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Last active November 14, 2018 18:41
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Save timbophillips/6e1c57b66e4cf51e4d6f94fc086f4c32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Set up Windows 7 environment to run nodejs, npm, native builds, and Git behind a corporate web proxy
@echo off
:: this batch file:
:: 1. sets the username, password, and web proxy server in npm, git, and the windows environment.
:: 2. tells nom which version of c++ compiler and where it is
:: constants to set for your system
set npm_location=d:\nodejs\npm.cmd
:: these are just reminders for me and the things I was using on my system when I had this issue
echo download MS Visual C++ buidl tools from:
echo or if you are behing a proxy that f***s up the clickonce installer
:: thats a dropbox folder i put the offline installatio files in to access them from work
echo get Git from:
echo get VS Code Insiders from:
echo get nodeJS from:
echo get apache CouchDB
:: get the url and port of the web proxy and then the user's password
set /P proxy_url_and_port=please enter your proxy server url and port in the format url:port beginning after http://
set /P password=please enter your windows password:
:: use this info to create a proxy string
set address=http://%username%:%password%@%proxy_url_and_port%
set node_address=http://%username%:%password%@%proxy_url_and_port%
:: set the widows environment variables temporary and permament (set and setx.exe)
%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\setx.exe http_proxy %address%
set http_proxy=%address%
%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\setx.exe https_proxy %address%
set https_proxy=%address%
%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\setx.exe PROXY %address%
set no_proxy=localhost,
%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\setx.exe no_proxy localhost,
set no_proxy=localhost,
echo the proxy address we're going to use is...
echo %node_address%
:: set the npm proxy
echo setting npm strict ssl to false
call npm config set strict-ssl false
echo setting the npm proxy
call npm config set proxy %node_address%
echo setting the npm https-proxy
call npm config set https-proxy %node_address%
echo setting the npm no-proxy
call npm config set no-proxy %node_address%
:: tell git to use the proxy
echo setting the git proxy
git config --global http.proxy %address%
:: set the c++ compilar version for npm
echo setting the npm c++ compiler flag
call npm config set msvs_version 2015 -g
:: tel npm where the c++ compiler lives (this works if you've installed the vc++ tools from the db link)
echo set the VCTargetsPath variables for C++ in npm
%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\setx.exe VCTargetsPath "%programfiles(x86)%\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140"
set VCTargetsPath=%programfiles(x86)%\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140
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erenard commented Apr 6, 2018

Thank you so much.

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