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Created April 30, 2011 09:34
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(load "sample-arm-model.l")
(load "hanoi.l")
(defmethod cascaded-link
(obj &rest args)
(send self :open-hand)
(send* self :solve-ik obj args)
(send self :close-hand obj))
(obj &rest args)
(send* self :solve-ik obj args)
(send self :open-hand)))
(defun decide-arm (from to)
(if (eq to *table-c*)
(if (eq to *table-a*)
(if (eq from *table-c*)
(defun avoid-collision (arm)
(if (eq arm *sarm1*)
(send *sarm1* :place (make-cascoords :pos #f(300 -380 450)) :rotation-axis :z :debug-view :no-message)
(send *sarm2* :place (make-cascoords :pos #f(300 380 450)) :rotation-axis :z :debug-view :no-message)
(defun move-disk (d from to) ;; re-define
(let (pav)
(setq *sarm* (decide-arm from to))
(setq *sarmwait* (if (eq *sarm* *sarm1*) *sarm2* *sarm1*))
(avoid-collision *sarmwait*)
(if (eq from 'ground)
(move-on d (table-top to))
(move-arm d 'pick)
(move-arm (get (table-top to) :top-coords) 'place)))
(setf (get from :disks) (cdr (get from :disks)))
(setf (get to :disks) (cons d (get to :disks)))
(defun move-arm (to pick/place &optional (count 3))
(let ()
(send *sarm* (if (eq pick/place 'pick) :pick :place)
to :rotation-axis :z
(flatten (list (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (< (norm (send x :difference-position to :translation-axis :z)) 50)) *tables*) *sarmwait*))
:stop 500
;; collision free motion generation stucks...
:avoid-collision-distance 200 ;; 200
:avoid-collision-joint-gain 2.0 ;; 1.0
:avoid-collision-null-gain 1.0 ;; 1.0
:debug-view :no-message
(send *sarmwait* :place
(send (send (send (send *sarmwait* :end-coords) :worldcoords ) :copy-coords)
:translate (float-vector (if (eq *sarmwait* *sarm1*) -50 50) 0 0))
:rotation-axis :z
(flatten (list (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (< (norm (send x :difference-position to :translation-axis :z)) 50)) *tables*) *sarm*))
:stop 500
;; collision free motion generation stucks...
:avoid-collision-distance 200 ;; 200
:avoid-collision-joint-gain 2.0 ;; 1.0
:avoid-collision-null-gain 1.0 ;; 1.0
:debug-view :no-message
(if (> count 0)
(move-arm to pick/place (- count 1))
(send *irtviewer* :draw-objects)))
;; sarm sample
(defun hanoi-arm (&optional (discnum 3))
(send *irtviewer* :title "hanoi-arm")
(setq *sarm1* (instance sarmclass :init))
(setq *sarm2* (instance sarmclass :init))
(send *sarm1* :locate #f(0 -100 0))
(send *sarm2* :locate #f(0 100 0))
(send *sarm1* :reset-pose)
(send *sarm2* :reset-pose)
(objects (list *sarm1* *sarm2*))
(send *sarm1* :reset-pose)
(send *sarm2* :reset-pose)
(send *irtviewer* :draw-objects)
;(send *sarm1* :solve-ik (make-cascoords :pos #f(500 0 100))
; :avoid-collision-null-gain 0.0 ;; 1.0
; :rotation-axis t :debug-view nil)
(send *sarm1* :open-hand)
(send *sarm2* :open-hand)
(send *irtviewer* :draw-objects)
(setq *table-a* (hanoi-table :name "table-a" :height 320 :pos #f(300 200 0)))
(setq *table-b* (hanoi-table :name "table-b" :height 350 :pos #f(350 0 0)))
(setq *table-c* (hanoi-table :name "table-b" :height 300 :pos #f(300 -200 0)))
(setq *tables* (list *table-a* *table-b* *table-c*))
(hanoi-init discnum *table-a*)
(setq *disk-1* (car *disks*))
(setq *disk-2* (cadr *disks*))
(setq *disk-3* (caddr *disks*))
(send *sarm1* :reset-pose)
(send *sarm2* :reset-pose)
(objects (flatten (list *tables* *disks* *sarm1* *sarm2*)))
(dolist (action (hanoi-program (length *disks*)))
(print action)
(eval action)
(unix:usleep (* 100 1000))
(unless (boundp '*irtviewer*) (make-irtviewer))
(warn "(hanoi-arm) for arm solving hanoi tower~%")
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