – or at least higher-order composers – for checks. And, given that Perl is already an operator-rich language, we probably want operators, rather than composers.

We must also be able to specify a new check that is the antithesis of an existing one (for example, to specify that a variable may accept anything except a reference, or that a subroutine will never return a number). So we need a NOT operator or composer for checks as well.

Finally, it must be possible to define checks in a module and subsequently export them to another (preferably lexical!) scope.

How would checks operate?

“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

                — Inigo Montoya

The most fundamental decision to be made in designing a runtime data validation mechanism, is how should that mechanism report validation failures. In other words, what should a check do when confronted with an unacceptable value.

There are two possibilities: the check could issue a warning and allow the invalid value to be assigned/passed/returned regardless, or the check could throw an exception and thus prevent the propagation of an erroneous value.

To most people it will seem obvious that an exception is the safer and more appropriate response. If the value is wrong, then the code producing that value was wrong and the code receiving that wrong value will almost certainly go further awry when it is used. So the program really shouldn’t be allowed to continue. Or, at best, it should be explicitly interrupted at that point and then remediated by some kind of try/catch intervention. Code that is known to already be wrong simply shouldn’t be allowed to keep getting worse.

But we also need to keep in mind that instantly fatal checks could actually make it harder to retrofit checks into an existing Perl codebase. Precisely because Perl is often very forgiving of certain kinds of data errors. If, for example, your subroutine returns an undef instead of an expected number (or a string, or an array), in many contexts Perl will quietly – or else with only a simple warning – upgrade that undefined value to a zero (or to "", or to []). That might not be the correct behaviour, but at least it doesn’t immediately crash the entire critical application just because someone’s name (or their shoe-size, or their personal GUI config list) wasn’t returned as expected.

That’s a benefit that we should neither dismiss nor entirely forego. So, assuming that failed checks are to throw exceptions (which is clearly the safest option), then it must also be possible to downgrade those exceptions to mere warnings, or to silence them entirely. And it will be essential to be able to select both of those options either lexically or globally.

A Possible Design for Runtime Checks

Given all of the above requirements, hereafter is one possible minimal-ish design for a runtime data-checking system for Perl. (A proof-of-concept module, which implements everything specified here, will also be forthcoming. Certainly by Christmas. ;-)

Applying a check to a scalar variable

You apply a check to a variable by declaring it with an :of attribute:

my $count  :of(INT)  = 0;
my $name   :of(STR)  = "";
my $score  :of(NUM)  = 0.0;

Thereafter, a new value can only be assigned to that variable if the specified check succeeds (i.e. returns true) for that new value; if the check fails, an exception is immediately thrown instead.

A check’s test is applied regardless of how the assignment is invoked: during initialization, during an explicit assignment, or as the result of some other mutator. Hence all of the following would throw an exception:

my $count :of(INT);           # The implicit undef initialization does not pass the INT check

$name = ['Kim', 'Lee'];       # An arrayref does not pass the STR check

$score .= ' (pass)';          # "0.0 (pass)" does not pass the NUM check

Note that the exception on implicit initialization could even be raised at compile-time (though this proposal does not require that), because the compiler could easily infer that the implicit undef with which $count is default-initialized will never satisfy the INT check. This compile-time checking could even be extended to variables that are explicitly initialized with other “invalid” literals:

my $count :of(INT) = 'zero';     # Potential compile-time error
my $count :of(INT) = [];         # Likewise
my $count :of(INT) = *STDOUT;    # Et cetera

Applying a check to an array variable

If a check is specified on an array, that check is applied to each element of the array, every time any element is modified in any way (assigned to, concatenated to, incremented, deleted, etc.) For example:

my @scores  :of(NUM);       # Every element must be a number
my @data    :of(DEF);       # Every element must be defined
my @events  :of(OBJ);       # Every element must be a object

Note that a built-in check on an array never applies collectively to the entire array; it always applies individually to each element of the array. If you want to specify some condition to be verified across the entire array, you need to create your own check.

Unlike checked scalars, checked arrays generally do not have to be initialized, because every element in an empty array trivially satisfies almost any possible check.

However, you can also specify the required length of an array, or a range of acceptable lengths, by specifying a list of two components in the array’s :of. The first component must then be an unsigned integer, or a range of unsigned integers, which indicate the minimum/maximum number of elements the array is permitted to store. The second component is the subcheck that will be applied to each element. Hence:

my @scores  :of(100    => NUM) = (0) x 100;     # Must store exactly 100 elements; each must be a number
my @data    :of(0..9   => DEF);                 # Must store no more than nine elements; each must be defined
my @events  :of(1..inf => OBJ) = get_events();  # Must store one or more elements; each must be an object

Note that arrays with a specified size that doesn’t include zero do have to be initialized appropriately.

To specify a size without limiting the kinds of values that the array can hold, specify the second argument as ANY:

my @anydata :of(10 => ANY) = get_data_(10);     # Must store exactly ten elements, but each can be anything

Applying a check to a hash variable

If a check is specified on a hash, that check is applied to the value of each entry in the hash, whenever those values are assigned. For example:

my %seen   :of(INT);       # Every value in the hash must be an integer
my %record :of(DEF);       # Every value in the hash must be defined
my %events :of(HASH);      # Every value in the hash must a reference to a nested hash

Like checked arrays, checked hashes generally do not have to be initialized. Also, as with arrays, checks on hashes never apply collectively to the entire hash; only individually to each entry of the array (though you can always define your own check that does apply to the hash as a whole).

You can also set up a check on a hash that verifies keys as well as (or instead of) specifying an :of containing a list of two checks separated by a =>. The first check is then applied to any key being added to the hash, and the second check is applied to the corresponding value being added. Hence:

my %seen    :of( INT => ANY );                # Every key in the hash must be an integer;
                                              # Stored values can be anything

my %record  :of( STR[/^[XYZ]\d+/] => DEF );   # Every key must match the specified pattern;
                                              # Every value in the hash must be defined

my %events  :of( CLASS => OBJ );              # Every key must be the name of a class;
                                              # Every value in the hash must an object

Applying a check to a parameter variable

Subroutine parameters are just a special kind of variable, so they may be checked in exactly the same ways, by applying an :of attribute to them:

sub enlist ($N :of(INT), $oxford :of(BOOL), @terms :of(STR))  {
               ########          #########         ########
    my $max   = min($N, scalar @terms);
    my $comma = $oxford ? ',' : '';
    return $max < 3 ? join(' and ', @terms[0..$max-1])
                    : join(', ', @terms[0..$max-2]) . "$comma and $terms[$max-1]";

Such parameter checks operate exactly like regular variable checks, and will be applied to any subsequent modifier operation on the parameter.

A check on an array or hash is not an invariant on that variable. It is, rather, a prerequisite for assignment into that variable. This is an important difference. An “invariant on” would guarantee that the contents of the variable must always meet a given constraint; a “prerequisite into” only guarantees that each element must be assigned values that meet the constraint at the moment they are assigned. So an array such as my @data :of(HASH[INT]) only requires that each element of @data must be assigned a hash whose values are integers. If you were to subsequently modify an element like so: $data[$idx]{$key} = 'not an integer", the check would not fail at that point...because the assignment is not modifying @data directly, only retrieving a value from it and modifying the contents of another variable through that retrieved reference value. This is also the approach that Type::Tiny takes in its Type::Tie submodule.
Of course, we could specify that checks are invariants, instead of prerequisites, but that would require that any reference value stored within a checked array or hash would have to have checks automatically and recursively applied to them as well, which would greatly increase the cost of checking, and might also lead to unexpected action-at-a-distance, when the now-checked references are modified through some other access mechanism. Moreover, we would have to ensure that such auto-subchecked references were appropriately “de-checked” if they are ever removed from the checked container. To say nothing of how we might manage any conflict if the nested referents happened to have their own (possibly inconsistent) checks. I am currently exploring these issues further in the implementation module I am building.

Applying a check to a subroutine return value

In addition to checking the values that may be stored in a variable, you can also check the return value of a subroutine. To do so, declare the subroutine with a :returns attribute:

sub count_active_accts  :returns(INT)  (@acct_list) {
    return scalar grep { $_->is_active } @acct_list;

The check is applied to every return value from the subroutine, whether it is the result of an explicit return statement, or the implicit return of its final executed expression.

The specified check is applied to calls in any context (list, scalar, or void). In scalar context, the check is simply applied to the single return value.

In list context, the check is applied to the entire list being returned (not to each list element individually).

Hence, because the vast majority of built-in checks require a single scalar value or reference to test, most built-in checks will fail if a list-context call happens to return more than a single element. And because a void-context return returns no value at all (not even undef or an empty list), most built-in checks will also fail in void context. For example:

    sub get_positive  :returns(INT)  (@data)  { return grep {$_ > 0} @data }

    # Always okay in scalar context...
    $count = get_positive(-1..1);   # Okay, because grep in scalar context returns an integer count
    $count = get_positive(-3..3);   # Ditto here (even though the count is now 3, not 1)

    # Only occasionally okay in list context...
    @valid = get_positive(-1..1);   # Okay, because INT check passes when passed the one-element list (1)
    @valid = get_positive(-3..3);   # EXCEPTION, because INT test fails when passed the list (1,2,3)

    # Never okay in void context...
             get_positive(-1..1);   # EXCEPTION, because INT check fails when passed no argument
             get_positive(-3..3);   # Ditto

Contextually aware checks on return values

To better support list- and void-context returns, the built-in LIST and VOID checks can be used.

Whereas every other built-in test implicitly tests a subroutine’s return value collectively, as a single entity, a :returns(LIST) tests each element of the return list individually. Likewise, a :returns(VOID) only passes when the checked subroutine returns no value whatsoever, not even undef or an empty list (i.e. only when it is called in void context).

For example:

    sub generate_data  :returns(LIST)  ($n)    { return map {rand} 1..$n }
    sub count_users    :returns(INT)   ($pat)  { return scalar grep /$pat/, @USERS }
    sub clear_screen   :returns(VOID)  ()      { print "\n" x $SCREEN_HEIGHT }

    # and then...

    my @data  = generate_data(99);        # Okay (sub returned a list)
    my $datum = generate_data(99);        # Okay (sub returned a single value – i.e. a one-element list)
                generate_data(99);        # EXCEPTION (sub didn't return a list, not even an empty list)

    my @counts = count_users(qr/^\d+$/);  # Okay (sub returned an integer – from 'scalar grep...')
    my $count  = count_users(qr/^\d+$/);  # Okay (ditto)
                 count_users(qr/^\d+$/);  # EXCEPTION (sub didn't return an integer...or anything else)

    my @cleared = clear_screen();         # EXCEPTION: Can't call VOID 'clear_screen' in list context
    my $cleared = clear_screen();         # EXCEPTION: Can't call VOID 'clear_screen' in scalar context
                  clear_screen();         # Okay

The LIST check optionally takes a configuration parameter that can be used to specify a subcheck on each element of the returned list. In that case, the return-value check only passes if every element of the returned list individually passes the specified subcheck. For example:

    # Each item of generated data must be a number in the range [0..1]
    sub generate_data  :returns(LIST[NUM])  ($n) { return map {rand} 1..$n }

Note that had this version of generate_data() been implemented:

    sub generate_data  :returns(LIST[NUM])  ($n) { return map {('a'..'z')[rand 26]} 1..$n;

...then the return-value check would fail because, although the subroutine still returns a list, each element of that return list fails the NUM check.

