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Created March 13, 2017 21:45
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(= 5 2)
freenode/#clojure on 2014-04-21:
amalloy sets 5 to be 2 using reflection, probably in PM with clojurebot:
(let [field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field 5 2))
19:10 < amalloy> justin_smith: i think ''lovecraft should contain (alter-var-root #'defmacro (constantly (fn [& args] `(quote ~(rand-nth '#{various lovecraftian horrors|)))))
19:11 < justin_smith> ouch
19:11 < amalloy> or something like it, anyawy
19:11 < justin_smith> yeah
19:11 < justin_smith> maybe ''necronomicon would be the better name for it
19:13 < amalloy> or you could mutate one of the interned Number instances
19:13 < amalloy> really there are a lot of deep horrors you could put into a lovecraft library
19:14 < justin_smith> indeed
19:16 < justin_smith> stack traces generated using
19:17 < rasmusto> forgive me: z̷̼͖̰̜̣͛̂̚͟ạ̶̹͔็l̀̄͌̈̐ͫg̉̊̐͑ͮͦȏ̉̏̿̿ͩ̓ï̞̗͓̮̮͙̃̄̚z̞̗͍̃͆̐͆͊̄̚e͗ͣ̔ͣ
19:17 < arrdem> justin_smith: what have you done...
19:17 < amalloy> huh. clojurebot's sandbox allows you to actually do what i just said
19:17 < amalloy> ,5
19:17 < clojurebot> 2
19:17 < justin_smith> woah...
19:17 < amalloy> i'll go put things back together now
19:18 * arrdem flees in terror
19:19 < amalloy> uhhhhhh, i can't put it back. 5 is 2 now. even if you add 1 and 4 you get 2. so there's no longer a 5 to reset 5 to
19:19 < amalloy> hopefully clojurebot's regular sandbox-resetting takes care of that
19:19 < rasmusto> ,(dec 5)
19:19 < clojurebot> 1
19:19 < arrdem> amalloy: what have you done...
19:19 < rasmusto> seems to work
19:19 < arrdem> ,(+ 3 5)
19:19 < clojurebot> 2
19:20 < justin_smith> rofl
19:20 < justin_smith> ,(= 5 2)
19:20 < clojurebot> true
19:20 < justin_smith> ROFL
19:20 < arrdem> I don't even have a gif for this level of wat...
19:20 < justin_smith> (inc amalloy)
19:20 < lazybot> ⇒ 101
19:20 < rasmusto> ,(range 6)
19:20 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
19:20 < arrdem> AHAHAHAHA
19:20 < rasmusto> what
19:20 < arrdem> (inc amalloy)
19:20 < lazybot> ⇒ 102
19:20 < justin_smith> lol
19:20 < justin_smith> (take 10 (range 6))
19:20 < justin_smith> ,(take 10 (range 6))
19:20 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
19:20 < arrdem> amalloy: I want to see the source for this...
19:20 < arrdem> ,6
19:20 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
19:21 < arrdem> WHAT THE hahaha
19:21 < amalloy> oh, it's not hard. (let [field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field 5 2))
19:21 < rasmusto> ,7 ;plz?
19:21 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
19:21 < justin_smith> ,7
19:21 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
19:21 < amalloy> i think i broke all the numbers when i tried to put it back together
19:21 < rasmusto> ah okay.
19:21 < arrdem> wow.. that crowbar usage...
19:21 < danlamanna> it seems if an nREPL command (in emacs) isn't responding, there's no way to just C-c C-c out of it, huh?
19:22 < rasmusto> C-c C-b iirc
19:22 < justin_smith> clearly the 'adams ns will turn every number up to N into 42
19:22 < justin_smith> danlamanna: sometimes it takes a while, but for me C-c C-c works
19:22 < amalloy> you can try C-g too, in case it's client-side emacs code that's not responding
19:23 < btcNeverSleeps> re all... I read a comment here previously about Emacs and stack traces "inside" cider: <technomancy> amalloy: you have to turn on "actually display stack traces" for whatever reason, which is dumb. but once you do that it's ok.
19:24 < btcNeverSleeps> Can someone tell me how you turn on "actually display stack traces"?
19:25 < amalloy> hiredman: is clojurebot's auto-reload going to reload java.lang as well, or just clojurey bits?
19:26 < Xe> How do you import functions from another clojure file?
