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Last active April 13, 2020 20:18
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  • Save tjmahr/e90ba54d40d7591b7d7f290c36df59d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tjmahr/e90ba54d40d7591b7d7f290c36df59d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Things that need to be done just once
if (FALSE) {
  # We need the dev version of ggrepel

  # Install Lato font on machine, then import it into extrafont library
  extrafont::font_import(pattern = "Lato")

extrafont::loadfonts(device = "win", quiet = TRUE)

# My plotting theme
theme_teej <- function(base_size = 11, base_family = "Lato Medium",
                       base_line_size = base_size / 22,
                       base_rect_size = base_size / 22) {
  half_line <- base_size / 2

  start <- theme_grey(
    base_size = base_size,
    base_family = base_family,
    base_line_size = base_line_size,
    base_rect_size = base_rect_size

  start %+replace%
      axis.title = element_text(hjust = 1),
      strip.text = element_text(
        hjust = 0,
        family = "Lato Medium",
        size = rel(1),
        margin = margin(
          t = 0.80 * half_line,
          r = 0.25 * half_line,
          b = 0.80 * half_line,
          l = 0.25 * half_line)
      strip.background = element_rect(fill = NA, colour = NA)

# # code I used to compute intervals
# posterior <- data_posterior  %>%
#   group_by(group, parameter) %>%
#   tidybayes::median_qih(.width = c(0, .5, .8, .95))

# created with datapasta::tribble_paste()
posterior <- tibble::tribble(
  ~group, ~parameter,              ~value,             ~.lower,             ~.upper, ~.width,  ~.point, ~.interval,
  "NSMI",      "mid",    40.1512906665361,    40.1512906665361,    40.1512906665361,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",      "phi",    38.1339458186469,    38.1339458186469,    38.1339458186469,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",     "prop",   0.862307327544911,   0.862307327544911,   0.862307327544911,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",    "slope",  0.0211848195996685,  0.0211848195996685,  0.0211848195996685,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",      "mid",    50.0313657660507,    50.0313657660507,    50.0313657660507,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",      "phi",    18.1460194734679,    18.1460194734679,    18.1460194734679,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",     "prop",   0.600764180915117,   0.600764180915117,   0.600764180915117,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",    "slope", 0.00550809947821239, 0.00550809947821239, 0.00550809947821239,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",      "mid",    53.8505226177306,    53.8505226177306,    53.8505226177306,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",      "phi",    27.9466215408407,    27.9466215408407,    27.9466215408407,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",     "prop",   0.768006391325915,   0.768006391325915,   0.768006391325915,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",    "slope",  0.0157599852671279,  0.0157599852671279,  0.0157599852671279,       0, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",      "mid",    40.1512906665361,    38.6626678980382,    41.6633643635245,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",      "phi",    38.1339458186469,    35.0419249880578,    41.3272609475226,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",     "prop",   0.862307327544911,   0.838443006415332,   0.882626910532456,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",    "slope",  0.0211848195996685,  0.0196282759454783,  0.0228212429800172,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",      "mid",    50.0313657660507,     44.342745599758,     55.989090875593,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",      "phi",    18.1460194734679,    15.8992814866775,    20.5630293175756,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",     "prop",   0.600764180915117,   0.529105503139899,   0.669300399142929,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",    "slope", 0.00550809947821239, 0.00430313892377911, 0.00703196566056379,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",      "mid",    53.8505226177306,    52.3417842389953,    55.4110869956611,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",      "phi",    27.9466215408407,    25.9557115046007,    30.0220251218974,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",     "prop",   0.768006391325915,   0.730126148857925,   0.805146261216979,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",    "slope",  0.0157599852671279,  0.0146202354368508,  0.0169273307672776,     0.5, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",      "mid",    40.1512906665361,    37.3851582023825,    43.0361881660536,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",      "phi",    38.1339458186469,    32.5321324091804,    44.2677499291782,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",     "prop",   0.862307327544911,   0.815115314617659,   0.898665975103861,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",    "slope",  0.0211848195996685,  0.0182932249237414,  0.0243686527289431,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",      "mid",    50.0313657660507,     39.377920266859,    61.5002037382172,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",      "phi",    18.1460194734679,    14.1820580577392,    23.0164123722118,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",     "prop",   0.600764180915117,   0.467297001732489,   0.731748657810347,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",    "slope", 0.00550809947821239, 0.00342224629075752, 0.00903699245637957,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",      "mid",    53.8505226177306,     51.003116242772,    56.7894090662208,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",      "phi",    27.9466215408407,    24.1972835569052,     32.091587213647,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",     "prop",   0.768006391325915,   0.693411903548042,   0.835532145209722,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",    "slope",  0.0157599852671279,  0.0136126794560865,  0.0180185700498226,     0.8, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",      "mid",    40.1512906665361,     35.932984887005,    44.6165891658308,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",      "phi",    38.1339458186469,    29.9576183860332,    47.7213561836896,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",     "prop",   0.862307327544911,   0.785699090622336,   0.913810132395412,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "NSMI",    "slope",  0.0211848195996685,  0.0167567302206072,  0.0262668363239787,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",      "mid",    50.0313657660507,    33.4603680810194,    68.2234488658527,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",      "phi",    18.1460194734679,    12.3383091136992,    26.2253243087712,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",     "prop",   0.600764180915117,   0.400838498312218,    0.78846296635821,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCI",    "slope", 0.00550809947821239,  0.0025260454854747,  0.0123261226261669,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",      "mid",    53.8505226177306,    49.5325645753245,    58.5949914876063,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",      "phi",    27.9466215408407,    22.5124805034684,    34.3787008065597,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",     "prop",   0.768006391325915,   0.647276291648422,   0.866722063519153,    0.95, "median",       "qi",
  "SMIMLCT",    "slope",  0.0157599852671279,   0.012414067853522,  0.0193024700700164,    0.95, "median",       "qi"