If you want to be able to call a checked subroutine in void context as well (i.e. to just silently throw away the returned value in void contexts), you can use a check expression to specify that void context is also acceptable:

    # Subroutine returns a list of hash references in list context,
    # or just the next hash reference in scalar context,
    # but cannot be called in void context...
    sub get_events  :returns(LIST[HASH])  () { return wantarray ? splice @events : shift @events; }

    # Same as above, but we're also allowed to just throw away the return value in void context...
    sub get_events_maybe  :returns(LIST[HASH]|VOID)  () { get_events() }

To summarize, a subroutine declared with:

  • :returns(LIST) always returns successfully in list and scalar contexts; but always dies in void context
  • :returns(LIST[subcheck]) returns successfully in list and scalar contexts if all return values pass the subcheck; but always dies in void context
  • :returns(check) returns successfully in scalar contexts if the return value passes the check; returns successfully in list context if the returned list contains exactly one element that also passes the check; but always dies in void context
  • :returns(VOID) always dies in list and scalar contexts; but always returns successfully in void contexts

For example:

Check on
return value
return statement Return value
in list context
Return value
in scalar context
Return behaviour
in void context
:returns(LIST) return 'a'..'z' ('a'..'z') 'z' EXCEPTION
(Attempts to return nothing but “nothing” is not a list, so that fails the LIST check)
:returns(LIST) return 'x' ('x') 'x' EXCEPTION
(“Nothing" is not a list)
:returns(LIST) return () undef EXCEPTION
(“Nothing" is not a list)
:returns(LIST[INT]) return 0..2 (0,1,2) 2 EXCEPTION
(“Nothing" is neither a list nor an integer)
:returns(LIST[INT]) return 1 (1) 1 EXCEPTION
(“Nothing" is neither a list nor an integer)
:returns(LIST[INT]) return () EXCEPTION
(undef fails the INT subcheck)
(“Nothing" is neither a list nor an integer)
:returns(INT) return 0..2 EXCEPTION
(List of three elements fails the INT check)
(“Nothing” fails the INT test)
:returns(INT) return 1 (1) 1 EXCEPTION
(“Nothing” fails the INT test)
:returns(INT) return EXCEPTION
(() fails the INT test)
(undef fails the INT test)
(“Nothing” fails the INT test)
:returns(VOID) return 'a'..'z' EXCEPTION
(('a'..'z") isn’t “nothing”, so it fails the VOID test)
(undef fails the VOID test)
returns successfully
:returns(VOID) return 'x' EXCEPTION
(('x') fails the VOID test)
('x' fails the VOID test)
returns successfully
:returns(VOID) return EXCEPTION
(() fails the VOID test)
(undef fails the VOID test)
returns successfully

Built-in checks

As the preceding examples imply, Perl provides a considerable number of built-in checks, which can be applied to any variable, parameter, or return value without the need to define them first. These built-in checks are arranged in a coherent hierarchy of increasingly stringent requirements.

The following table summarizes the built-on checks that Perl provides:

Check Based on When applied to a value $V, the check passes if...
ANY Always trivially passes (no actual test applied)
LIST ANY (in :returns only) sub is returning a list of values
VOID ANY (in :returns only) sub is returning in void context
UNDEF ANY defined($V) returns a false value
DEF ANY defined($V) returns a true value
NONREF DEF builtin::reftype($V) returns a false value
REF DEF builtin::reftype($V) returns a true value
HANDLE DEF Scalar::Util::openhandle($V) returns a true value
BOOL NONREF $V is not a reference, or has a 'bool' overloading
NUM NONREF $V looks like a number (but not 'Inf' or 'NaN') or has a '0+' overloading
INT NUM `$V !~ /.
STR NONREF $V is neither a reference nor a typeglob, or has a '""' overloading
GLOB NONREF $V is a typeglob
UINT INT $V has no leading sign
VSTR STR Scalar::Util::isvstring($V) returns true
CLASS STR $V is the name of any defined class
ROLE STR $V is the name of any defined role
SCALAR REF builtin::reftype($V) returns 'SCALAR', or $V has a '${}' overloading
REGEXP REF builtin::reftype($V) returns 'REGEXP', or $V has a 'qr' overloading
CODE REF builtin::reftype($V) returns 'CODE', or $V has a '&{}' overloading
ARRAY REF builtin::reftype($V) returns 'ARRAY', or $V has a '@{}' overloading
HASH REF builtin::reftype($V) returns 'HASH', or $V has a '%{}' overloading
OBJ REF builtin::blessed($V) returns a true value
CHECK CODE $V is a reference to built-in or user-defined check that is currently in scope

Parameterized checks

Perl also supplies a number of built-in checks that can be configured via compile-time parameters. See the following sections for more details.

Check Based on Passes if the value being checked...
NUM[targ1 , targ2 , etc] NUM ...passes one of the target subchecks, or matches one of the target regexes or ranges
INT[targ1 , targ2 , etc] INT ...passes one of the target subchecks, or matches one of the target regexes, ranges, or values
UINT[targ1 , targ2 , etc] UINT ...passes one of the target subchecks, or matches one of the target regexes, ranges, or values
STR[targ1 , targ2 , etc] STR ...passes one of the target subchecks, or matches one of the target regexes, ranges, or values
REF[subcheck] REF a reference to something that passes the specified subcheck
LIST[valcheck] LIST ...(in :returns only) is a list in which the value of every element passes the specified subcheck
LIST[len=>valcheck] LIST ...(in :returns only) is an list whose length is the value (or range) specified, and in which the value of every element passes the specified subcheck
SEQ[chk1 , chk2 , ... chkN] LIST ...(in :returns only) is a list with exactly N elements, where the value of the nth element passes the nth subcheck
ARRAY[valcheck] ARRAY an array in which the value of every element passes the specified subcheck
ARRAY[len=>valcheck] ARRAY an array whose length is the value (or range) specified, and in which the value of every element passes the specified subcheck
TUPLE[chk1 , chk2 , ... chkN] ARRAY an array with exactly N elements, where the value of the nth element passes the nth subcheck
HASH[valcheck] HASH a hash in which every value in the hash passes the specified subcheck
HASH[keycheck=>valcheck] HASH a hash in which every key passes the key subcheck and every value passes the value subcheck
DICT['k1'=>v1,'k2'=>etc] HASH a hash which has all of the specified literal keys, and where the value stored under a given key passes the corresponding subcheck
CLASS[classname] CLASS the name of a defined class for which ->isa(classname) returns a true value
ROLE[rolename] ROLE the name of a defined role for which ->DOES(rolename) returns a true value
OBJ[name] OBJ an object that inherits from class name or composes role name (i.e. for which ->DOES(name) returns a true value)
OP[op] OBJ an object for which overload::Method(obj,op) returns a true value
ISA[classname] CLASS|OBJ a class or object for which ->isa(classname) returns a true value
DOES[name] CLASS|ROLE|OBJ a class, role, or object for which ->DOES(name) returns a true value
CAN[methodname] CLASS|ROLE|OBJ a class, role, or object for which ->can(methodname) returns a true value

The full built-in check hierarchy

The full hierarchy of Perl built-in checks is as follows:

 │    │───LIST[valcheck]
 │    │───LIST[len => valcheck]
 │    └───SEQ[valcheck1, valcheck2, etc]
      │     ├───GLOB
      │     ├───BOOL
      │     │
      │     ├───NUM
      │     │    ├───NUM[target1, target2, etc]
      │     │    │
      │     │    └───INT
      │     │         ├───INT[target1, target2, etc]
      │     │         │
      │     │         └───UINT
      │     │              └───UINT[target1, target2, etc]
      │     └───STR
      │          ├───STR[target1, target2, etc]
      │          │
      │          ├───VSTR
      │          │
      │          ├───CLASS
      │          │     ├───CLASS[classname]
      │          │     ├┈┈┈ISA[classname]
      │          │     ├┈┈┈DOES[name]
      │          │     └┈┈┈CAN[methodname]
      │          │
      │          └───ROLE
      │                ├───ROLE[classname]
      │                │┈┈┈DOES[name]
      │                └┈┈┈CAN[methodname]
            │    └───CHECK
            │    ├───ARRAY[valcheck]
            │    ├───ARRAY[len => valcheck]
            │    └───TUPLE[valcheck1, valcheck2, etc]
            │    ├───HASH[valcheck]
            │    ├───HASH[keycheck => valcheck]
            │    └───DICT[kc1=>vc1, kc2=>vc2, kc3=>etc]
This hierarchy of checks is culled and adapted from my own previous attempts at designing type systems and parameter constraints for modules such as Dios::Types, Contextual::Return, and Multi::Dispatch, as well as liberal amounts of blatant theftinspiration from Toby Inkster’s wonderful Type::Tiny ecosystem. The set of built-in checks is intended to be usefully comprehensive, but not overwhelmingly exhaustive.

Why built-in checks are LOUD

Apart from consistency with ref and reftype, and the imperative need to separate the namespace of built-in checks from that of user-defined checks, there is a deeper and more important reason for making all built-in checks uppercase. Using STENTORIAN names for builtins ensures that those names are ugly, which will make users less inclined to use them.

That might initially seem crazy and counter-productive, but we really don’t want developers using the raw built-in checks more than is strictly necessary. We want them defining their own checks, with more meaningful, more self-documenting, and more intentional names. Consider the following fragment of code:

    my %key_distribution :of(TUPLE[INT, STR[/[[:alpha:]]\w*/]]);

    sub get_events :returns(LIST[OBJ[Event]])  ($filter :of(CODE|REGEX)) {...}
                   ##########################           ###############

Can you tell whether those check specifications are correct? Or what kinds of data are actually being passed, returned, or stored here? Or why?

