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Last active December 14, 2023 22:06
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bib_glance <- function(sort = TRUE) {
path <- "./notebook/refs.bib"
refs <- bibtex::read.bib(path)
if (sort) {
refs <- refs[sort(names(refs))]
titles <- purrr::map_chr(refs, purrr::pluck, "title") |>
stringr::str_replace_all("\\{|\\}", "") |>
stringr::str_replace_all("\\s\\s+", " ")
preview_width <- unlist(options("width")) - max(nchar(names(refs))) - 3
short_titles <- ifelse(
nchar(titles) > (preview_width - 3),
paste0(substr(titles, 1, (preview_width - 3)), "..."),
tags <- paste0("[@", names(refs), "]")
padded <- stringr::str_pad(tags, max(nchar(tags)), "left")
cli::cli_text("bibliography {.file {path}}:")
print(glue::glue("{padded} {short_titles}"))
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