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Created August 14, 2014 18:49
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-- Homework #2 - Graph
-- ===================
-- Info:
-- Author: Tomáš Pažourek
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set, fromList, toList, insert, member, delete, size, fold)
import Data.List (sort, find)
newtype Vertex = Vertex Int deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
data Link = Link { edge :: (Vertex, Vertex)
, weight :: Double
} deriving (Show, Read)
instance Eq Link where
(==) = (==) `on` edge
instance Ord Link where
compare = compare `on` edge
type Graph = (Set Vertex, Set Link)
graph :: Graph
graph = (fromList [], fromList [])
addVertex :: Vertex -> Graph -> Graph
addVertex v (vs, ls) = (insert v vs, ls)
addLink :: (Vertex, Vertex) -> Double -> Graph -> Graph
addLink e@(v1, v2) w (vs, ls) = addVertex v1 $ addVertex v2 $ (vs, insert (Link e w) ls)
deleteVertex :: Vertex -> Graph -> Graph
deleteVertex v (vs, ls)
| v `member` vs = (delete v vs, Set.filter (\l -> fst (edge l) /= v && snd (edge l) /= v) ls)
| otherwise = error "There is no such vertex in the graph."
deleteLink :: (Vertex, Vertex) -> Graph -> Graph
deleteLink e (vs, ls)
| e `member` ( edge ls) = (vs, Set.filter ((e /=).edge) ls)
| otherwise = error "There is no such edge in the graph."
findVertex :: Vertex -> Graph -> Set Link
findVertex v (_, ls) = Set.filter (\l -> fst (edge l) == v || snd (edge l) == v) ls
linkCount :: Graph -> Int
linkCount (_, ls) = size ls
totalWeight :: Graph -> Double
totalWeight (_, ls) = fold (+) 0 ( weight ls)
averageWeight :: Graph -> Double
averageWeight g@(_, ls)
| Set.null ls = error "The graph doesn't contain any edges."
| otherwise = totalWeight(g) / fromIntegral(linkCount(g))
medianWeight :: Graph -> Double
medianWeight (_, ls)
| Set.null ls = error "The graph doesn't contain any edges."
| even (length ws) = (/2) $ ws !! (mid ws - 1) + ws !! (mid ws + 1)
| odd (length ws) = ws !! (mid ws)
where ws = sort $ map weight $ toList ls
mid s = length s `div` 2
-- Vertex with a distance from sth.
data Vertex' = Vertex' { vertex :: Vertex
, distance :: Double
} deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq)
type DistanceGraph = (Set Vertex', Set Link)
-- Bellman-Ford algorithm
shortestPath :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Graph -> Double
shortestPath a b g@(vs, _) = distance
$ findVertex' b
$ (\dgs -> if dgs !! (size vs) /= dgs !! (size vs - 1)
then error "The graph contains negative cycle."
else dgs !! (size vs - 1))
$ iterate relaxAllEdges
$ toDistanceGraph g
toDistanceGraph :: Graph -> DistanceGraph
toDistanceGraph g = ( ( \v -> Vertex'{ vertex = v
, distance = if v == a then 0 else 1/0
} ) (fst g), snd g)
-- finds Vertex' matching to Vertex in DistanceGraph
findVertex' :: Vertex -> DistanceGraph -> Vertex'
findVertex' v (vs', _) = case find (\v' -> v == vertex v') . toList $ vs' of
Just v' -> v'
Nothing -> error "The graph doesn't contain the vertex."
relaxEdge :: Link -> DistanceGraph -> DistanceGraph
relaxEdge l dg@(vs', ls)
| l `member` ls = ( (\v' -> if v' == y && (distance y > distance x + weight l)
then Vertex' { vertex = vertex v'
, distance = distance x + weight l }
else v') vs', ls)
| otherwise = error "The graph doesn't contain the relaxed edge."
where { x = findVertex' (fst.edge $ l) dg; y = findVertex' (snd.edge $ l) dg }
relaxAllEdges :: DistanceGraph -> DistanceGraph
relaxAllEdges dg@(_, ls) = foldr relaxEdge dg $ toList ls
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