But if the code is written as follows, with the raw built-in checks factored out into user-defined checks with meaningful names, we get instead:

    my %key_distribution :of(KeyDist);

    sub get_events :returns(EventList)  ($filter :of(SmartFilter) {...}
                   ###################           ################

...which is considerably more likely to be correct, and certainly more maintainable. Especially if we later decide that SmartFilters can also be hashes, in which case we just update the single user-defined check, rather than locating and changing ten instances of :of(CODE|REGEX) to :of(CODE|REGEX|HASH) (only eight of which instances will subsequently prove to have been actually related to smartfiltering!)

In other words, the choice of uppercase names for built-ins is a deliberate syntactic “disaffordance”: a carefully selected psychological disincentive to discourage the use these low-level and uninformative checks directly, and a subtle encouragement to compose them into well-named, self-explanatory, and vastly more maintainable user-defined checks instead.

Some notes on the behaviour of specific parameterized checks

The following subsections discuss the particulars and subtleties of some of the more complicated built-in parameterized checks...

The parameterized “enumerables” checks

The built-in checks INT, UINT, and STR all have parameterized variants. Each of them takes an enumerated list of target values and succeeds if any of those values “match” the value being tested, where the meaning of “match” is appropriate to the kind of check and to the particular target value:

  • If any target value is a check, then the entire parameterized check passes if the value being tested passes that target subcheck.

  • If any target value is a regex (specified either as /pat/ or m/pat/ or qr/pat/), then the entire parameterized check passes if the value being tested satisfies an =~ match on that target regex.

  • If any target value is an integer, then the entire parameterized check passes if the value being tested satisfies a == test against that target.

  • If the target value is anything else (effectively: a string), then the entire parameterized check passes if the value being tested passes an eq test against that target.

For example:

    # Can only specify text format as 'pod', 'markdown', 'HTML', or 'XHTML'...
    sub format_text_as ($text :of(STR), $format :of(STR['pod','markdown',/X?HTML/]) {...}

    # Identify a specific Platonic solid by its number of faces...
    my $platonic_faces  :of(UINT[4,6,8,12,20])  = 4;

    # Must return an integer in the range -100..100, inclusive...
    sub get_popularity  :returns(INT[-100..100])  {...}

Note that, target lists that are specified as Perl ranges (e.g. INT[-100..100] or STR['AAA00000'..'ZZZ99999']) are never expanded into an explicit list of – for example – 202 integers or 1037845224 strings. They are, instead, always internally implemented as: (MIN <= $testvalue <= MAX) or (MIN le $testvalue le MAX).

Note too that strings may be specified using the '...' or q{...} notations, or using the "..." or qq{...} notations. However, because these strings are being specified inside an attribute (i.e. in the parens of an :of(...) or :returns(...)), you cannot interpolate variables into the double-quoted forms. Attributes are themselves mostly just a kind of single-quoted compile-time string, so variables simply don’t interpolate into them at all. The same restriction applies to regexes used in any parameterized check: they cannot include interpolated variables.

The parameterized NUM check

There is no full equivalent “target-matching” parameterized version of NUM (i.e. no version of NUM[...] that can accept an explicit list of numbers to match). This is because the == operator is unreliable on non-integer numbers, which would all too frequently lead to equally unreliable (i.e. completely useless) checks:

    # Hypothetical NUM with target list of permissible values (this is NOT actually allowed)...
    my $coefficient :of(NUM[0.1, 0.3, 0.5])  =  0.1 + 0.2;
    # Because, if it were allowed, you'd get a frustrating runtime error like this:
    #     Can't assign 0.3 to $coefficient: failed NUM[0.1, 0.3, 0.5] check
    # ...unless the error message could somehow decide to show enough precision to make
    # the cause of the failure (marginally) less puzzling:
    #     Can't assign 0.30000000000000004 to $coefficient: failed NUM[0.1, 0.3, 0.5] check
    # ...which is still confusing because where the heck did that extra forty quintillionths
    # come from when adding two numbers as simple as 0.1 and 0.2???

However, there is a parametric form of NUM that does accept a slightly more limited list of targets, namely: ranges, regexes, or subchecks:

    my $coefficient :of(NUM[0.1..0.5])        =  0.1 + 0.2;   # Okay (value within specified range)

    my $coefficient :of(NUM[qr/^0\.[1-4]/])   =  0.1 + 0.2;   # Okay (value matches specified regex)

    my $coefficient :of(NUM[LessThan[1]])     =  0.1 + 0.2;   # Okay (value passes user-defined subcheck)

Ranges are (of course) converted to tests of the form MIN <= $value <= MAX, but you can also specify numeric ranges that exclude one or both of their end-points, using a special non-standard numeric-range syntax that adds a < to either end of the .., like so:

    my $probability  :of(NUM[0 ..< 1])        = rand();            # Requires: 0 <= $probability < 1

    my $increment    :of(NUM[0 <.. 99.9])     = get_increment();   # Requires: 0 < $increment <= 99.9

    my $offset       :of(NUM[-100 <..< 100])  = get_offset();      # Requires: -100 < $offset < 100

You can also specify semi-infinite numeric ranges:

    my $chess_ranking  :of(NUM[0..inf])   = 2882;       # Any number: zero or greater

    my $student_loan   :of(NUM[-inf..0])  = -1.234e56;  # Any number no greater than zero

However, if you do this, you still can’t assign actual infinite values to such variables:

    $chess_ranking = 'Inf';     # EXCEPTION, because NUM specifically excludes 'Inf' as a value

    $student_loan  = -INF;      # EXCEPTION, because NUM specifically excludes -Inf as a value too

Note that attempting to configure NUM[...] with an argument that is a single number (even sneakily, via something like: NUM[0.3..0.3]) always produces a compile-time error.

Keep in mind, however, that despite the various safeguards built into this check, NUM[...] is still subject to all the limitations, unreliability, and general lack of do-what-I-meanness of regular floating-point numbers in Perl.

Even specifying a numeric check as a range will not always produce reliable outcomes, especially for floating-point values on the boundaries of the range. For example:

    my $coefficient :of(NUM[0..0.3])  =  0.1 + 0.2;            # EXCEPTION (value NOT in specified range)

    my $summation   :of(NUM[1<..<9])  =  sum( (0.01) x 100 );  # NO EXCEPTION (value unexpectedly in range)

In particular, don’t use numeric ranges to validate monetary amounts:

    # We only accept payment in coins for totals under €1...
    sub accept_coin_payment_for ($amount :of(NUM[0.00 .. 0.99])) {...}

    # And later...
    accept_coin_payment_for( 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.39 );  # EXCEPTION (value NOT in specified range)

The parameterized REF check

The REF check has a parameterized form that allows you to specify a check for a multi-level reference. This is (very occasionally) needed because Perl does allow references-to-references, references-to-references-to-references, etc., and you may need to check them.

The unparameterized REF check passes when the value it is checking is a reference to anything (including to another reference). The parameterized REF[subcheck] check requires that the value passed is a reference, and that its referent (the thing it is referring to) also passes the specified subcheck.

For example:

REF[what] Description Passes if reftype($V)) is true and... For example...
REF[STR] Reference to a string ...${$V} passes STR check \"a string"
REF[GLOB] Reference to a typeglob ...${$V} passes GLOB check \*STDIN
REF[VSTR] Reference to a vstring ...${$V} passes VSTR check \v1.2.3
REF[INT] Reference to an integer ...${$V} passes INT check \42
REF[ARRAY] Reference to an array reference ...${$V} passes ARRAY check \\@data or \[1,2,3]
REF[REF] Reference to any kind of reference ...${$V} passes REF check \\42 or or \\"a string" or \\@data

Note that this also implies that the unparameterized REF check is equivalent to REF[ANY].

Note too that if the subcheck is itself a referential check (e.g. REF[REF], REF[ARRAY], REF[HASH], etc.), the parameterized REF check will only succeed when the value being assessed is a “double-reference”. That is, a check such as REF[ARRAY] will pass only if the value is a reference to a reference to an array (e.g. \\@array or \[1,2,3]), but will not pass if the value is just a reference to an array (e.g. \@array or [1,2,3]). That’s because:

                                    REF[ ARRAY ]
                                     │     │
    Match a reference to... ─────────┘     │
    ...a reference to an array ────────────┘

The parameterized ARRAY check

The ARRAY check also has a parameterized form that can be configured with a single subcheck. That subcheck is then applied to every element within the array. For example:

    # Scalar stores a reference to an array in which every element must be a number...
    my $scores_ref :of(ARRAY[NUM]) = [];

    # Subroutine expects an argument that is a reference to an array of hashrefs...
    sub process_records ($records_ref :of(ARRAY[HASH])) {...}

A parameterized ARRAY check can also be configured with two arguments, in which case the first argument is either an unsigned integer specifying the required length of the array, or a range of unsigned integers specifying the allowable range of lengths. The second argument must then be a subcheck that is (as usual) applied to every element within the array. For example:

    # Scalar stores a reference to an array of exactly 10 numbers...
    my $scores_ref :of(ARRAY[10 => NUM]) = [0..9];

    # Subroutine expects an argument that is a reference to an array of no more than three hashrefs...
    sub process_records ($records_ref :of(ARRAY[0..3 => HASH])) {...}

    # Subroutine returns a reference to an array of at least 3 Event objects...
    sub get_events :returns(ARRAY[3..inf => OBJ[Event]]) () {...}

To specify a required length for an array reference, without constraining what kinds of values it can hold, simply make the second argument an ANY:

    # Subroutine returns a reference to an array with one or more elements of some kind...
    sub get_data :returns(ARRAY[1..inf => ANY]) () {...}

The parameterized LIST check

The LIST check also has a parameterized form, which is a close analogue of the parameterized ARRAY check.

