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Last active November 28, 2019 14:03
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Storybook example file format

Simple API: export Component (for docs) and examples ("renderables")

import React from 'react';

import Component from 'somewhere';

export default Component;

export const variant1 = () => <Component variant="1" />;
export const variant2 = () => <Component variant="2" />;
export const variant3 = () => <Component variant="3" />;

To use in storybook, simply add the examples file to your examples glob

config.examplesGlob = `**/*.examples.js`; // <- this is the default

Note this isn't a real thing yet, but we'll figure some way to avoid using require.context soon.

The above file will be added to your storybook as Component:variant1, Component:variant2 and Component:variant3. (You can have more complex names, see below).

Usage in other tools

A key benefit of a non-storybook specific file format is it becomes simple to reuse your examples in other tools, such as unit tests. For example:


import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';

import { variant1 } from './component.examples';

describe('variant1', () => {
  it('example renders correctly', () => {
    // Now you can do low-level unit tests on the example
    // Or you can do snapshot testing (although storyshots will still make this better)
    const component = renderer.create(variant1());
    let tree = component.toJSON();

Story and chapter parameters / decorators

To add metadata at the example level, add extra properties to the exported function. To do it to the component, export an object rather than the component class.

import React from 'react';
import Component from 'somewhere';

// Parameters or decorators for the component (i.e. all stories):
export default {
  component: Component,
  parameters: { viewports: [320, 1200] },
  decorators: [...],

// Parameters for a single story
export const variant1 = () => <Component variant="1" />;
variant1.parameters = { viewports: [320, 1200] };

We'll also make a super simple library to ensure you don't have to think about it:

import React from 'react';
import Component from 'somewhere';
import example from '@storybook/example';

export default example(Component, {
  parameters: { viewports: [320, 1200] },

export const variant1 = example(() => <Component variant="1" />, {
  parameters: { viewports: [320, 1200] },

FAQ / Rationale

  1. Why not return an object for examples?

We want examples to be consumed as simply as possible. Consider that developers will often be using them directly in tests etc. It is best if it can always be assume an example is a function returning something renderable.

OTOH, the component export (the default export) is more typically used by tooling (e.g. props tables for documentation) and so can be more flexible. Assigning properties on a component class (or equiv in other frameworks) seems dangerous and ugly.

  1. Why mutate the function object?

You don't have to. This works too:

export variant1 = Object.assign(() => <Component />, { parameters: { viewports: ... } });

Our feeling is the mutation syntax is simpler and easier to understand.


By default, the story "chapter" (or "kind") will take the title from the component's displayName (or equiv.), and the story's title will be the name of the example's export.

So the examples above will be called Component:variant1, Component:variant2 and Component:variant3.

We'll add a config flag that automatically prefixes the component's title with the pathname on disk.

Suppose you have:

config.prefixComponentTitlesByPathFrom = 'src/'

Then src/components/Button.examples.js will name its examples like components/Button:variant1, etc.

Alternatively, we'll support title and titlePrefix props on the component, and title on the example:

export default {
  component: Component,
  titlePrefix: 'components',
  // This would be equivalent to
  // title: 'components/Component',

// Parameters for a single story
export const variant1 = () => <Component variant="1" />;
variant1.title = 'Initial variant, I like to use wordy story names';

"props" addons

Addons that are more dynamic like actions and knobs have an opportunity to be refactored to better reflect the new format.


Actions are enabled by default (you can use the actions: { disabled: true } parameter to disable them, although there is no real benefit). To use:

export variant1 = ({ action }) => <Component onSomething={action('onSomething')} />;

We'll provide simple utilities that can be used for other tools:

import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import { jestAction } from '@storybook/addon-actions';

import { variant1 } from './component.examples';

it('calls the callback when you click it', () => {
  const action = jestAction();
  const wrapper = mount(variant1({ action }));



Knobs are similar, conceptually to actions:

export variant1 = Object.extend(
  ({ knobs: { name } }) => <Component name={name.get} onSetName={name.set} />, {
  knobs: {
    name: 'Default Name',

We'll provide simple utilities that can be used for other tools:

import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import { jestKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';

import { variant1 } from './component.examples';

it('calls the callback when you click it', () => {
  const knobs = jestKnobs(variant1);
  const wrapper = mount(variant1({ knobs }));

  const value = 'A different value';
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export default meta({ looks good to me 👍

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