19:26 < Xe> Say I have main.clj and foo.clj
19:26 < gtrak> Xe: namespaces
19:26 < technomancy> btcNeverSleeps: M-x apropos-variable cider.*stacktrace
19:27 < hiredman> amalloy: that is an interesting question
19:27 < Xe> gtrak: How do I use it once I have a namespace?
19:27 < gtrak> Xe: the (ns ..) form and (require ..)
19:28 < Xe> so it would be
19:28 < gtrak>
19:28 < hiredman> instead of trying to answer it I killed the evaluator service, and it got restarted, so *shrug*
19:28 < arrdem> iiinteresting. tbaldridge, can I get a DL on the other accepted Lean Clojure project? we seem to be going for the same thing, unless his is atop the existing Java compiler.
19:28 < gtrak> Xe: here it uses :require [clojure.string :as str]
19:32 < dbasch> gtrak: as str… pretty unfortunate example
19:32 < gtrak> dbasch: still works :-)
19:32 < gtrak> (str ) is str, str/ is the ns
19:32 < arrdem> you didn't really want clojure.core/str anyway :P
19:33 < gtrak> doesn't it?
19:33 < justin_smith> :as [str] will not make str unusable
19:33 < Xe> gtrak: what am I doing wrong?
19:33 < arrdem> ,(require '[clojure.string :as str])
19:33 < clojurebot> nil
19:33 < arrdem> ,(str 1 2 3)
19:33 < clojurebot> "123"
19:33 < gtrak> Xe: I can't tell what that's supposed to do.
19:33 < arrdem> ,(str/capitalize "a")
19:33 < clojurebot> "A"
19:34 < rasmusto> ,(str 5)
19:34 < clojurebot> "5"
19:34 < Xe> gtrak: import the functions in constellation.atheme
19:34 < gtrak> your require looks fine but weird.
19:34 < Xe> well it doesn't work
19:34 < gtrak> Xe: ah, you'll want to alias the ns, that's what :as is for.
19:34 < justin_smith> Xe: that is not how you do unqualified import
19:34 < gtrak> :refer :all will import all the symbols, if that's what you need.
19:34 < justin_smith> also unqualified import is bad
19:34 < Xe> justin_smith: then how am I supposed to do it?
19:35 < gtrak> [constellation.atheme :refer :all]
19:35 < justin_smith> which is bad
19:35 < justin_smith> :P
19:35 < btcNeverSleeps> technomancy: thanks
19:35 < gtrak> hey, I'm just handing out guns..
19:35 < gtrak> footguns
19:35 < justin_smith> heh
19:35 < gtrak> I need to make a lib called that..
19:36 < justin_smith> it makes me imagine a foot with arms coming out (said arms having oversized biceps)
19:36 < gtrak> footgun - a utility library
19:36 < arrdem> gtrak: you already have knr what more do you need
19:36 < gtrak> yea, exactly.
19:36 < arrdem> gtrak: knr is footgun
19:37 < arrdem> gtrak: thinking of which... why the hell did you build knr
19:37 < gtrak> I was satisfied with building it once I successfully crashed the JVM. but ztellman's vertigo is a completion of the idea.
19:37 < arrdem> gtrak: I's cute and I enjoyed reading it... but what the hell
19:37 < Xe> gtrak: I see now, thanks
19:37 < gtrak> arrdem: he also said the unsafe isn't much faster than bytebuffers..
19:38 < arrdem> oooh boy
19:38 < arrdem> part of me wants to start using both of these libraries
19:38 < arrdem> and the rest of me likes not writing C
19:38 < gtrak> knr doesn't actually work... I'm making a note on the githubs :-)
19:38 < gtrak> it's half-completed
19:39 < justin_smith> hey, half-complete knr, complete footgun, who would know the difference except for a few symbols and filenames?
19:39 < amalloy> gtrak: 1/2 completed is the same as 1/5 completed, actually
19:39 < arrdem> vertigo is evil. I love it...
19:39 < arrdem> amalloy: quiet you
19:39 < justin_smith> lol
19:40 < jwm> is it safe to do a for on a nil object?
19:40 < justin_smith> ,(for [a nil] a)
19:40 < clojurebot> ()
19:40 < gtrak> amalloy: I think I'm missing something subtle there :-)
19:40 < gtrak> or is it 80/20?
19:40 < arrdem> also gtrak. meajure is now a thing. you're entirely to blame for the name.
