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Created January 25, 2011 16:43
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Save tingletech/795185 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
load snac data into a graph database with blueprints/gremlin
// groovy / gremlin script to load EAC-CPF relations into a graph database
// directory to troll
def data_root = "/home/btingle/rebuild/xtf/data"
// XTF Base URL used in inner loop to look up authorized form of name
def xtf_base = ""
// create graph
g = new Neo4jGraph('snac-graph')
// we'll need this index later
index = g.createIndex('name-idx',Vertex.class,Index.Type.AUTOMATIC)
def dir = new File(data_root)
// first loop; define vertex for each name
def eac = new XmlSlurper().parse(file).declareNamespace(xlink: '')
// xpath: /eac-cpf/cpfDescription/identity[1]/nameEntry/part
def from_name = eac.cpfDescription.identity[0].nameEntry[0].part
Vertex vertex = g.addVertex(null)
assert ( vertex["name"] = from_name as String)
vertex["file"] = file as String
println vertex["name"]
// second loop; create the edges
// for each file
// first, get then vertex for this file
def eac = new XmlSlurper().parse(file).declareNamespace(xlink: '')
def from_name = eac.cpfDescription.identity[0].nameEntry[0].part
def from_node = index.get("name", from_name as String)>>1
// now, process all related names
eac.cpfDescription.relations.cpfRelation.each {
// parse the recordId out of the descriptiveNote
String p = it.descriptiveNote.p
def recordId = p[10..p.size()-1] // so hackish
// look up by recordId: first
def crossQueryResult = new XmlSlurper().parse("${xtf_base}control&text=${recordId}")
def to_name = crossQueryResult.docHit[0].meta.identity[0]
def where = "recordId"
// no luck with recordId? do a search of the identity sectionType!
if ( to_name == '') {
crossQueryResult = new XmlSlurper().parse("${xtf_base}identity&text=${it.relationEntry}")
to_name = crossQueryResult.docHit[0].meta.identity[0]
where = "identity"
// get the vertex to connect to
def to_node
def to_node_iterator = index.get("name", to_name as String)
if ( to_node_iterator ) {
to_node =
// we'll need to know the edge type
def arcrole = it."@xlink:arcrole"
if ( from_node && to_node && arcrole && (from_node != to_node) ) {
def e = g.addEdge(null, from_node, to_node, arcrole as String)
} else {
print "SKIPPED "
println "\"${from_name}\" ${arcrole} \"${to_name}\"; ${recordId} ${where}"
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Cool script!

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