# Labeling!
fct_set_slpg_srcld3 <- function(xs) {
  levels <- c("NSMI", "SMIMLCT", "SMIMLCI")
  labels <- c(
    "No dysarthria",
    "Dysarthria\nwith typical\ncomprehension",
    "Dysarthria\nwith impaired\ncomprehension"
  # reversing here so it runs down the y-axis
  forcats::fct_rev(factor(xs, levels, labels))

fct_set_parameter <- function(xs) {
  levels <- c("mid", "prop", "slope", "phi")
  labels <- c(
    "Age of steepest growth (months)",
    "Asymptote (max) intelligibility",
    "Steepest growth rate (% per month)",
    "Precision parameter"
  factor(xs, levels, labels)

fct_set_width <- function(xs) {
  levels <- c(.95, .8, .5, 0)
  labels <- c("95%", "80%", "50%", "median")
  factor(xs, levels, labels)

posterior <- posterior %>%
    group = fct_set_slpg_srcld3(group),
    parameter = fct_set_parameter(parameter)

colors <- c(rev(colorspace::sequential_hcl(3, palette = "Peach")), "black")
note_size <- 3.5

ggplot(posterior) +
  aes(x = value, y = group) +
  # draw the bands
    aes(color = fct_set_width(.width)),
    data = . %>% filter(.width != 0)
  ) +
  # draw the median
    aes(x = value, color = fct_set_width(.width)),
    data = . %>% filter(.width == 0)
  ) +
    data = tibble(
      value = 40,
      parameter = fct_set_parameter("mid"),
      group = fct_set_slpg_srcld3("NSMI")
    label = "about a year earlier than CP peers",
    hjust = 0,
    nudge_x = 4,
    nudge_y = .35,
    segment.curvature = +1e-20,
    family = "Lato Medium",
    size = note_size,
    point.padding = .5
  ) +
    data = tibble(
      value = 53,
      parameter = fct_set_parameter("mid"),
      group = fct_set_slpg_srcld3("SMIMLCT")
    label = "intervene during age 4\nto accelerate growth?",
    hjust = 0,
    nudge_x = 3,
    nudge_y = -.35,
    segment.curvature = -1e-20,
    family = "Lato Medium",
    size = note_size,
    point.padding = .5
  ) +
    data = tibble(
      value = .41,
      parameter = fct_set_parameter("prop"),
      group = fct_set_slpg_srcld3("SMIMLCI")
    label = "average growth features for group were very uncertain",
    hjust = 0,
    nudge_x = .04,
    nudge_y = .35,
    segment.curvature = +1e-20,
    family = "Lato Medium",
    size = note_size,
    point.padding = .5
  ) +
    data = tibble(
      value = .01575,
      parameter = fct_set_parameter("slope"),
      group = fct_set_slpg_srcld3("SMIMLCT")
    label = "intelligibility increased by \n1.5 percentage-points per month",
    hjust = 0,
    nudge_x = .001,
    nudge_y = -.45,
    segment.curvature = +1e-20,
    family = "Lato Medium",
    size = note_size,
    point.padding = .5
  ) +
    data = tibble(
      value = 30,
      parameter = fct_set_parameter("phi"),
      group = fct_set_slpg_srcld3("SMIMLCI")
    label = "intelligibility scores were noisier with dysarthria",
    hjust = .5,
    nudge_y = .5,
    # suppress the line from being drawn
    min.segment.length = 100,
    family = "Lato Medium",
    size = note_size
  ) +
  facet_wrap("parameter", scales = "free_x") +
    breaks = c("95%", "80%", "50%", "median"),
    values = colors
  ) +
  # Some trickery to manually label the percentages because we know
  # they are really small values
    labels = function(xs) {
      if (max(xs, na.rm = TRUE) < .05) {
        scales::percent(xs, accuracy = .1)
      } else if (max(xs, na.rm = TRUE) < 1) {
        scales::percent(xs, accuracy = 1)
      } else {
  ) +
  labs(y = NULL) +
    color = guide_legend(
      title = "Posterior intervals",
      # Customize appearance of four boxes in legend
      override.aes = list(
        # Draw lines in first three, no line in last.
        linetype = c(rep(1, 3), 0),
        #  Draw the point in last one.
        shape = c(rep(NA, 3), 16)
  ) +
  theme_teej(base_size = 16) +
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "bottom",
    legend.justification = "right",
    legend.title = element_text(size = rel(.8)),
    legend.text = element_text(size = rel(.8)),
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA), = unit(0, "pt"),
    legend.background = element_rect(fill = NA)

Created on 2019-06-06 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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