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Last active July 12, 2017 13:40
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  • Save tjmahr/1fbcf3cd6158372d3e4a9a6148acb3a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tjmahr/1fbcf3cd6158372d3e4a9a6148acb3a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# # Maybe unescape brackets?
# str_replace("\\[", "\\\\\\[", "[")
# str_replace_all(lines_to_check[139], "\\\\\\[", "[")
# # enforce_nonbreaking?
# lines_to_check %>%
# str_replace_all(" = ", " = ") %>%
# str_replace_all("(Table|Figure) (\\d)", "\\1 \\2")
clean_md_file <- function(file_path) {
# report
report <- readr::read_lines(file_path)
# Ignore the bibliography
line_references_start <- report %>%
str_detect("^References$") %>%
# Say the bibliography is last line if it's missing
if (length(line_references_start) == 0) {
line_references_start <- length(report)
main_lines <- report[seq_len(line_references_start)]
# Ignore lines that aren't prose
table_lines <- main_lines %>% str_detect("^[|]")
img_lines <- main_lines %>% str_detect("^[<img]")
header_lines <- main_lines %>% str_detect("^[-][-]|^[#]")
do_not_touch <- table_lines | img_lines | header_lines
lines_to_check <- main_lines[!do_not_touch]
main_lines[!do_not_touch] <- lines_to_check %>%
replace_inline_amper %>%
report[seq_len(line_references_start)] <- main_lines
replace_inline_amper <- function(text) {
# Assume that an inline citation consists of an author's last name followed by a
# parenthesized year. If we find those, we fix the inline citations with
# ampersands.
# Last names are letters and hyphens and spaces.
re_author <- "[[:alpha:]- ]+"
re_inline_year <- "[(]\\d{4}[)]"
re_author_year <- sprintf("(%s %s)", re_author, re_inline_year)
# Allow a comma for when 3 or more authors
re_maybe_comma <- "(,?)"
re_amper <- "( & )"
re_ampersand_author_year <- sprintf("%s(?=%s)", re_amper, re_author_year)
str_replace_all(text, re_ampersand_author_year, " and ")
# c("Maggie & Lisa (2005) found...",
# "...have been found (Maggie & Lisa, 2005)",
# "Jones & Hyphen-Name (2005) found...",
# "...have been found (Jones & Hyphen-Name, 2005)",
# "Marge, Maggie, & Lisa (2005) found...",
# "...have been found (Marge, Maggie, & Lisa, 2005)",
# "Jones & Space Name (2005) found...",
# "...have been found (Jones & Space Name, 2005)") %>%
# replace_inline_amper() -> text
replace_hyphen_space <- function(text) {
# text <- c("word- learning", "x- and y- centered", "five- andersons")
# Use a negative look-ahead to skip "x- and y-examples"
re_hypen_space <- "(\\w+)- (?!and )(\\w+)"
text %>%
str_replace_all(re_hypen_space, "\\1-\\2") %>%
str_replace_all("\\d- SD", "\\1-SD")
# file_path <- "./reports/"
# stringi::stri_write_lines(clean_md_file(file_path), file_path)
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