The LIST check can be configured with a single subcheck, which is then applied to every element within the return list:

    # Subroutine must return a list of numbers...
    sub get_samples  :returns(LIST[NUM])  {...}

    # Subroutine must return a list of objects of class Event (or some subclass thereof)...
    sub get_samples  :returns(LIST[OBJ[Event]])  {...}

Like the ARRAY check, the parameterized LIST check can also be configured with two arguments, to specify both a required length (or range of acceptable lengths) and a per-element subcheck:

    # Subroutine must return a list of 13 numbers...
    sub get_samples  :returns(LIST[13 => NUM])  {...}

    # Subroutine must return a list of one or more objects of class Event (or some subclass thereof)...
    sub get_samples  :returns(LIST[1..inf => OBJ[Event]])  {...}

Note the difference between specifying a LIST check and an ARRAY check for the :returns attribute of a subroutine:

    # Must return a single scalar value: a reference to an array that must contain only integers...
    sub get_next_client  :returns(ARRAY[INT])  () {...}

    # Must return a list that must contain only integers...
    sub get_next_client  :returns(LIST[INT])   () {...}

The parameterized HASH check

The HASH check also has a parameterized version. It can be configured with a single argument that’s another check. That subcheck is then applied to every value stored in the hash reference. For example:

    # Every exam result in the hashref must be an integer between -1 and 100...
    my $exam_results_ref  :of(HASH[ INT[-1..100] ])  = {};

    # Sub returns a reference to a hash of objects...
    sub get_event_handlers  :returns(HASH[OBJ])  {...}

When the HASH check is configured with two arguments, each of which is itself a check, those subchecks are applied, respectively, to every key and every value stored in the hash reference. For example:

    # Each key must match the specified pattern and each value must be a number between 0 and 1...
    my $client_rating  :of(STR[/[XYZ]\d+/] => NUM[0..1])  = {};

    # Reverse look-up table for exam results
    # (each key must be a -1..100 integer; each value must be a reference to an array of student names)...
    my $students_ref  :of(HASH[ INT[-1..100] => ARRAY[STR] ])  = {};

    # Sub returns a reference to a hash of objects, where each key must be a classname...
    sub get_event_handlers  :returns(HASH[CLASS => OBJ])  {...}

The parameterized TUPLE check

The parameterized TUPLE check requires the value it is testing to be an array reference, and that the array should also have a specific size and structure.

When configured with zero or more subchecks, the number of subchecks specifies the exact number of elements the arrayref must contain, and that the nth element in the array must pass the nth subcheck. In other words, this kind of check allows you to require an arrayref that is a fixed tuple with the specified format. For example:

    # A client record is areference to an array containing a name (a string),
    # an ID number (an integer), and some data (a hashref), in that order...
    sub get_next_client  :returns(TUPLE[STR,INT,HASH])  () {...}

    # Track minimum and maximum values in a single arrayref...
    my $range  :of(TUPLE[NUM,NUM])  =  [0, $MAXNUM];

The parameterized SEQ check

The SEQ check is a close analogue of the parameterized TUPLE check, but exclusively applicable to subroutine return lists, instead of arrayrefs.

When a SEQ check is configured with zero or more arguments, the number of subchecks specifies the exact number of elements the return list must contain, and that the nth element in the list must pass the nth subcheck. In other words, this kind of check requires a subroutine to return a fixed tuple list with the specified structure. For example:

    # Subroutine returns a list of error information:
    # errorcode (an integer), severity level (a non-negative integer < 12), error handler (a subref)...
    sub get_error  :returns(SEQ[INT, UINT[0..11], CODE])  {...}

    # Subroutine returns a list of exactly three names (family, middle, first).
    # The family name must contain at least one alphabetic character...
    sub get_name  :returns(SEQ[ STR[/[[:alpha:]]/], STR, STR ])  {...}

Note the difference between specifying a SEQ check and an TUPLE check for the :returns attribute of a subroutine:

    # Must return a single scalar value: a reference to an array with exactly three specific elements.
    sub get_next_client  :returns(TUPLE[STR,INT,HASH])  () {...}

    # Must return a list with exactly three specific elements.
    # (This subroutine can only be called in list context, because it has to return three values)...
    sub get_next_client  :returns(SEQ[STR,INT,HASH])  () {...}

The parameterized DICT check

The parameterized DICT is analogous to the TUPLE and SEQ checks, but for hashrefs.

When configured with a “KV” list of zero or more arguments (i.e. where every odd argument is a string and the total number of arguments is a multiple of two), then the odd configuration arguments specify the literal keys that the hash is required to contain, and the even arguments specify a set of subchecks to be applied to the corresponding value for each key. In other words, this configuration specifies that the hash must act as a “fixed dictionary” with an exact set of keys whose corresponding values pass specific subchecks. The order in which the keys are specified is, of course, irrelevant.

For example:

    # An identity must be a hash with an ID number and a challenge code...
    my $ident :of(DICT[ 'ID' => UINT, 'challenge' => STR[qr/\d{6}/] ])  = get_identity();

    # Sub must be passed a reference to a hash with required keys 'name', 'age', and 'shoesize',
    # where each key's value must pass a check appropriate to that particular entry
    # (ages in whole years, shoe sizes in EU standard)...
    sub validate  ($candidate :of(DICT[ name=>STR, age=>UINT[0..120], shoesize=>NUM[33.5 .. 48] ]))  {...}

Optional elements in tuples, sequences, and dictionaries

The TUPLE, SEQ, and DICT checks normally specify an exact number of elements that must be present in an array, list, or hash. However it is possible to specify that some of the elements you are specifying are optional and that the check should still succeed if they are not present.

To specify an optional element in a TUPLE, SEQ, or DICT, simply enclose the specific check for that element in an OPT[...]. For example:

    # Each client record is a list containing a name (a string), then an ID number (an integer),
    # then some data (a hashref), and finally an optional flag (a string)...
    sub get_next_client  :returns(SEQ[STR, INT, HASH, OPT[STR]])  () {...}

    # Track minimum and maximum values in a single arrayref
    # The maximum value is optional...
    my $range  :of(TUPLE[NUM, OPT[NUM]])  =  [0];    # Okay to initialize with a 1-element arrayref

    # Sub must be passed a reference to a hash with required keys 'name' and 'age'.
    # The hash may also have an optional 'shoesize' entry...
    sub validate ($data :of(DICT[ name=>STR, age=>UINT[0..120], OPT[shoesize=>NUM[33.5 .. 48]] ]))  {...}

Note that any OPT[...] subchecks must always come after all non-OPT subchecks.

Note too that, when specifying optional components of a DICT[...], both the key string and the value subcheck must be together inside the OPT[...]. (It doesn’t make sense to specify a required key with an optional value: if the key is present in the hash, it will have some value, even if that value is only undef.)

If you specify two or more optional elements in a TUPLE or SEQ, they become “progressively optional” (like optional parameters in a subroutine signature). That is, once a TUPLE or SEQ omits any optional subcheck, it must omit all the following ones as well. For example:

    # The final flag, counter, and callback are progressively optional...
    # (i.e. your list can be missing the final 1, 2, or 3 elements)...
    sub get_next_client  :returns(SEQ[STR, INT, HASH, OPT[STR], OPT[INT], OPT[CODE]])  () {...}

Ignorable elements in tuples, sequences, and dictionaries

You can also specify that a TUPLE, SEQ, or DICT may contain zero or more extra trailing elements, which need not be checked at all (i.e. analogous to a final slurpy parameter in a subroutine signature). You do this by adding the special subcheck ETC as the final element (without an associated key, in the case of a DICT). For example:

    # Takes a single parameter: a reference to a hash with (at least) 'name' and 'ID' keys...
    sub add_client( $data :of(DICT['name' => STR, 'ID' => UINT, ETC]) ) {...}

    # Returns 3 (or more) elements...
    sub call_context :returns( SEQ[STR, STR, UINT, ETC] ) {...}

Note that you can specify both OPT[...] and ETC subchecks within the same parameterized check. In such cases, the ETC must still be the final subcheck.

Repeatable elements in tuples and sequences

Provided they don’t specify optional or slurpy components, the TUPLE and SEQ checks each require the array or list they are validating to have exactly N elements; one for each subcheck they specify.

A common variation on this theme is to have an array or a list that contains zero or more consecutive subsequences, each of N elements. For example, a list of (key, value, key, value, ...), or an array containing triples of [name, rank, serial-number, name, rank, serial-number, ...].

To allow checking of such repeated tuples and sequences, the built-in REP subcheck is available. This subcheck can only be used as the final configuration argument within a TUPLE or SEQ check. It takes N subchecks and applies them to each successive subsequence of N elements in turn. For example:

    # The enlist() subroutine takes a reference to an array of any number of name-rank-ID triples
    # and converts those triples to a list of ID => object pairs...

    sub enlist  :returns(SEQ[REP[STR, OBJ[Soldier]]])  ($data :of(TUPLE[REP[STR, STR, UINT]]))  {...}
                             ######################                     ###################

A REP subcheck does not have to be the only configuration argument of its containing TUPLE or SEQ check, merely the final one. For example, you could specify a tuple that starts with an integer, then contains an alternating sequence of strings and hashrefs:

    # An arrayref containing an initial integer, then one-or-more string-hashref pairs...
    my $data  :of(TUPLE[INT, REP[STR, HASH]])  =  get_data();

Note that the trailing elements of an array or list that is being checked by a REP subcheck must have in total some non-zero integer multiple of N elements. If you need to allow for the possibility that a repeated subarray or sublist can repeat zero times, make the entire REP optional:

    # An arrayref containing an initial integer, then zero-or-more string-hashref pairs...
    my $data  :of(TUPLE[INT, OPT[REP[STR, HASH]]])  =  get_data();

Summary of list- and container-related parameterized checks

Subroutine return lists Array references Hash references

Every value in the list or container variable passes check C

List or container variable has N values, each of which passes the same check C
LIST[N => C] ARRAY[N => C] n/a

Every key passes check K, and every value passes check V
n/a n/a HASH[K => V]

Has exactly N elements, where each element passes the corresponding check
SEQ[C1, C2, C3] TUPLE[C1, C2, C3] DICT['k1'=>C1, 'k2'=>C2, 'k3'=>C3]

Trailing elements may be explicitly marked optional, or ignored entirely
SEQ[Creq, OPT[Copt], ETC] TUPLE[Creq, OPT[Copt], ETC] DICT['kreq'=>Creq, OPT['kopt'=>Copt], ETC]

Has some positive multiple of N elements, in which each successive subsequence of N elements passes the corresponding checks
SEQ[REP[C1, C2, C3]] TUPLE[REP[C1, C2, C3]] n/a

Check expressions

Two or more checks can be composed into a new check using any combination of the following operators (listed here in order of descending precedence):

Operator Resulting check...
( C ) ...succeeds if its single operand check succeeds
! C ...succeeds if its single operand check fails
C1 & C2 ...succeeds only if both its operand checks succeed (and short-circuits if the left check fails)
C1 | C2 ...succeeds if either of its operand checks succeeds (and short-circuits if the left check succeeds)

Hence you can specify that a variable must store only subroutine references, but that it can also be undefined:

    my $var :of(CODE|UNDEF);      # (Don’t need to initialize, because default initializer is undef)

...or that a subroutine may return either a typeglob or an IO::Handle object:

    sub get_fh :returns(GLOB | OBJ[IO::Handle]) {...}

...or that an array stores a list of Account objects, but not if they’re implemented as hashes or arrays:

    my @accounts :of(OBJ[Account] & !(HASH|ARRAY));

User-defined checks (see the next subsection) can also be used as operands to these check operators.