19:40 < gtrak> hehe
19:40 < amalloy> gtrak: no, i was referring to my recent clojurebot hack
19:40 < justin_smith> gtrak: search up for ,(= 5 2)
19:40 < arrdem> ,(= 5 2)
19:40 < clojurebot> false
19:41 < arrdem> good. clojurebot is no longer horked
19:41 < rasmusto> ,(range 6)
19:41 < clojurebot> (0 1 2 3 4 ...)
19:41 < rasmusto> where's 5????
19:41 < TEttinger> rasmusto: ##(range 6)
19:41 < lazybot> ⇒ (0 1 2 3 4 5)
19:41 < justin_smith> ,5
19:41 < clojurebot> 5
19:41 < rasmusto> :)
19:41 < TEttinger> one of the bots trims output
19:42 < justin_smith> we were just kind of worried about 5 and hoping 5 was OK
19:42 < rasmusto> TEttinger: gotcha, was making a reference to ,(= (dec 5) 1) earlier
19:42 < TEttinger> heh wha
19:43 < justin_smith> probably the best clojure wat I have seen so far
19:43 < amalloy> i figured out how i broke clojurebot the second time
19:43 < justinholguin> ,(= (dec 5) 1)
19:43 < clojurebot> false
19:43 < justinholguin> phew
19:43 < amalloy> i was trying to set 5 back to 5, but instead i set 2 to 5. so looking up the third item in an array caused you to look up the sixth item instead. thus all the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException problems
19:44 < gtrak> how'd you do that in the first place? I didn't see it in the scroll-up
19:44 < TEttinger> ,(def 5 4)
19:44 < clojurebot> #<CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: First argument to def must be a Symbol, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:0:0)>
19:44 < justin_smith> another good name for an intentionaly messed up lib would be angkor (named for the world's biggest Wat)
19:44 < amalloy> gtrak: it's not hard. (let [field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field 5 2))
19:44 < justin_smith> gtrak: amalloy pasted it, by setting some properties of Long I think
19:44 < justinholguin> (inc justin_smith)
19:44 < lazybot> ⇒ 34
19:44 < justin_smith> oh, there it is again
19:45 < gtrak> ah, ye old integer cache
19:45 < justin_smith> probably will call for some new sandbox rules
19:45 * nDuff has a core.async mix, and is getting apparently nondeterministic behavior around whether the last item added to it is delivered, though the put to the mix *should* be happening before any associated close!, and all involved channels were constructed unbuffered
19:45 < TEttinger> (let [field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field (rand-int 100) 101))
19:45 < TEttinger> ,(let [field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field (rand-int 100) 101))
19:45 < clojurebot> #<IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set final long field java.lang.Long.value to java.lang.Integer>
19:45 < TEttinger> aw
19:45 < rasmusto> justin_smith: glad someone else shares my taste for puns
19:46 < amalloy> iit turns out you have to do a bit more work to set it back
19:46 < amalloy> (let [five (long (int (+ (int 1) (int 4)))), field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field five (int (+ (int 1) (int 4))))) ;; actually worked to recover my repl
19:46 < rasmusto> amalloy: is this idiomatic code?
19:47 < rasmusto> er, does it at least show how to use java interop properly?
19:47 < TEttinger> there's nothing proper here
19:47 < arrdem> rasmusto: do you see that crowbar? do you see it?
19:47 < arrdem> rasmusto: that's almost as [good|bad] as the reader macros with crowbars hack
19:47 < amalloy> sure, just like carrying a chainsaw with you at all times is the idiomatic way to get into doors you really shouldn't be getting into
19:48 < gtrak> arrdem: I also take credit for the name 'reagent'
19:49 < rasmusto> hrm, trying to grok the long/int thing
19:49 < hiredman>
Some time later:
14:20 < amalloy> compilers are more gullible than any human being
14:20 < gfredericks> ,(def three 4)
14:20 < clojurebot> #'sandbox/three
14:20 < gfredericks> lol he just believed me
14:20 < amalloy> (def largest-prime 85) ;; sure, okay
14:21 < gfredericks> ,(def _ "underscore")
14:21 < clojurebot> #'sandbox/_
14:21 < llasram> clojurebot is a he?
14:21 < amalloy> gfredericks: were you around when i broke clojurebot by redefining 5 to be 2?
14:22 * llasram would like to see that...
14:22 < amalloy> llasram: it's not super-hard. you use reflection to modify the .value field of (Long/valueOf 5)
14:23 < technomancy> isn't this something we make fun of ruby for making possible?
