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Created August 13, 2010 15:47
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  • Save toastdriven/523094 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save toastdriven/523094 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Because the last thing you need during the competition is a heartless automaton
breathing down your neck...
* brew install node
* brew install npm
* npm install postgres
* npm install irc
Run it with ``node dashbot.js``.
var author = 'Daniel Lindsley';
var version = [0, 9, 0];
var license = 'BSD';
var irc = require('irc');
var postgres = require('postgres');
var sys = require('sys');
var mainchannel = '#djangodash';
var dbname = 'djangodash';
// We want objects, not arrays.
var conn = postgres.createConnection("host='' dbname="+dbname);
conn.mapTupleItems = true;
var end_date = new Date(2010, 7, 15, 23, 59, 59);
var ann_time;
var client = new irc.Client('', 'DjangoDashBot', {
channels: [mainchannel],
realName: "Django Dash Bot",
function watch_for_commits() {
// sys.log("Checking for new commits...");
var now = new Date();
var query = "SELECT m.commit_username,, c.message, c.revision \
FROM contest_commit AS c, teams_team AS t, teams_teammember AS m \
WHERE c.user_id = \
AND c.team_id = \
AND current_timestamp - c.created < interval '1 minute' \
ORDER BY c.created;";
conn.query(query, function(err, results) {
if(err) {
if(results.length > 0) {
sys.log("Found new commits: "+sys.inspect(results));
for(var commit_offset in results) {
var commit = results[commit_offset];
var response = "COMMIT - "+commit['commit_username']+" ("+commit['name']+") commited "+commit['revision']+' - "'+commit['message']+'".';
try {
client.say(mainchannel, response);
catch(err) {
sys.log("Oops (watch_for_commits).");
setTimeout(watch_for_commits, 1000*60);
// Start the commit watching bits.
function announce_time_left() {
var now = new Date();
var microseconds_left = end_date - now;
if(microseconds_left <= 0) {
if(now.getMinutes() == 0 && now.getSeconds() < 1) {
try {
client.say(mainchannel, time_left());
catch(err) {
sys.log("Oops (announce_time_left).");
ann_time = setTimeout(announce_time_left, 1000*60);
else {
ann_time = setTimeout(announce_time_left, 500);
// Start the announce time bits.
function random_choice(choices) {
return choices[Math.floor(Math.random()*choices.length)];
function time_left() {
var now = new Date();
var microseconds_left = end_date - now;
if(microseconds_left <= 0) {
return "It's OVER!";
var options = [
[1000*60*60*24, "days left"],
[1000*60*60, "hours left"],
[1000*60, "seconds left"],
var choice = options[Math.floor(Math.random()*options.length)];
var converted = (microseconds_left / choice[0]).toFixed(2);
return "Only "+converted+" "+choice[1]+"!";
function direct_mention(from, to, message) {
var cleaned_message = message.replace("DjangoDashBot: ", "").replace("DjangoDashBot:", "").replace("DjangoDashBot", "").toLowerCase();
var random_greetings = [
"What's up?",
"You rang?",
"You're talking to a bot, silly!",
"Where's the @djangopony when I need her?",
"Sorry, no comprende.",
if(cleaned_message == 'help') {
var response = ""+from+": Your options are - 'timeleft': how long is left in the Dash; 'help': this message.";
client.say(to, response);
else if(cleaned_message == 'timeleft') {
var response = ""+from+": "+time_left();
client.say(to, response);
else {
var response = ""+from+": "+random_choice(random_greetings);
client.say(to, response);
function indirect_mention(from, to, message) {
client.say(to, "I'm the DjangoDashBot, bitches!");
client.addListener('message', function(from, to, message) {
sys.log("From: "+from+" - To: "+to+" - Message: "+message);
if(message.indexOf('DjangoDashBot') != -1) {
// Make sure it doesn't respond to itself.
if(from == 'DjangoDashBot') {
sys.log(""+from+" said my name! I'm totally talking back...");
if(message.indexOf('DjangoDashBot') == 0) {
direct_mention(from, to, message);
else {
indirect_mention(from, to, message);
client.addListener('pm', function(from, message) {
client.say(from, "Sorry, I don't do well with private conversations.");
sys.log(""+from+" tried talking with me privately: "+message);
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also sorry -- I want so bad to play with this gist but am physically restraining myself from doing so. damn you for always gisting cool things! :)

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