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Created January 22, 2021 21:01
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Experiments with async on embedded and critical sections
//! Experiments with async on embedded. This code runs on nRF52840-DK.
//! On ARM Cortex-M cores interrupt requests can wake up the processor even when
//! interrupts are disabled by a critical section. The executor runs in a critical
//! section and puts the processor to sleep when no futures is ready.
//! A pending interrupt request wakes up the processor (without jumping to the ISR)
//! and the executor re-polls the futures for completion.
//! Only supports a single task called `main_async` which can never be
//! interrupted (bus faults and other exceptions disregarded).
//! The sigle threaded nature reduces the complexity of async peripheral
//! abstractions: No need to get data into and out of the ISR context.
use defmt_rtt as _;
use panic_probe as _;
use cortex_m::interrupt::CriticalSection;
fn main() -> ! {
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
// Simple executor that runs the `main_async` task in a loop.
// Insert a `WFI` instruction in the loop to enter low power mode.
direct_executor::run(main_async(cs), cortex_m::asm::wfi)
//direct_executor::run(main_async(cs), cortex_m::asm::nop)
// `WFE` with the `SEVONPEND` set can be used as an alternative.
// The processor then wakes up for any pending interrupt request, even if
// masked by the NVIC. But only when the pending flag changes from 0 to 1.
// The peripherals must be adapted to clear the NVIC pending flag after
// an interrupt request was triggered.
async fn main_async(cs: &CriticalSection) -> ! {
let dp = nrf52840_pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let gpio0 = dp.P0;
let button1 = 11; // P0.11
// Configure as input with pull-up
gpio0.pin_cnf[button1 as usize].write(|w| {
let mut gpiote = gpiote::Gpiote::new(dp.GPIOTE, &cs);
loop {
defmt::info!("button pressed");
defmt::info!("button released");
/// Async wrapper for the GPIO Tasks and Events (GPIOTE) peripheral.
/// Uses channel 0 for state change detection of a single pin.
/// Properly cleans up resources on drop.
mod gpiote {
use core::{future::Future, marker::PhantomData, task::Poll};
use cortex_m::interrupt::CriticalSection;
use nrf52840_pac::{gpiote, Interrupt, NVIC};
pub struct Gpiote<'a> {
inner: nrf52840_pac::GPIOTE,
cs: PhantomData<&'a CriticalSection>,
impl Gpiote<'_> {
pub fn new(gpiote: nrf52840_pac::GPIOTE, _cs: &CriticalSection) -> Gpiote<'_> {
// The critical section ensures that interrupts are disabled globally.
// Pending interrupts still wake up the processor from `WFI` sleep but
// no ISR will be executed.
// Enable our interrupt request line.
unsafe { NVIC::unmask(Interrupt::GPIOTE) };
Gpiote {
inner: gpiote,
cs: PhantomData,
pub async fn falling_edge(&mut self, pin: u8) {
GpioteEventFuture::new(&self.inner, pin, gpiote::config::POLARITY_A::HITOLO).await
pub async fn rising_edge(&mut self, pin: u8) {
GpioteEventFuture::new(&self.inner, pin, gpiote::config::POLARITY_A::LOTOHI).await
pub async fn any_edge(&mut self, pin: u8) {
GpioteEventFuture::new(&self.inner, pin, gpiote::config::POLARITY_A::TOGGLE).await
impl Drop for Gpiote<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
struct GpioteEventFuture<'a> {
gpiote: &'a nrf52840_pac::GPIOTE,
impl GpioteEventFuture<'_> {
fn new(
gpiote: &nrf52840_pac::GPIOTE,
pin: u8,
polarity: gpiote::config::POLARITY_A,
) -> GpioteEventFuture {
// Select pin and polarity but do not enable the detection yet.
gpiote.config[0].write(|w| {
unsafe { w.psel().bits(pin) };
// Enable the interrupt to wake up the processor from sleep when an
// edge was detected.
gpiote.intenset.write(|w| w.in0().set());
GpioteEventFuture { gpiote }
fn reset(&self) {
self.gpiote.config[0].reset(); // Disable edge detection event.
self.gpiote.events_in[0].reset(); // Clear interrupt flag.
self.gpiote.intenclr.write(|w| w.in0().clear()); // Disable event interrupt.
impl Future for GpioteEventFuture<'_> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(
self: core::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
_: &mut core::task::Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// Start the event detection on first poll.
self.gpiote.config[0].modify(|_, w| w.mode().event());
if self.gpiote.events_in[0].read().bits() != 0 {
} else {
impl Drop for GpioteEventFuture<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// defmt boilerplate
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
static COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
defmt::timestamp!("{=usize}", COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed));
fn panic() -> ! {
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