14:23 < technomancy> I'll have to update my Tome of Mockery
14:25 < llasram> amalloy: Ah. Yeah, ok. IMHO using reflection to stomp on private final (I assume?) fields is basically the same as memcpy()ing
14:25 < llasram> So I'm somewhat less impressed :-)
14:26 < gfredericks> amalloy: no way that's nutso
14:26 < TimMc> :-(
14:27 < gfredericks> Tim does not like it
14:31 < llasram> Well, unless someone re-defined TimMc's smiley face to use ":-("
14:31 < llasram> At this point we have no real way of knowing
14:34 < hyPiRion> It's hard to know anything when everything is relative and changing.
14:35 < gfredericks> except the undeniable objective fact that it's hard to know anything when everything is relative and changing
14:37 < TimMc> amalloy: How's that?
14:37 < amalloy> how's what?
14:37 < TimMc> I did (.setAccessible (.getDeclaredField Long "value") true) but then this errors: (.setLong (.getDeclaredField Long "value") 5 2)
14:38 < hyPiRion> gfredericks: but then it's not hard to know anything, it's hard to know anything with the exception of that statement
14:38 < amalloy> TimMc: setAccessible mutates the Field object you have. you can't re-get the Field object
14:38 < TimMc> Oh! Point.
14:38 < amalloy> (doto (.getDeclaredField Long "value") (.setAccessible true) (.setLong 5 2)) or something
14:39 < ystael> amalloy: does that break just one five or all the fives?
14:39 < amalloy> all the (boxed) fives
14:39 < llasram> Oh, language
14:39 < amalloy> and since clojure boxes everything, that's all of them
14:39 < TimMc> ,(let [f (.getDeclaredField Long "value"), subject 5] (.setAccessible f true) (.setLong f subject 2) subject)
14:39 < clojurebot> 2
14:39 < TimMc> D-:
14:39 < hyPiRion> amalloy: not all the boxed fives?
14:39 < amalloy> TimMc: ugh, don't do it to clojurebot again
14:39 < llasram> ,(+ 5 5)
14:39 < clojurebot> 4
14:39 < hyPiRion> ,(Long. "5")
14:39 < clojurebot> 5
14:39 < TimMc> oops
14:40 < amalloy> hyPiRion: true. all the ones boxed via Long/valueOf
14:40 < TimMc> I should have use a bigger 5.
14:40 < arrdem> ,(+ 2 2)
14:40 < clojurebot> 4
14:40 < arrdem> ,(+ 5 5)
14:40 < clojurebot> 4
14:40 < ystael> is there a numerical threshold above which boxed instances are not cached and shared?
14:40 < jcromartie> wow, nice
14:40 < TimMc> ,(let [f (.getDeclaredField Long "value"), subject 5] (.setAccessible f true) (.setLong f subject 5) subject) ;; fixed?
14:40 < clojurebot> 2
14:40 < hyPiRion> ystael: 128 or 256 I think
14:40 < llasram> ,(+ 5 5)
14:40 < clojurebot> 4
14:40 < amalloy> ystael: +/- 128
14:40 < TimMc> hahaha
14:40 < amalloy> well, -128 to 127
14:40 < llasram> ,(let [f (.getDeclaredField Long "value"), subject 5] (.setAccessible f true) (.setLong f subject (Long. "5") subject))
14:40 < clojurebot> #<IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: setLong for class java.lang.reflect.Field>
14:41 < arrdem>
14:41 < hyPiRion> TimMc: You have seen nothing yet
14:41 < llasram> ,(let [f (.getDeclaredField Long "value"), subject 5] (.setAccessible f true) (.setLong f subject (Long. "5")) subject)
14:41 < clojurebot> 5
14:41 < TimMc> It restarts every 12 minutes, right?
14:41 < llasram> ,(+ 5 5)
14:41 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
14:41 < TimMc> And by 12, I mean 12.
14:41 < llasram> Hmm
14:42 < amalloy> llasram: that's the way i tried to fix it the first time
14:42 < amalloy> but you made the same mistake i did
14:42 < amalloy> instead of defining 5 back to 5, you defined 2 to 5
14:42 < llasram> Oh, right
14:42 < llasram> hah!
14:42 < hyPiRion> hahah
14:42 < amalloy> so now like every array access breaks
14:42 < TimMc> I <3 FORTRAN.
14:43 < amalloy> we never did find out if clojurebot's auto-restart actually fixes this problem
14:43 < llasram> *amazing*
14:43 < amalloy> hiredman gave it a manual hard-reset before waiting for that
14:43 < arrdem> amalloy: one way to find out...
