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Solving the Exercism Diamond problem using Haskell


The diamond kata takes as its input a letter, and outputs it in a diamond shape. Given a letter, it prints a diamond starting with 'A', with the supplied letter at the widest point.


  • The first row contains one 'A'.
  • The last row contains one 'A'.
  • All rows, except the first and last, have exactly two identical letters.
  • All rows have as many trailing spaces as leading spaces. (This might be 0).
  • The diamond is horizontally symmetric.
  • The diamond is vertically symmetric.
  • The diamond has a square shape (width equals height).
  • The letters form a diamond shape.
  • The top half has the letters in ascending order.
  • The bottom half has the letters in descending order.
  • The four corners (containing the spaces) are triangles.


In the following examples, spaces are indicated by · characters.

Diamond for letter 'A':


Diamond for letter 'C':


Diamond for letter 'E':

module Diamond (diamond) where
import Data.Char (isAlpha, toUpper)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
-- Alias for char used when we specifically want a letter of the alphabet
type Letter = Char
-- main function. Accepts a character and (if it's a letter) returns a 'diamond' of letters
diamond :: Char -> Maybe [String]
diamond character | (not . isAlpha) character = Nothing -- fails on non Letter characters
diamond letter =
Just $ missyElliott $ unfoldr (rowMaker letter) letter
-- take the tail of the list and stick it upside down on the head
missyElliott thang = reverse (tail thang) ++ thang
-- accepts a character and (if it's a letter), returns the appropriate row in the diamond
-- we can use currying to use this with unfold
rowMaker :: Letter -> Char -> Maybe (String, Char)
rowMaker _ char | toInt char < 0 = Nothing -- character number less that zero means not alphabetic
rowMaker maxLetter currentLetter =
Just (update initialRow, nextLetter)
nextLetter = toLetter $ toInt currentLetter - 1
rowSize = (2 * toInt maxLetter) + 1
initialRow = replicate rowSize ' '
-- get the positions the character should be inserted at
leftIndex = toInt maxLetter - toInt currentLetter
rightIndex = rowSize - leftIndex - 1
-- replaces the value at position (i) in list xs with new value, (val)
replace i val xs = take i xs ++ val : drop (i + 1) xs
update xs = replace leftIndex currentLetter $ replace rightIndex currentLetter xs
-- convert the letter to a number with 'A' -> 0, 'B' -> 1, 'C' -> 2, etc..
-- based on the fact that uppercase ASCII characters start at 65
toInt :: Letter -> Int
toInt letter = fromEnum (toUpper letter) - 65
toLetter :: Int -> Letter
toLetter num = toEnum $ num + 65
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
import Data.Char (isLetter, isPrint, isSpace)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
import Data.String.Conversions (convertString)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith)
import Test.QuickCheck (arbitraryASCIIChar, conjoin, counterexample,
discard, elements, forAll, forAllShrink, Gen,
Property, suchThat, Testable, (===))
import Diamond (diamond)
main :: IO ()
main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs
specs :: Spec
specs = describe "diamond" $ do
it "should not have a result for a non-alpha character" $
forAllShrink genNonAlphaChar shrinkNonAlphaChar $
isNothing . diamond
it "should produce a value for an alpha character" $
forAll genAlphaChar $ isJust . diamond
it "should have an odd number of rows" $
forAllDiamond $ odd . length
it "should have equal top and bottom" $
forAllDiamond $ \rows ->
let halfRoundDown = length rows `div` 2
in take halfRoundDown rows === take halfRoundDown (reverse rows)
it "should have the same width and height" $
forAllDiamond $ \rows ->
let sameHeightWidth idx row = counterexample
(concat [ "The length of row with index "
, show idx
, " is not equal to the height" ])
(length row === length rows)
in conjoin $ zipWith sameHeightWidth [0 :: Int ..] rows
it "rows should start and end with the same letter" $
forAllDiamond $
let headEqualsLast row = not (null row) && take 1 row `isSuffixOf` row
in (&&) <$> not . null <*> all (headEqualsLast . filter (not . isSpace))
for_ cases test
test Case{..} = it description assertion
assertion = (fmap . fmap) convertString (diamond input) `shouldBe` Just expected
data Case = Case { description :: String
, input :: Char
, expected :: [String]
cases :: [Case]
cases = [ Case { description = "Degenerate case with a single 'A' row"
, input = 'A'
, expected = ["A"]
, Case { description = "Degenerate case with no row containing 3 distinct groups of spaces"
, input = 'B'
, expected = [" A ",
"B B",
" A "]
, Case { description = "Smallest non-degenerate case with odd diamond side length"
, input = 'C'
, expected = [" A ",
" B B ",
"C C",
" B B ",
" A "]
, Case { description = "Smallest non-degenerate case with even diamond side length"
, input = 'D'
, expected = [" A ",
" B B ",
" C C ",
"D D",
" C C ",
" B B ",
" A "]
, Case { description = "Largest possible diamond"
, input = 'Z'
, expected = [
" A ",
" B B ",
" C C ",
" D D ",
" E E ",
" F F ",
" G G ",
" H H ",
" I I ",
" J J ",
" K K ",
" L L ",
" M M ",
" N N ",
" O O ",
" P P ",
" Q Q ",
" R R ",
" S S ",
" T T ",
" U U ",
" V V ",
" W W ",
" X X ",
" Y Y ",
"Z Z",
" Y Y ",
" X X ",
" W W ",
" V V ",
" U U ",
" T T ",
" S S ",
" R R ",
" Q Q ",
" P P ",
" O O ",
" N N ",
" M M ",
" L L ",
" K K ",
" J J ",
" I I ",
" H H ",
" G G ",
" F F ",
" E E ",
" D D ",
" C C ",
" B B ",
" A "]
genNonAlphaChar :: Gen Char
genNonAlphaChar = arbitraryASCIIChar `suchThat` (not . isLetter)
genAlphaChar :: Gen Char
genAlphaChar = elements ['A'..'Z']
genDiamond :: Gen (Maybe [String])
genDiamond = (fmap . fmap . fmap) convertString $ diamond <$> genAlphaChar
forAllDiamond :: Testable prop => ([String] -> prop) -> Property
forAllDiamond p = forAll genDiamond $ maybe discard p
shrinkNonAlphaChar :: Char -> String
shrinkNonAlphaChar c =
if isPrint c
then takeWhile (/= c) printableChars
else printableChars
printableChars = filter isPrint ['\0' .. '\127']
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tkshill commented Apr 28, 2021

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