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Created March 28, 2018 04:06
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Reset PoE if ping fails on SmartFlex - PoE unit
# created by Tomas Blaha - Dureco
# script check camera IP via ping every 30s
# if cannot ping it turn Off/On PoE for this camera only
# it does not cycle PoE on second PoE port
while true
ping -c 1 $CAMERA_PING
if [ $PING = 0 ]; then
# /etc/init.d/ppp stop
echo "Camera online"
logger "Camera online"
echo "Camera offline"
logger "Camera offline"
echo "Switching Off POE-0"
logger "Switching Off POE-0"
# change POE ETH0 to disabled
sed -e "s/\(ETH_POE_PSE=\).*/\10/" -i /etc/settings.eth
service eth restart
sleep 3
echo "Switching On POE-0"
logger "Switching On POE-0"
# change POE ETH0 to enabled
sed -e "s/\(ETH_POE_PSE=\).*/\11/" -i /etc/settings.eth
service eth restart
sleep 30
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