14:45 < TimMc> ,(let [f (.getDeclaredField Long "value"), subject 0] (.setAccessible f true) (.setLong f subject 42) subject) ;; if it will even run...
14:45 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
14:45 < TimMc> ,(.getDeclaredField Long "value")
14:45 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
14:45 < TimMc> Amazing.
14:45 < amalloy> TimMc: right, it's too late i think. you can no longer eval anything
14:45 < dans> do most people really work with plain SQL migrations for big projects? nothing that generates SQL from some models defined in some clojure data structure?
14:45 < amalloy> because eval uses the number 2 in an array somewhere
14:45 < amalloy> ,1
14:45 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
14:46 < TimMc> Got it.
14:46 < arrdem> hahaha
14:46 < hyPiRion> ,'1
14:46 < clojurebot> #<IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>
14:46 < arrdem> (inc TimMc)
14:46 < lazybot> ⇒ 58
14:46 < TimMc> Only 28 points!
14:46 < TimMc> I thought I had more.
14:47 < hyPiRion> TimMc: well, since 2 is 5 and 5 is 2
14:47 < gfredericks> wait we can prove a contradiction with this right? and then derive anything?
14:47 < gfredericks> let's derive bugfixes
14:47 < arrdem> gfredericks: quick prove P!=NP then we can keep our jobs forever
14:48 < TimMc> amalloy: Do you know any way to get ahold of that interned 5?
14:48 < ystael> TimMc: it's no longer a number ... it's a free man now
14:49 < amalloy> TimMc: what do you mean?
14:49 < gfredericks> arrdem: or P = NP but only for galactic algorithms
14:49 < TimMc> Well, I'm trying to restore my REPL's notion of small numbers.
14:49 < arrdem> gfredericks: this is also an acceptable outcome.
14:49 < amalloy> i don't think you can do it if you've gone to the second level of broken like llasram did
14:50 < amalloy> but if you've only broken it one level, it is reversible
14:50 < TimMc> Just one level of fail.
14:50 < amalloy> iirc this works: (let [five (long (int (+ (int 1) (int 4)))), field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field five (int (+ (int 1) (int 4)))))
14:51 < TimMc> I'm having trouble figuring out what's going on here:
14:52 < amalloy> fiddling with (Long. "5") doesn't help, because that's not the interned version
14:52 < TimMc> Oh! Right-o.
14:52 < llasram> Wouldn't (Long/valueOf "5") work? Or does the compiler do funny things?
14:52 < amalloy> &(identical? (Long/valueOf "5") 5)
14:52 < lazybot> ⇒ false
14:52 < llasram> Oh, interesting
14:52 < amalloy> &(identical? (Long/valueOf 5) 5)
14:53 < lazybot> ⇒ true
14:53 < llasram> That makes sense of course
14:53 < amalloy> i don't know *why*, but apparently the string version bypasses interning
14:53 < amalloy> llasram: does it? it should parse it as a long, then use the intern cache to get a Long
14:53 < TimMc> valueOf probably just shortcuts, right?
14:54 < amalloy> incidentally, three cheers for repl history: i just searched it for setAccessible to find this fix; i probably wouldn't have remembered it on my own
14:55 < llasram> amalloy: Eh. It's not really clear to me why it should use the cache for the result of string parsing. Not saying it shouldn't -- it just doesn't seem unreasonable for it to not
14:55 < hyPiRion> TimMc: Oh hey, if you find this sort of stuff funny, you should see this one:
14:56 < hyPiRion> That one segfaults or makes your JVM spin up an infinite loop
14:57 < amalloy> hyPiRion: do you really have to remove its FINAL modifier? once you make it accessible i think you can already write to it
14:57 < amalloy> just like for Long
14:57 < amalloy> maybe you're doing something weird i don't see there
14:59 < hyPiRion> amalloy: it's static, which makes it a bit different IIRC
14:59 < hyPiRion> at least I just checked, and it doesn't work with just .setAccessible
15:00 < TimMc> ,(+(*)(*)(*)(*)(*))
15:00 < clojurebot> 5
15:00 < TimMc> It's back!
15:00 < llasram> ,(+ 5 5)
15:01 < clojurebot> 10
15:01 < llasram> Yay!
15:07 < TimMc> amalloy: I was able to fix it in my REPL by using "subject (+ 2 3)", but when I tried again with "subject 5" nREPL quit with an NPE. :-P
15:07 < ystael> When building a custom coercion matcher in Prismatic/schema, if I'm trying to coerce into a multi-level record structure, it's supposed to recurse into coercing into the sub-schemas automatically, right?
