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Tim Hodson timhodson

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timhodson / primo-ve.js
Last active June 13, 2024 10:30
Primo VE - Talis Aspire Customisation
// Insert this code into the primo VE customisation folder `js/custom.js` anywhere after the line that reads:
// var app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['angularLoad']);
// and before the line that reads:
// })();
// this code can coexist wth other customisations that you may have for other products.
// === begin Talis Aspire Code ===
// Configuration
window.talis_aspire = {
timhodson /
Last active December 3, 2019 10:20
Create directories names for each month of a year
# if using zsh you need to get the strftime function to be available
zmodload zsh/datetime
# We're using bash version 4 range expansion
# to generate number of seconds between the 10th day of each month since unix epoch time `0`
# - we use the 10th day to miss months of unequal length
# - we start from 0 seconds. Every year since 1970 has had the same number of months.
# We then pass those seconds to strftime to build our dirname
# which is then used to create the directory
for seconds in {864000..31556952..2629746}
timhodson /
Created April 18, 2019 16:19
Quote meta characters in a string to be used in a regex.
# quote meta characters
python -c "import sys,re; [sys.stdout.write(re.escape(line)) for line in sys.stdin]" < <(echo -n "$1")
timhodson /
Created December 17, 2018 10:09
Make a linking table for list URI to Hierarchy URI.
# Utility called csvfix
# first pick the two columns we are interested in - list link, and hierarchy link.
# then split the hierarchy link (which is now colomn 2) on the semi-colon SPACE that is used to delimit.
# then unflatten - i.e. make a record(row) with the first column as key and each of the split columns as value.
# e.g.
# <key>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>
# becomes
# <key>,<val1>
# <key>,<val2>
timhodson / awslookup
Created May 10, 2018 12:22
awslookup - add to your ~/.profile
# uses aws cli to lookup instances based on a filter on the Name tag
# $1 is the profile to use
# $2 is the filter to use
# $3 is optional, the value doesn't matter but if passed in will result
# in this function printing out the raw command its about to run
# for debugging purposes
awslookup() {
cmd="aws --profile $1 ec2 describe-instances --filters \"Name=tag:Name,Values=$2\" --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[InstanceId,PublicDnsName,PrivateDnsName,State.Name,InstanceType,join(\`,\`,Tags[?Key==\`Name\`].Value)]' --output table"
if [ $# -eq 3 ]
timhodson /
Created October 13, 2017 09:35
While loop reading a file example
# for each line read of the file
while read line
echo "$line"
done < input_file.txt
timhodson / IIFE-examples.js
Last active November 16, 2016 13:28
IIFE Javascript Immediately-Invoked Function Expression and passing jQuery
* Basic IIFE construction is like this.
(function () { console.log('hello world')})();
* Basic IIFE which passes in the jQuery object as the $ symbol.
(function ($) { $('div.classname')})(jQuery);
timhodson /
Created August 17, 2016 09:13
Run a command on all docker containers
for container in `docker ps -q`; do
# show the name of the container
docker inspect --format='{{.Name}}' $container;
# run the command (date in the case)
docker exec -it $container date;
timhodson / TARL-Search-Box.html
Created August 12, 2016 11:44
Talis Aspire Reading Lists Search box for external websites
<div id="tarlSearchBox">
<h2 id="tarlSearchTitle">Search for reading lists by module name</h2>
<p id="tarlSearchDescription"></p>
<form id="tarlSearch" method="get" action="https://{{tenantShortCode}}">
<label for="q" class="invisible sr-only">Search</label>
<input id="q" type="text" name="q" size="50" maxlength="1000">
<input id="tarlBtnSearch" type="submit" value="Search">
timhodson / BasicLTIConfigForTalisAspireReadingLists.xml
Created August 11, 2016 16:25
Basic LTI XML config for Talis Aspire Reading Lists
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<basic_lti_link xmlns=""
xmlns:lticm =""
xmlns:lticp =""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
<title>Talis Reading Lists</title>
<description>Talis Aspire Reading Lists LTI Integration</description>