The junctive operands on checks could have been && and ||, but this would have made compound checks slightly less compact, which is likely to be a disadvantage in long multi-parameter lists. Far more importantly, however, using && and || as operators on checks would be replaying the tragedy of magical when expressions, by introducing yet another special case where these (normally) logical operators do not actually impose boolean context directly on their arguments. By using & and | we are, admittedly, overloading the meaning of those two bitwise operators instead, but that is entirely acceptable in Perl because & and | are explicitly overloadable, whereas && and || are not.

User-defined checks

The built-in checks provided by Perl cover a wide range of typical uses, but are certainly not sufficient to handle every possible data-checking requirement.

In addition, the names of the built-in checks are accurate but not very informative: in a check such as TUPLE[REP[STR, STR, UINT]] it is not obvious that each triple we are expecting here represents a name, a rank, and an ID number.

Moreover, built-in checks like that can become unwieldy as they become more complex. When you are attempting to check a large collection of related variables, parameters, and/or return-values, it would be gratifying if you did not have to respecify something tedious like DICT[ name => STR, age => UINT[0..120], shoesize => NUM[33.5..48] ] separately on every one of them.

So it is essential to be able to define new kinds of checks, and to be able to give long check expressions a single, much shorter name; one which is also likely to be more intentional and informative.

New checks can be specified using the keyword check:

    check NAME ATTRSOPT (CHECK_PARAMSOPT) { IMPLEMENTATION }                                   

And new names/aliases for existing checks can be specified using a variation of that same syntax:

    check NAME :isa(EXISTING_CHECK) OTHER_ATTRSOPT ;                                           

Whereas Perl’s built-in checks are universally available, both these kinds of user-defined checks are always lexical in scope, and hence only available from the first statement after they are declared to the end of the surrounding block or file.

Specifically, checks are implemented a special kind of intangible lexical subroutine, hidden in their own private namespace, so they are not directly callable for within their scope (nor do they pollute that scope’s lexical subroutine namespace). Hence you can specify a check and a subroutine with the same name; there is no ambiguity or conflict between the two.

The NAME of a check is an unqualified Perl identifier, which must contain at least one upper-case character and at least one lower-case character. Checks with purely upper-case names are reserved for current and future built-in checks. Checks with purely lower-case names are also reserved ...for unspecified future use. It is a compile-time error to declare a user-defined check with a single-cased name.

The implementation of the check is its block of code, which will be passed the value to be tested via the check’s single parameter. You can, of course, name that parameter whatever you wish:

    check OddNum         ($n)     { $n % 2 != 0      }
    check LongStr        ($str)   { length($str) > 8 }
    check NonEmptyArray  ($aref)  { $aref->@* != 0   }

...but however it is declared, that parameter must accept the scalar value that it will be passed every time the check is called upon to test a variable assignment or a subroutine’s return value.

The check block is expected to return a boolean value indicating whether or not the check succeeded. If the code block returns a true value, the check is considered to have succeeded and execution continues silently. If the code block returns false, the check is considered to have failed and a suitable exception is automatically thrown.

User-defined checks could have been be package-scoped or universal, but that would be considerably less robust than lexical scoping: two modules could define two distinct checks with the same name, which might make it impossible to use both modules in the same program, or would at least make it hard to be sure what a given check name means in each namespace.
We could allow user-defined checks to have uppercased names in order to permit built-in checks to be lexically overridden within their scope. However, this would make it impossible to tell at a glance whether :of(INT) means what it appears to mean (i.e. what it usually means) without scanning for redefinitions upwards through all outer lexical scopes. It is safer to prohibit such least initially.

Attributes for user-defined checks

User-defined check declarations may take any combination of the following four attributes, all of which are optional:

Attribute Purpose
:isa Specifies the base check(s) that the new check is extending...and which the new check must still pass.
:params Specifies the list of configuration parameters for a parametric check.
:on Restricts the kinds of declarations to which a check may be applied.
:export Specifies that the check is also to be made available in any lexical scope into which the current module is imported.

The purpose and use of these attributes is described in the following subsections.

Check inheritance

The :isa attribute indicates that a new check must first pass the “base” check specified within the attribute, and must then also pass its own test (if any). For example:

    # Value must be a number...that is also greater than zero...
    check PosNum  :isa(NUM)  ($value)  { $value > 0 }

    # Value must be a reference to a container...that also has no elements/entries...
    check Empty   :isa(ARRAY|HASH)  ($value)  { (ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ? $value->@* : $value->%*) == 0 }

The :isa attribute is optional, in which case the code block specifies the entire check by itself:

    # Value must be a safe password (at least one alpha, numeric, and symbol)...
    check SafePwd  ($value)  { given ($value) { /[[:alpha:]]/ && /\d/ && /[[:punct:]]/ && !/password/i } }

    # Value must not be any kind of reference...
    check NonRef   ($value)  { !defined ref $value }

Inheritance is also the mechanism by which long compound checks can be given simpler and more meaningful names. If the block at the end of a check definition is omitted entirely, then the check must specify an :isa and that check simply becomes an alias for whatever its base check specifies (but under a more concise and comprehensible name). For example:

    check IDNum          :isa( UINT );

    check MaybeCode      :isa( CODE|UNDEF );

    check Writeable      :isa( GLOB | OBJ[IO::Handle] );

    check NamesRanksIDs  :isa( TUPLE[REP[STR, STR, UINT]] );

    check ModernAccount  :isa( OBJ[Account] & !(HASH|ARRAY) );

    check ValidKeyVal    :isa( HASH[ STR['all', 'first', 'random'] => DEF ] );

    check ShoeData       :isa( DICT[name=>STR, age=>UINT[0..120], shoesize=>NUM[33.5..48]] );

With these check definitions in scope, we can then apply clearer and more meaningful constraints to variables and subroutines:

    sub select_team :returns(NamesRanksIDs) ($selector :of(ValidKeyVal)) {...}
                             #############                 ###########

    my $shoe_spec :of(ShoeData) = get_shoe_data();

    sub report_accounts ($to :of(Writeable), @accts :of(ModernAccount)) {...}
                                 #########              #############

Parametric user-defined checks

If a check is specified with a :params attribute, the contents of that attribute are interpreted as a signature specifying the list of compile-time configuration parameters that the check requires when it is subsequently used. These configuration arguments are, as we have seen, passed to the check in a pair of square brackets placed immediately after the check’s name (with no intervening space).

The arguments bound to those configuration parameters are then available as runtime constants within the check’s body. For example:

    # Must be a number between MIN and MAX...
    check RangeNUM  :params($MIN, $MAX)  :isa(NUM)  ($value)  { $MIN <= $value <= $MAX }
                           ############                         ####              ####

    # Must be a string of at least N characters...
    check LongSTR   :params($N)          :isa(STR)  ($value)  { length $value >= $N }
                           ####                                                  ##

    # And then we can use the new parametric checks, by supplying them with appropriate arguments...

    my $scale  :of(RangeNum[-1, +1]) = 0;

    my $passwd :of(LongStr[12])      = '?' x 12;

Note that, as illustrated in the preceding examples, it is a convention (but not a requirement) to specify configuration parameters with upper-case names, to reflect the fact that these parameters are bound at compile-time and effectively become constants at run-time.

Furthermore, because the configuration parameters are bound at compile-time, they can only be passed compile-time constants. Specifically, they cannot be passed variables of any kind.. The following will not work as desired:

    my ($from, $to) = (10,99);

    my $scale  :of(RangeNum[$from, $to]) = $to;
    my $passwd :of(LongStr[$from])        = '?' x $from;

...because the $MIN and $MAX configuration parameters would be passed the literal strings '$from' and '$to', rather than the contents of the variables $from and $to.

Instead you would need to create check aliases for the desired compile-time minimal and maximal constants:

    check ActiveRange :isa(RangeNum[10,99]);
    check MinStrLen   :isa(LongStr[10]);

    my $scale  :of(ActiveRange) = $to;
    my $passwd :of(MinStrLen)   = '?' x $from;

...or else redesign the two checks so that you can pass them named compile-time constants instead of literals:

    check RangeNUM  :params($MIN, $MAX)  :isa(NUM)  ($value)  {
        no strict 'refs';
        (eval{$MIN->()} // $MIN) <= $value <= (eval{$MAX->()} // $MAX);

    check LongSTR   :params($N)          :isa(STR)  ($value)  {
        no strict 'refs';
        length $value >= (eval{$N->()} // $N);

    use constant { FROM => 10, TO => 99 };

    my $scale  :of(RangeNum[FROM, TO]) = 0;

    my $passwd :of(LongStr[FROM])        = '?' x FROM;

This is, of course, less than ideal, but is mandated by the fundamental limitations of Perl attributes (namely, that they are compile-time literal strings, not run-time expressions).

The configuration parameter list is just like any regular subroutine parameter list (except for the :params prefix), so you can specify your final configuration parameter as a slurpy array to allow parameterized checks to be configured with an arbitrary number of positional configuration parameters. For example:

    # Like TUPLE[...], but the elements can be in any order...
    check UnorderedTuple  :params(@ELEM_CHECKS)  :isa(ARRAY)  ($aref) {
        # Fails if the number of elements is different from the number of checks...
        return 0 if $aref->@* != @ELEM_CHECKS;
        # Verify that every element passes one distinct check...
        my %already_used;
        for my $next_elem ($aref->@*) {
            for my $next_subcheck (grep {!$already_used{$_}) @ELEM_CHECKS)) {
                # Remember which subchecks pass...           ############
                if ($next_subcheck->($next_elem)) {
                    next ELEM;
            # No subcheck satisfied by this element, so fail...
            return 0;

        # Every element passed one subcheck, so succeed...
        return 1;

    # And then...

    sub get_next_record :returns( UnorderedTuple[ARRAY[NUM], INT, STR] ) ($ID) {...}
        return [$count, \@scores, $name];   # Okay, even though order is: INT, ARRAY[NUM], STR

Likewise, you can specify a suitably checked slurpy hash as a check’s final (or only) parameter, to indicate that the check takes alternating key => value configuration arguments:

    # Must be a "KV" list containing the specified keys,
    # where each value passes the corresponding subcheck.
    # That is: Like a DICT, but for subroutine return lists...
    check KVList  :params(%STRUCTURE)  :isa(LIST)  ($listref) {
        # Fail if the actual number of KV pairs in the list
        # is not the same as the required number of entries...
        return 0 if $listref->@* != 2 * %STRUCTURE;
        # Verify that each pair has a suitable key and value...
        for my ($next_key, $next_value) ($listref->@*) {
            # Fail if any required key is missing...
            return 0 if !exists $STRUCTURE{$next_key};
            # Fail if the corresponding value fails its individual check...
            return 0 if !$STRUCTURE{$next_key}->( $next_value );
        }                ##########
        return 1;