15:07 < amalloy> TimMc: my suggested fix didn't work?
15:08 < TimMc> I didn't try it, since I was able to fix it a different way.
15:09 < TimMc> "Bye for now!"
15:10 < sdegutis> Related:
15:10 < amalloy> TimMc: yeah, that's setting 2 to 5 again
15:10 < amalloy> which really is a lot more disruptive than setting 5 to 2
Much later:
13:48 < justin_smith> ,(let [field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field 5 2))
13:48 < clojurebot> nil
13:48 < justin_smith> ,(inc 5)
13:48 < clojurebot> 3
13:48 < andyf> You can break the JVM's 5, but Plato's 5 is safe in the world of forms
13:48 < justin_smith> haha
13:48 < gfredericks> ~5 is the set of all sets with 5 elements
13:49 < clojurebot> Ik begrijp
13:49 < bbloom_> , (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)
13:49 < clojurebot> #<Field[] [Ljava.lang.reflect.Field;@5753b0>
13:49 < bbloom_> ,(.getName (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3))
13:49 < clojurebot> #<IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: getName for class [Ljava.lang.reflect.Field;>
13:49 < bbloom_> ,(.name (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3))
13:49 < clojurebot> #<IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: name for class [Ljava.lang.reflect.Field;>
13:49 < bbloom_> ,(clojure.reflect/reflect (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3))
13:49 < clojurebot> #<ClassNotFoundException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure.reflect>
13:49 < bbloom_> ,(require 'clojure.reflect)
13:49 < clojurebot> nil
13:49 < bbloom_> eh wahtever... how do i get the name of a field?
13:49 < gfredericks> .getName?
13:49 < bbloom_> i tried that
13:49 < bbloom_> oh dur it's an array
13:49 < gfredericks> with 3?
13:50 < bbloom_> ,(.name (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3))
13:50 < clojurebot> #<IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching field found: name for class java.lang.reflect.Field>
13:50 < bbloom_> i suck
13:50 < bbloom_> ,(.getName (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3))
13:50 < clojurebot> "value"
13:50 < andyf> The world of forms: Bringing you real immutability since 348 BC
13:50 < bbloom_> ah ok i gotcha. boxed small numbers are interned
13:51 < justin_smith> , (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)
13:51 < clojurebot> #<Field private final long java.lang.Long.value>
13:51 < justin_smith> ,(.getName (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3))
13:51 < clojurebot> "value"
13:51 < bbloom_> andyf: <- i was hoping you knew the actual year
13:51 < justin_smith> bbloom_: ^
13:51 < bbloom_> justin_smith: i got there eventually :-P
13:52 < justin_smith> bbloom_: aha, I missed it while I was finding it in my own repl
13:52 < andyf> Sorry, I don't know when he wrote about it first, so I approximated by the year Plato died.
13:53 < justin_smith> ,(= 5 3)
13:53 < clojurebot> false
13:53 < justin_smith> ,(= 5 2)
13:53 < clojurebot> true
13:53 < justin_smith> ,(let [field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field 5 (inc 4)))
13:53 < clojurebot> nil
13:53 < justin_smith> ,(= 5 2)
13:53 < clojurebot> true
13:53 < justin_smith> I thought I fixed that...
13:54 < justin_smith> ,(let [field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field (inc 4) (inc 4)))
13:54 < clojurebot> nil
13:54 < justin_smith> ,(= 5 2)
13:54 < clojurebot> true
13:54 < justin_smith> ,(inc 2)
13:54 < clojurebot> 3
13:54 < justin_smith> ,(inc 5)
13:54 < clojurebot> 3
13:54 < mearnsh> this is why we can't have nice things
13:54 < AeroNotix> ,(inc (+ 3 2))
13:54 < clojurebot> 6
13:54 < justin_smith> :( I forgot how to fix it
13:54 < AeroNotix> ,(inc 5)
13:54 < clojurebot> 3
13:54 < AeroNotix> 5
13:55 < AeroNotix> ,5
13:55 < clojurebot> 2
13:55 < justin_smith> ,(let [five (long (int (+ (int 1) (int 4)))), field (nth (.getDeclaredFields Long) 3)] (.setAccessible field true) (.set field five (int (+ (int 1) (int 4)))))
13:55 < clojurebot> nil
13:55 < andyf> Once you make 5 equal to something else, the JVM extrapolates and is able to prove that all numbers are simultaneously equal to, and not equal to, all others.
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