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"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": "Manifest",
"label": { "en": [ "I am 3D" ] },
"behavior": [ "some", "new", "behaviors", "probably" ],
"items": [
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": "Manifest",
"label": { "en": [ "I am 3D" ] },
// all your favourite IIIF props are exactly the same
"behavior": [ "some", "new", "behaviors", "probably" ],
tomcrane /
Created October 15, 2019 17:17
StorageMap efficiency

(the answer to this might be completely different for DDS on AWS - e.g., a massive location-resolving key-value store.)

Given a relative file path in a METS file (e.g., a JP2 or ALTO file), the DDS needs to resolve the S3 location of that file.

The simple way to do this is load the storage manifest, find the entry corresponding to the path in METS, and deduce the S3 URI. But that would be very inefficient.

So the DDS caches a StorageMap for each storage manifest, which is this object, serialised:

tomcrane / sorty-presley-omeka.txt
Created October 10, 2019 15:33
Sequence: Sorty, Presley and Omeka
title Sorty, Presley and Omeka
participant User
participant Sorty
participant Presley
participant Omeka
note over User, Sorty
Sorty instance is configured with module for selecting
appropiate source manifests for the project. In IDA case,
a module that pulls in the list of prepared reels.
end note
tomcrane /
Created March 21, 2019 14:10
Mosaics content

As an editor, you have been given the task of making the slideshow seen here:

The materials you have been given to work with are a list of IIIF Image API endpoints. The thumbnails below are not to be used, they are just to be able to see which image is which. The only data to use is the Image Service URL.

It's a better test of the tools if you type at least some of the text by hand, creating links and styling where appropriate. However, there is quite a lot of text, so you could also copy and paste bits from the manifest directly. However, you should treat this text as if it were in a document given to you by a content editor.

tomcrane /
Last active September 7, 2018 10:18
Harvesting illustrations with nearby text

Many Wellcome works are printed books with illustrations, figures, tables and so on that are identified by OCR during digitisation.

Many of those will have text nearby, that is likely to be a caption that describes the image.

The IIIF representation offers a quick way of getting pixels for the region of the page occupied by the image, and could be a way of finding nearby text.


Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tomcrane on github.
  • I am tomcrane ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is B254 DAA7 0D2A 9B8C 7697 4158 05D4 84F2 921F F0E8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

tomcrane /
Last active March 11, 2019 10:33
Universal Viewer Discussion Documents