    # And then...
    check CustomerRecord :isa( KVList[ name=>STR, pos=>INT, data=>ARRAY[OBJ[Transaction]] ] );

    sub get_customer :returns(CustomerRecord) {...}

Like regular subroutine parameters, check-configuration parameters can also be given defaults:

    # If upper bound is omitted, there is no upper bound...
    check RangeNUM  :params($MIN, $MAX = 'Inf')  :isa(NUM)  ($value)  { $MIN <= $value <= $MAX }

    # Default to 10 characters, if no specific minimum length is configured...
    check LongSTR   :params($N = 10)             :isa(STR)  ($value)  { length $value >= $N }

If all the configuration parameters are optional (or slurpy), the square brackets also become optional when the check is used:

    my $passwd :of(LongStr[]) = 'open sesame 12345';   # Means: LongStr[10]

    my $passwd :of(LongStr)   = 'open sesame 12345';   # Means the same

In addition to specifying configuration parameters as scalars or slurpies, you can also specify them with a & sigil (which is not possible in regular subroutine signatures). Configuration parameters specified in this way can only be bound to some other check. They then become lexical subroutines within the code block of the check, with those subroutines executing the specified check test. For example:

    # Must be a value that satisfies a given check, or else is undef...
    check Maybe  :params(&SUBCHECK)  ($value)  { !defined $value || SUBCHECK($value) }
                 ##################                                 ########

    # Must be a reference to an array within which each element satisfies a nested check
    # (Note that this example is redundant, since the built-in ARRAY check
    # is already parameterized in precisely this way)...
    check ArrayOf  :params(&ELEMCHECK)  :isa(ARRAY)  ($aref)  {
        for my $elem ($aref->@*) {
            return 0 if !ELEMCHECK($elem);
        }                #########
        return 1;

    # And then...

    my $verbose_flag :of(Maybe[BOOL]);      # No initialization required; default undef now okay

    sub get_clients :returns(ArrayOf[OBJ[Client]])  {...}

    my $ultimate_answer :of(Maybe[42]);    # Error: Configuration argument (42) is not a check

As the preceding examples illustrate, when the parameters of a check are themselves other checks, those parametric checks are passed as subroutines (because checks really are just a special kind of auto-applied subroutine). Hence, when a check is passed as the parameter of another check, that parametric check can be invoked directly as part of the new check’s code block.

The configuration parameters specified by a :param are also immediately available to any subsequent attributes specified in a check declaration. For example:

    check Maybe   :params(&CHECK)    :isa(CHECK | UNDEF);
                          ##### --------> #####

    check Blessed :params(&REFTYPE)  :isa(REF & REFTYPE)  ($ref) { builtin::blessed $ref }
                          ######## -----------> #######

Checking the parameters of a parameterized check

Checks can be applied to any variable...including to the configuration parameter variables of another check. So it’s also possible to ensure that those configuration parameters themselves meet specific requirements. For example:

    # Must be a number between the numbers MIN and MAX...
    check RangeNum  :params($MIN :of(NUM), $MAX :of(NUM))  :isa(NUM)  ($n)  { $MIN <= $n <= $MAX }
                                 ########       ########

    # Must be a string of at least N characters, where N is a positive integer...
    check LongStr   :params($N :of(PosInt))                :isa(STR)  ($n)  { length $n >= $N }

    # Must be one of a particular set of specified strings...
    check MatchStr  :params(@TARGETS :of(STR))             :isa(STR)  ($s)  { grep { $_ eq $s } @TARGETS }

Designating that any check parameter is itself a check (by giving it a & sigil) causes the compiler to require the corresponding argument to be a named check (or as an expression involving named checks), but you can also use the built-in CHECK check to explicitly specify that a scalar or slurpy configuration parameter must be bound to some kind of built-in or user-defined check. For example:

    check Maybe  :params($SUBCHECK :of(CHECK))  ($value)  { !defined $value || $SUBCHECK->($value) }
                         ####################                                  #########

    my $count :of(Maybe[INT]);    # Okay
    my $count :of(Maybe[0]);      # Compile-time error: configuration argument (0) failed INT check

    check UnorderedTuple  :params(@ELEM_CHECKS :of(CHECK))  :isa(ARRAY)  ($aref) {...}

    sub get_data :returns(UnorderedTuple[INT,  STR,    HASH  ]) {...}   # Okay
    sub get_data :returns(UnorderedTuple['ID', 'name', 'data']) {...}   # Compile-time error

Restricting checks to specific declarands

By default, a user-defined check is applicable to any kind of variable, or to the return value of any subroutine. However, some kinds of checks can only usefully be applied to variables, or to one particular kind of variable, or only to subroutine return values.

The :on attribute provides a means to restrict a user-defined check to a particular kind of declarand, as follows:

:on(WHAT) The check can only be used in...
:on(SCALAR) :of() attached to a scalar variable declaration (including scalar parameters)
:on(ARRAY) :of() attached to an array declaration (including slurpy array parameters)
:on(HASH) :of() attached to a hash declaration (including slurpy hash parameters)
:on(CODE) ...a :returns() attached to a subroutine

For example, to define a check that prevents the use of references as hash values, and which, therefore, is logically only applicable to hashes:

    check NoRefVals :on(HASH) :isa(!REF);

    my %names  :of(NoRefVals);    # Okay
    my @scores :of(NoRefVals);    # Error: Check NoRefVals can only be applied to a hash

You can also specify check expressions in an :on, to allow a check to be applied to two or more declarands. For example:

:on(WHAT) The check can be used in...
:on(ARRAY|HASH) ...the :of() of either an array or hash
:on(!CODE) ...any :of(), but not in a :returns()

Note that, if the check expression specified in an :on(...) involves anything other than SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH, or CODE, the attribute is invalid and will produce a compile-time error.

People are sometimes confused between the :on attribute and the :isa attribute, both of which take a subcheck as their configuration argument. The easiest way to remember the difference is that:

  • :on is an abbreviation of :only_applicable_to
  • :isa is the same as a class’s :isa: it specifies some pre-existing behaviour that the new entity must conform to

To visualize the difference between :isa and :on, consider the check declaration:

    check RecordQueue  :on(ARRAY) :isa(HASH)  ($href) { exists $href->{recordID} }

We could represent the :isa and :on relationships of this check like so:

           $slr                                   ┃  check HASH   ┃
           %hsh                                           ┃ :isa(X) = must also pass check X
                   :on(Y) = only applies to Y   ┏━━━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━━━┓
           @ary <┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┃ check RecordQueue ┃

Contextual information for check blocks

Normally the code block of a check receives any value to be tested (i.e. any value being assigned to a checked variable or returned from a checked subroutine) via its sole parameter variable.

However, sometimes a variable check will need more information than just the proposed new value, in order to be able to determine if an assignment is permitted.

For example, one could envisage a monotonic variable: a $count or $sum, for which assignments must never decrease the stored value. Or a finite array that must never store more than N elements. Or a bijection: a hash in which no two keys can store the same value. Or a restricted hash in which every key must conform to a specific pattern.

Each of these checks requires extra information to determine if an assignment is permitted. The monotonic variable check requires access to the current value stored in the variable; the finite array check requires access to the specific index being updated (to ensure it’s less than N); the bijective hash check requires access to all the values of the hash (to be able to ensure they’re all distinct); the restricted hash check requires access to the specific key under which the new value is to be stored.

To provide access to this extra information, you can add an extra slurpy hash after the single required check parameter. If a check is specified with this second parameter, it no longer receives just the value to be checked. Instead, it is also passed a key/value sequence containing additional information about the context in which the check is being applied. That information consists of:

  • old => VALUE
    This pair passes a readonly copy of the old (pre-modification) value of the checked scalar, array element, or hash value. This pair is passed to the slurpy parameter only if the check was applied to a variable.

  • key => VALUE
    This pair passes a copy of the hash key or array index within the container variable at which the new value is supposed to be assigned. This pair is passed to the slurpy parameter only if the check was applied to an array or hash.

  • var => REFERENCE
    This pair passes a readonly reference to the entire variable to which the check was applied. This pair is passed to the slurpy parameter only if the check is being applied to a variable.

  • name => STRING
    This pair passes the name of the checked variable or subroutine. This pair is always passed whenever the check has a slurpy parameter.

  • want => STRING
    This pair passes the call context ('LIST', 'SCALAR', 'VOID') of the subroutine whose return value is being checked. This pair is only passed when the check is being applied to a subroutine return list.

Hence we could implement the various non-simple-value checks described at the start of this subsection, as follows:

    # Newly assigned values must never decrease...
    check Monotonic  :isa(NUM)  :on(!CODE)  ($value, %value)  { $value >= $value{old} }

    sub count :returns(Monotonic) {...}  # Error: Cannot apply check Monotonic to subroutine 'count'

    my $counter :of(Monotonic) = 0;      # Okay
    $counter++;                          # Okay
    $counter--;                          # EXCEPTION: Can't assign 0 to $counter: failed Monotonic check

    # The array cannot have more than N elements...
    check MaxElems  :params($N :of(UINT))  :on(ARRAY)  ($, %elem)  { $elem{key} < $N }

    my %finalists :of(MaxElems[10]);     # Error: Cannot apply check MaxElems to %finalists (not an array)

    my @finalists :of(MaxElems[10]);     # Okay
    @finalists = ('a'..'j');             # Okay
    @finalists = ('a'..'k');             # EXCEPTION: Can't assign 'k' to index 10 of @finalists:
                                         #            failed MaxElems[10] check

    # The values of the hash must remain unique...
    check Bijective  :on(HASH)  ($new_value, %target)  {
        return $target{old} eq $new_value
               || not grep { $_ eq $new_value} } values $target{var}->%*;

    my $mapping :of(Bijective);       # Error: Cannot apply check Bijective to $mapping (not a hash)

    my %mapping :of(Bijective);       # Okay
    %mapping = (a=>1, b=>2, c=>3);    # Okay
    $mapping{c} = 1;                  # EXCEPTION: Can't assign 1 to key 'c' of %mapping:
                                      #            failed Bijective check

    # The keys of the hash must conform to a given pattern...
    check KeyPat  :params($PATTERN :of(REGEXP))  :on(HASH) ($, %entry)  { $entry{key} =~ $PATTERN; }

    my @data :of(KeyPat[qr/[a-z]{3}\d{5}/]);    # Error: Cannot apply check KeyPat to @data (not a hash)

    my %data :of(KeyPat[qr/[a-z]{3}\d{5}/]);    # Okay
    $data{xyz12345} = 1;                        # Okay
    $data{XYZ678}   = 1;                        # EXCEPTION: Can't assign 1 to key 'XYZ678' of %data:
                                                #            failed KeyPat[qr/[a-z]{3}\d{5}/] check
It is important that this context information be read-only...and preferably deeply read-only. It would be entirely counter-intuitive if checks were able to arbitrarily modify the variables they are supposed to be guarding, or change the new values that they are only supposed to be checking. But see also “Coercions”.
If/when Perl subroutines get declarative named arguments, the slurpy “context parameter” in each of the preceding examples could be replaced by suitable named parameters (plus a trailing nameless slurpy to soak up the unneeded named arguments). For example:
    check Monotonic :isa(NUM) :on(!CODE)  ($value, :$old, %)  { $value >= $old }

    check Bijective :on(HASH)  ($new_value, :$old, :$var, %)  {
        return $old eq $new_value           ###############
            || not grep { $_ eq $new_value} } values $var->%*;

User-defined error messages

Normally, the exceptions generated by user-defined checks are in the same format as those of the built-in checks. But this can be changed.

