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Forked from kaspermeerts/
Created August 8, 2023 02:35
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import collections
import math
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time
MAX_LINES = 4000
N_PINS = 36*8
MIN_LOOP = 20 # To avoid getting stuck in a loop
MIN_DISTANCE = 20 # To avoid very short lines
LINE_WEIGHT = 15 # Tweakable parameter
FILENAME = "leki-lig.jpg"
SCALE = 25 # For making a very high resolution render, to attempt to accurately gauge how thick the thread must be
HOOP_DIAMETER = 0.625 # To calculate total thread length
tic = time.perf_counter()
img = cv2.imread(FILENAME, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Didn't bother to make it work for non-square images
assert img.shape[0] == img.shape[1]
length = img.shape[0]
def disp(image):
cv2.imshow('image', image)
# Cut away everything around a central circle
X,Y = np.ogrid[0:length, 0:length]
circlemask = (X - length/2) ** 2 + (Y - length/2) ** 2 > length/2 * length/2
img[circlemask] = 0xFF
pin_coords = []
center = length / 2
radius = length / 2 - 1/2
# Precalculate the coordinates of every pin
for i in range(N_PINS):
angle = 2 * math.pi * i / N_PINS
pin_coords.append((math.floor(center + radius * math.cos(angle)),
math.floor(center + radius * math.sin(angle))))
line_cache_y = [None] * N_PINS * N_PINS
line_cache_x = [None] * N_PINS * N_PINS
line_cache_weight = [1] * N_PINS * N_PINS # Turned out to be unnecessary, unused
line_cache_length = [0] * N_PINS * N_PINS
print("Precalculating all lines... ", end='', flush=True)
for a in range(N_PINS):
for b in range(a + MIN_DISTANCE, N_PINS):
x0 = pin_coords[a][0]
y0 = pin_coords[a][1]
x1 = pin_coords[b][0]
y1 = pin_coords[b][1]
d = int(math.sqrt((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0)*(y1 - y0)))
#d = max(abs(y1-y0), abs(x1-x0)) inf-norm
# A proper (slower) Bresenham does not give any better result *shrug*
xs = np.linspace(x0, x1, d, dtype=int)
ys = np.linspace(y0, y1, d, dtype=int)
line_cache_y[b*N_PINS + a] = ys
line_cache_y[a*N_PINS + b] = ys
line_cache_x[b*N_PINS + a] = xs
line_cache_x[a*N_PINS + b] = xs
line_cache_length[b*N_PINS + a] = d
line_cache_length[a*N_PINS + b] = d
error = np.ones(img.shape) * 0xFF - img.copy()
img_result = np.ones(img.shape) * 0xFF
lse_buffer = np.ones(img.shape) * 0xFF # Used in the unused LSE algorithm
result = np.ones((img.shape[0] * SCALE, img.shape[1] * SCALE), np.uint8) * 0xFF
line_mask = np.zeros(img.shape, np.float64) # XXX
line_sequence = []
pin = 0
thread_length = 0
last_pins = collections.deque(maxlen = MIN_LOOP)
for l in range(MAX_LINES):
if l % 100 == 0:
print("%d " % l, end='', flush=True)
img_result = cv2.resize(result, img.shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
# Some trickery to fast calculate the absolute difference, to estimate the error per pixel
diff = img_result - img
mul = np.uint8(img_result < img) * 254 + 1
absdiff = diff * mul
print(absdiff.sum() / (length * length))
max_err = -math.inf
best_pin = -1
# Find the line which will lower the error the most
for offset in range(MIN_DISTANCE, N_PINS - MIN_DISTANCE):
test_pin = (pin + offset) % N_PINS
if test_pin in last_pins:
xs = line_cache_x[test_pin * N_PINS + pin]
ys = line_cache_y[test_pin * N_PINS + pin]
# Simple
# Error defined as the sum of the brightness of each pixel in the original
# The idea being that a wire can only darken pixels in the result
line_err = np.sum(error[ys,xs]) * line_cache_weight[test_pin*N_PINS + pin]
# LSE Unused
goal_pixels = img[ys, xs]
old_pixels = lse_buffer[ys, xs]
new_pixels = np.clip(old_pixels - LINE_WEIGHT * line_cache_weight[test_pin*N_PINS + pin], 0, 255)
line_err = np.sum((old_pixels - goal_pixels) ** 2) - np.sum((new_pixels - goal_pixels) ** 2)
if line_err > max_err:
max_err = line_err
best_pin = test_pin
xs = line_cache_x[best_pin * N_PINS + pin]
ys = line_cache_y[best_pin * N_PINS + pin]
weight = LINE_WEIGHT * line_cache_weight[best_pin*N_PINS + pin]
old_pixels = lse_buffer[ys, xs]
new_pixels = np.clip(old_pixels - weight, 0, 255)
lse_buffer[ys, xs] = new_pixels
# Subtract the line from the error
line_mask[ys, xs] = weight
error = error - line_mask
error.clip(0, 255)
# Draw the line in the result
(pin_coords[pin][0] * SCALE, pin_coords[pin][1] * SCALE),
(pin_coords[best_pin][0] * SCALE, pin_coords[best_pin][1] * SCALE),
color=0, thickness=4, lineType=8)
x0 = pin_coords[pin][0]
y0 = pin_coords[pin][1]
x1 = pin_coords[best_pin][0]
y1 = pin_coords[best_pin][1]
# Calculate physical distance
dist = math.sqrt((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0)*(y1 - y0))
thread_length += HOOP_DIAMETER / length * dist
pin = best_pin
img_result = cv2.resize(result, img.shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
diff = img_result - img
mul = np.uint8(img_result < img) * 254 + 1
absdiff = diff * mul
print(absdiff.sum() / (length * length))
toc = time.perf_counter()
print("%.1f seconds" % (toc - tic))
cv2.imwrite(os.path.splitext(FILENAME)[0] + "-out.png", result)
with open(os.path.splitext(FILENAME)[0] + ".json", "w") as f:
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