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Last active June 13, 2024 10:30
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Primo VE - Talis Aspire Customisation
// Insert this code into the primo VE customisation folder `js/custom.js` anywhere after the line that reads:
// var app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['angularLoad']);
// and before the line that reads:
// })();
// this code can coexist wth other customisations that you may have for other products.
// === begin Talis Aspire Code ===
// Configuration
window.talis_aspire = {
/* === You have to set these up! === */
base_url: '', // Your Readinglists tenancy base url with a trailing slash
mms_id_institution_code: 1234, // The last four digits of your MMS_IDs
/* === customise the related lists === */
related_lists_display_label: 'Cited on reading lists:', // Text to display to users
/* === customise the boommark this button === */
display_bookmark_this_button: true, // set to false to hide the button
bookmark_this_title_attribute: 'bookmark this item to reading lists', // tooltip for the bookmark this button
bookmark_this_button_text: 'Send To Reading Lists', // Clickable text for the bookmark this button
/* === Don't need to change anything below this comment. === */
// A helper function to loop through all the values to check for the local MMSID
checkMMSIDcontainsInstitutionCode: function (mms_id) {
// Does it match the format for our local MMSID?
// the last four digits reflect your local values
var mmsidCheck = new RegExp('^99[0-9]*' + talis_aspire.mms_id_institution_code + '$');
if (mmsidCheck.test(mms_id) == true){
return mms_id;
// Whitelisting for Talis Aspire API Requests
app.constant('AspireTrustBaseUrl', talis_aspire.base_url).config(['$sceDelegateProvider', 'AspireTrustBaseUrl', function ($sceDelegateProvider, AspireTrustBaseUrl) {
var urlWhitelist = $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist();
urlWhitelist.push(AspireTrustBaseUrl + '**');
// End of whitelisting
// Show bookmark this button
// prmBriefResultAfter - After the Title and Author display at the top of the page
// prmBriefResultContainerAfter - After all the availability stuff
// prmActionContainerAfter - After the 'send to' buttons
bindings: { parentCtrl: '<' },
controller: 'DisplayBookMarkThisController',
template: '<div style="text-align: center;"><button style="display: inline-block; padding: 5px; margin: 5px auto;" ng-click="bookmarkThisClick(mmsid.url)" ng-repeat="mmsid in bookmarkable_mmsids" title="{{mmsid.title}}" class="button"><span>{{mmsid.action_text}}</span></button></div>'
app.controller('DisplayBookMarkThisController', function ($scope) {
if (talis_aspire.display_bookmark_this_button == true) {
var mms_id_arr = [];
// Loop through all MMS_IDs using our function above.
// The last MMSID found that matches will be the one used.
$scope.$parent.$ctrl.item.pnx.display.mms.forEach( function (mmsID){
let result = talis_aspire.checkMMSIDcontainsInstitutionCode(mmsID);
var bookmarkable_mmsids = [];
mms_id_arr.forEach(function (theMMSID){
var url = talis_aspire.base_url + 'ui/forms/bookmarklet.html?bibid=' + theMMSID;
var title = talis_aspire.bookmark_this_title_attribute
var action_text = talis_aspire.bookmark_this_button_text
bookmarkable_mmsids.push({url:url, title:title, action_text:action_text});
$scope.bookmarkable_mmsids = bookmarkable_mmsids;
$scope.bookmarkThisClick = function(url){
window.location.href = url;
// Show reading lists this item appears on
app.component('prmServiceDetailsAfter', {
bindings: { parentCtrl: '<' },
controller: 'DisplayAspireListsController',
template: '<div ng-show="listsFound != null"><span class="bold text">'+talis_aspire.related_lists_display_label+'</span><ul><li ng-repeat="(url,listname) in listsFound"><a href="{{url}}">{{listname}} </a></li></ul></div>'
app.controller('DisplayAspireListsController', function ($scope, $http) {
// Declare a global variable to hold the MMSID when it comes from the function
var mms_id_arr = [];
// Loop through all MMS_IDs using our function above.
// The last MMSID found that matches will be the one used.
$scope.$parent.$ctrl.item.pnx.display.mms.forEach( function (mmsID){
let result = talis_aspire.checkMMSIDcontainsInstitutionCode(mmsID);
if (typeof(theMMSID) !== 'undefined') {
var url = talis_aspire.base_url + 'lcn/' + theMMSID + '/lists.json';
// Make the call to Aspire
$http.jsonp(url,{jsonpCallbackParam: 'cb'})
.then(function handleSuccess(response) {
$scope.listsFound =;
// === End Talis Aspire Code ===
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