Instead of returning a false value to indicate that the check failed, the code block of a user-defined check can signal failure by throwing an exception. This allows a new check to tailor a more appropriate error message, if the standard autogenerated one would be insufficient for some reason.

For example:

    # Value must be a safe password (at least one alpha, numeric, and symbol)...
    check SafePwd  :isa(Str)  ($str)  {
        given ($str) {
            /[[:alpha:]]/ && /[[:digit:]]/ && /[[:punct]]/ && !/password/i
                or die "'$str' is not a safe password";

    # The array cannot have more than N elements...
    check MaxElems  :params($N :of(UINT))  :on(ARRAY)  ($value, %context))  {
        $context{key} < $N
            or die "Alas, the array $context{name} may not store more than $N elements.\n",
                   "You attempted to assign a value ($value) to index $context{key}\n",
                   "and for that wanton presumption...YOU SHALL PERISH!";

Note that any exception thrown inside a user-defined check is automatically adjusted to reflect the filename and line number of the operation for which the check actually failed, rather than the file and line of the check’s own code block:

    my @finalists :of(MaxElems[10]);

    $finalists[86] = 'Max';
    # EXCEPTION: ...and for that wanton presumption...YOU SHALL PERISH! at line 3
    #       NOT: ...and for that wanton presumption...YOU SHALL PERISH! at line 157

Exporting user-defined checks

Because user-defined checks are lexically scoped, a check that is declared in a module’s source file will only be available within that module. This would make it difficult to create libraries of reusable checks.

So a user-defined check can be declared with the :export attribute:

package Checks::Integral;

check NatInt   :isa(INT)  :export  ($n)  { $n >= 0 }
check PosInt   :isa(INT)  :export  ($n)  { $n >  0 }
check NegInt   :isa(INT)  :export  ($n)  { $n <  0 }

check OddInt   :isa(INT)  :export  ($n)  { $n % 2 != 0  }
check EvenInt  :isa(INT)  :export  ($n)  { $n % 2 == 0  }
check PrimeInt :isa(INT)  :export  ($n)  { is_prime($n) }

Checks with this attribute are still available throughout their own lexical scope, but are also automatically exported into any lexical scope where their module is loaded. Hence:

        use Checks::Integral;   # All checks marked :export are now available in this lexical scope

        sub add_odd :returns(EvenInt) ($x :of(OddInt), $y :of(OddInt)) {     # Okay
            return $x + $y;  #######          ######          ######

    my $result              = add_odd(7, 35);   # Okay

    my $result :of(EvenInt) = add_odd(7, 35);   # Compile-time error: Unknown check EvenInt

Exported checks can also be imported individually, by name, in the usual Perl manner:

    # Import only these two checks into this lexical scope...
    use Checks::Integral  'NatInt', 'PrimeInt';

Groups of exported attributes can also be designated for collective export. The :export attribute can be given one or more arguments, which specify tags. Just as with Exporter tags, these allow specific checks to be exported either collectively (by default), individually (by name), or in groups (by tag):

    # Exported under:  use Check::Integral;
    check NatInt   :isa(INT)  :export        ($n)  { $n >= 0 }

    # Exported under:  use Check::Integral;
    #             or:  use Check::Integral ':Sign';
    check PosInt   :isa(INT)  :export(Sign)  ($n)  { $n >  0 }
    check NegInt   :isa(INT)  :export(Sign)  ($n)  { $n <  0 }

    # Exported under:  use Check::Integral;
    #             or:  use Check::Integral ':Pred';
    check OddInt   :isa(INT)  :export(Pred)  ($n)  { $n % 2 != 0  }
    check EvenInt  :isa(INT)  :export(Pred)  ($n)  { $n % 2 == 0  }

If you don’t want a particular check exported by default, you can specify it with the special tag: OK:

    # Exported only under:  use Check::Integral 'PrimeInt';
    check PrimeInt :isa(INT)  :export(OK)  ($n)  { is_prime($n) }

Note that this is equivalent to the Exporter module’s @EXPORT_OK mechanism. You can also specify other tags along with the special OK tag, to allow not-exported-by-default checks to still be exported as part of other export groups:

    # Exported only under:  use Check::Integral 'LuckyInt';
    #                  or:  use Check::Integral ':Pred'
    check LuckyInt :export(OK, Pred)  :isa(INT[2,3,5,11,17,41]);

The following table summarizes the behaviour of the various :export options:

Attribute Exports by name Exports by default Exports by tag
:export ✔︎ ✔︎
:export(Tagname) ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
:export(OK) ✔︎
:export(OK,Tagname) ✔︎ ✔︎
This approach will almost certainly require minor extensions to the internals of the Exporter module. I feel that would still be better than somehow exposing checks publicly and directly to the usual Exporter mechanism. Or, worse still, making user-defined checks global.

Changing how checks report failure

When you apply a check to a variable or subroutine, that check becomes active for the duration of the declarand’s existence. Any access to the variable or call to the subroutine causes the check to execute and (potentially) an exception to be thrown.

But over the development cycle this default behaviour may not always be optimal. When retrofitting checks onto an existing codebase, you may want to turn checks “down” in certain sections of the code, so that you still get the notification of a broken expectation, but that notification doesn’t immediately terminate the program (which may then allow you to find other problems later in the same execution). You may even want to globally downgrade checks in this way, so you can find all the problems at once, without actually breaking a working(-ish) program at any point.

At other times you may want to turn checks off entirely, so that they are neither created, nor attached to variables or subroutines, nor tested during execution. This would most likely be when the code has been thoroughly tested and is about to be deployed. If it’s all working correctly, there’s no need to activately watch for errors. At least, not all the time. So you may either want to disable every check in the entire program, or maybe just turn off all the “internal” checks within various software modules, leaving only the checks on public API components active.

Downgrading checks to either warnings or no-ops is accomplished via the checks pragma. Like all other pragmas, the effects of checks are lexical, and can therefore be used to de-escalate or disable checking in any block or file scope...and, of course, to re-enable or re-escalate checks in nested scopes.

You can downgrade all failed checks in a lexical scope from throwing exceptions to merely issuing warnings like so:

    # Checks that fail anywhere in the remainder of this lexical scope just issue warnings...
    use checks 'NONFATAL';
            # Except in this block, where failed checks still throw exceptions...
            use checks 'FATAL';
        # And we're back to issuing warnings here...

Similarly, you can completely disable checks in a given lexical scope in precisely the way you’d expect:

    # Checks aren't even tested in the remainder of this lexical scope...
    no checks;
            # Except in this block, where they're still fatal if they fail...
            use checks;
        # And we're back to no checks at all from here...

The checks pragma affects both the compile-time and runtime components of any check within its scope. Specifically, a no checks turns off compile-time check declarations, compile-time and runtime check attributions, and runtime check testing:

    # Turn off all check-related behaviours...
    no checks;

    # So this compile-time check definition becomes a no-op...
    check ActiveEvent :isa(OBJ[Event]) ($e) { $e->is_active }

    # And this compile-time check attribution also becomes a no-op...
    our $last_event :of(ActiveEvent|UNDEF);

    # And this runtime check attribution also becomes a no-op...
    state $next_event :of(ActiveEvent|UNDEF);

    # And these runtime check tests that would normally be invoked here also become no-ops...
    $last_event = $next_event;
    $next_event = get_event();

Note that turning off checks in this way, doesn’t invalidate the check-related syntax (you’d need to specify no feature 'checks' to disable that). This means that you can turn off the effects of checks without having to remove the checks themselves from your code. That’s handy when deploying your code (you can leave the various check declarations in place, but disabe their behaviour to boost performance), and handier still when a new bug is discovered (at which point you can temporarily turn all those automatic data validations back on to help you track down the problem).

Note too that, because the checks pragma is lexically scoped in its effect, when your code is stable and well-tested, it is easy to switch off all run-time checks throughout an entire module or file, but at the same time cordon off a small subset of “API” subroutines, re-enabling just the public checks on their parameters and return values. For example:

    package Data::Tools;

    no checks;  # The following checks are now turned off because this code is stable and deployed

    state %cache :of(CLASS => OBJ);

    # Internal utility functions...
    sub _build_data  :returns(ARRAY) ($source  :of(STR)  ) {...}
    sub _validate    :returns(ARRAY) ($data    :of(ARRAY)) {...}
    sub _reduce_data :returns(ARRAY) ($reducer :of(CODE) ) {...}

        # These subs constitute the API, so leave their checks active to protect (the code from) users...
        use checks;

        sub get_data :returns(ARRAY) ($source :of(STR)   ) {...}
        sub set_data :returns(BOOL)  ($data   :of(ARRAY) ) {...}
        sub net_data :returns(ARRAY) ($addr   :of(URL)   ) {...}

Like all pragmas, use checks and no checks are lexical in scope. So you can’t use them turn checks down or off throughout your entire program without adding the appropriate pragma at the start of every separate file and module. Which is possible, but obviously not an ideal solution.

So it’s proposed that we should also add two new flags to the perl intepreter itself, with which you can downgrade checks either to warnings, or to no-ops.

To downgrade every check throughout your source so that it merely issus warnings, rather than throwing exceptions, you would use the -k flag:

    # Run a program with all checks issuing only warnings...
    > perl -k

And to completely disable every check throughout your entire source, so that check declarations are ignored and check tests never run, you would use the -K flag:

    # Run a program without any checks at all...
    > perl -K

(The mnemonic here is that these two flags both “weaken checks”, and that the larger letter (-K) has the larger effect: the total removal of all checking. Whereas the smaller letter (-k) has the smaller effect: removing only the lethality of failed checks).

Note that the -k and -K flags also differ in the extent of their effects. The -k flag merely sets the default failed-check response to warning at the start of each file, as if every file started with an implicit: use checks 'NONFATAL'. Any explicit use checks or no checks pragma within a file will still override that default.

In contrast, the -K flag universally overrides all in-code checks pragmas, irrevocably disabling checks everywhere in your program.

The use checks/no checks mechanism described here is deliberately minimalist, at least initially. As experience is gained in the typical usage patterns of this pragma, it is possible that additional options could be introduced. For example, it might be useful to be able to de-escalate specific kinds of warnings, or to switch off warnings on regular variables but leave them active for parameters and subroutine return values, or to turn off user-defined checks without affecting built-in checks (or vice versa). So one day the mechanism might also support usages such as:
  # These might be added eventually, but are not part of the initial proposal...

  use checks NONFATAL => qw( UNDEF STR NUM );     # Just warn for values that Perl can auto-coerce

   no checks qw( HASH ARRAY );                    # No checks on containers

  use checks qw( subs params );                   # Turn on checking for subroutine APIs
   no checks qw( vars );                          # Turn off checking for other variables

  use checks qw(  builtins -user );               # Enable built-in checks, but not user-defined checks
  use checks qw( -builtins  user );               # Vice versa


Checks, whether built-in or user-defined, never modify the value that they are testing. That is, a check verifies the value being assigned to a variable or returned from a subroutine, but in a strictly either/or way: either the value passes the check and is assigned/returned unchanged, or else the value fails the check, a suitable exception is thrown, and so no value at all is assigned or returned at that point.

But there is a related concept – the “coercion” – which also asserts that a value must pass some test. However, unlike a check, if the value fails the test then a coercion can also attempt to convert the value in some way, so that it does pass the test.

There are no built-in coercions, but you can define your own using the coercion keyword, which has the following syntax:

    coercion NAME :to(TARGET) OTHER_ATTRSOPT (PARAMS) { IMPLEMENTATION }                    

A coercion declaration still defines something that can be used like a check (i.e. in the :of of a variable, or the :returns of a subroutine). But a coercion has a slightly different interface and different internal behaviour from a check.

Like checks, coercions receive the value they are supposed to verify as a read-only argument, but, instead of returning true or false to indicate the outcome of the test (as a check does), a coercion must return a value that successfully passes the target check (i.e. that passes the check specified in the coercion’s mandatory :to attribute).

The value returned by the coercion can either be the original value being tested, or else another value that is to replace the value being tested. Either way, this returned value is then the value that is ultimately assigned to the coerced variable, or returned from the coerced subroutine.

For example:

    # Must be a number with no significant digits after the decimal (if not, make it so)...
    coercion WholeNum  :to(INT)  ($n) {
        die "$n can't be converted to a number"  if !looks_like_number($n);
        return round($n);

    my $average_score :of(WholeNum)  =  sum(@scores) / @scores;   # Average is rounded on assignment

    # Must be a non-reference whose stringification is at least twelve characters long (if not, pad it)...
    coercion LongStr  :to(STR[/.{12}/])  ($value) {
        my $is_ref = reftype($value);
        die "$is_ref reference $value can't be converted to a LongStr" if $is_ref;
        return sprintf('%12s', $value) }

    sub set_passwd ($new_passwd :of(LongStr)) {...}    # $new_passwd padded with spaces, if necessary

When a coercion is applied to the value being assigned to a variable or being returned from a subroutine, the original value being assigned or returned is processed as follows:

  1. The original value is first checked against the target specified in the coercion’s :to attribute.
  2. If the :to check passes, then the entire coercion is immediately considered to have succeeded, and the original value is passed through – unchanged – to the assignment or subroutine-return that the coercion is guarding. In such cases, the coercion’s code block is not invoked at all.
  3. If the :to check fails, the code block of the coercion is executed and is passed the original value as its argument. The task of the code block is then to convert the original value into some other value; one that is acceptable to the :to check.
  4. If the coercion’s code block throws an exception at any point, the coercion immediately fails. In which case, the exception propagates as usual, interrupting execution just like a failed check would.
  5. If the coercion’s code block successfully returns a value, the :to check is then applied to that returned value.
  6. If the returned value passes its :to check, the coercion is considered to have succeeded, and the new value returned by the coercion’s code block is passed through instead of the original value.
  7. If the returned value fails its :to check, the entire coercion fails, and a suitable exception is thrown.

In other words, a coercion must return a value satisfying the check specified by its :to attribute (either by automatically passing though the original value being tested, or by generating a suitable replacement value in its code block), or else the coercion must signal failure by throwing an exception.

Parametric coercions

Coercions can be parameterized in the same way as checks. For example:

    # Must be a number in the range $MIN..$MAX (if not, make it so)...
    coercion NumBetween  :params($MIN :of(NUM), $MAX :of(NUM))  :to(NUM[$MIN..$MAX])  ($n)  {
        die "$n can't be converted to a number"  if !looks_like_number($n);

        # If we get here, either $n < $MIN or $n > $MAX, so return whichever bound is appropriate...
        return $n < $MIN  ?  $MIN  :  $MAX;

    my $probability :of(NumBetween[0,1])  =  readline();  # Adjust the input to be between 0 and 1

    # Must be a string at least N characters long (if not, pad it)...
    coercion LongStr  :params($N :of(UINT))  :to(STR[/.{$N}/])  ($value)  {
        my $is_ref = reftype($value);
        die "$is_ref reference $value can't be converted to a LongStr" if $is_ref;
        return sprintf('%*s', $N, $value);

    sub set_passwd ($new_passwd :of(LongStr[20])) {...}   # We now require 20-character passwords

Preconditions on coercions

Note that, in all of the preceding examples, the coercion’s code block first had to implement some underlying check (by throwing a suitable exception if the value was not a number, or was a reference, or wasn’t an arrayref, respectively) before implementing its own specific conversion of the original value.

You can avoid this tedious preliminary gate-keeping, by declaring that the value passed to the coercion must first satisfy some precondition, before its code block can be entered. Such preconditions are declared using the :from attribute:

    # Must be a number in the range $MIN..$MAX (if not, make it so)...
    coercion NumBetween :params($MIN :of(NUM), $MAX :of(NUM)) :to(NUM[$MIN..$MAX])  :from(NUM)  ($n)  {
        return $n < $MIN  ?  $MIN  :  $MAX;

    # Must be a string at least N characters long (if not, pad it)...
    coercion LongStr :params($N :of(UINT)) :to(STR[/.{12}/])  :from(!REF)  ($value)  {
        return sprintf('%*s', $N, $value);

When a :from is specified, if the original value fails the initial :to check but passes the :from check, then the code block is executed and the value it returns is then retested against the :to check. To summarize:

Preliminary :to check Preliminary :from check Final :to check Final outcome of coercion
passes (skipped) (skipped) passes
fails passes passes passes
fails passes fails fails
fails fails (skipped) fails

Or, as a flowchart:

    [Original Value]
    ┏━━━━━━V━━━━━━┓                                                                       ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓
    ┃     :to     ┠┄┄┄passes┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄❯          ┃
    ┗━━━━━━┯━━━━━━┛                                                                       ┃          ┃
           ┆                                                                              ┃  ENTIRE  ┃
         fails                                                                            ┃ COERCION ┃
           ┆                                                                              ┃  PASSES  ┃
    ┏━━━━━━V━━━━━━┓            ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓               ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓            ┃          ┃
    ┃    :from    ┠┄┄┄passes┄┄┄❯ code block runs ┠┈┈[New Value]┈┈❯    :to    ┠┄┄┄passes┄┄┄❯          ┃
    ┗━━━━━━┯━━━━━━┛            ┗━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━┛               ┗━━━━━┯━━━━━┛            ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛
           ┆                            ┆                              ┆
         fails                      exception                        fails
           ┆                            ┆                              ┆
    ┃                       ENTIRE COERCION FAILS                            ┃

Other features of coercions

A coercion behaves in almost all other respects just like a check:

With those features you could, for example, create a coercion to guard and adapt the parameters of a particular subroutine. Suppose you need a subroutine with a single parameter that must be an Account object. You could define a coercion that verifies this constraint, but which also allows users to pass an Account::ID object instead, in which case the coercion will look up the ID and convert it to the corresponding account object. Like so:

    # Require an Account object, or an Account::ID object (which is converted to an Account)...
    coercion CoercedAccount  :to(OBJ[Account])  :from(OBJ[Account::ID])  :export  ($obj) {
        return $account_DB->find_by_ID( $obj )
            // die "Can't locate Account object for ID: " . $obj->ID_as_str();

    # and later...

    sub update_account ($acct :of(CoercedAccount)) { ... }

    update_account( Account->new(%acct_data)    );  # Okay

    update_account( Account::ID->new($valid_ID) );  # Okay

    update_account( Account::ID->new($bad_ID)   );  # EXCEPTION: Can't locate Account object for ID: BaD1

    update_account( $bad_ID  );                     # EXCEPTION: Can't convert "Bad1" to OBJ[Account]

    update_account( \*STDOUT );                     # EXCEPTION: Can't convert \*STDOUT to OBJ[Account]
In large projects, it is strongly suggested that all coercions should be named with a consistent prefix. For example: CoercedAccount, CoercedClient CoercedNumBetween, CoercedLongStr, CoercedShortArray, etc. The prefix need not be Coerced (though that does have the advantage of being extremely straightforward and unambiguous). But if you need something shorter you could instead prefix each coercion with To, or As, or Make, or Force, or even something more abstract like Cx. The point is: coercions introduce automatic behaviours that can make code harder to understand and harder to debug, so it’s useful to make them visually distinctive – and easy to search for – throughout the code.

(Not) disabling coercions

Coercions are like checks, but they are not checks. In particular, because coercions can modify the behaviour of assignments and subroutine returns, coercions cannot ever be disabled or downgraded without potentially changing the behaviour of the program they are part of.

Hence coercions are “always on” constructs and are excluded from the lexical effects of any checks pragma and the global effects of the -k and -K flags.

This means that when you deploy your code, you can safely downgrade or deactivate all of your internal checks, without disrupting any of your vital coercions.

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tonycoz commented Jan 3, 2024

The formatter ate your regexp for the definition of INT.

Using the range operator in your return examples may be confusing, since it's behaviour is special in scalar context:

$ perl -E 'sub f { 0 ... 5; } say scalar f(); say scalar f(); say scalar f(); say f()'

and doesn't match your expected results for the scalar calls.

The exceptions on void context for many :returns(...) seems like it's conflating two concepts: what the function attempts to return and what the caller does with the result. I realize you can do :returns(VOID|anything else) and I mostly like the strict by default, but it seems like in many cases the result will be ignorable (how often do you check the result of print?). (This is more about syntax than behaviour.)

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